Jesus was a proud POLISH man who was killed when he traveled to the middle east.
Jesus was a proud POLISH man who was killed when he traveled to the middle east
And then he visited Utah to spread the Word.
poles arent even human tho, so thats blasphemy
I never heard of the Jesus scrubbing toilets parable.
Jesus was a jewish comic book hero.
That would explain how he got lost in a desert for forty days.
What is Celtic Judea
I thought he was Italian.
Incredibly stupid?
Actually, Jesus was Guatemalan.
user is a proud leaf on it's way to the burn pile.
I can tell you exactly why Jesus is and will always be the most important person in all human history. It's because he gave the world exactly what it wanted: The power to abuse a superior. Nothing gets them off and keeps than talking harder than that.
All they that hate me love death
Fedorafags btfo
we are not mere human. we are UBERMENSCH
Heh? That’s not what my parents taught me.
>Slaves, Obey Your Masters 1 Peter 2:18–20
Jesus is up in heaven having a nice boat ride with Noah and Moses.
They are talking about all the things they did in earth.
Jesus says to Moses
"You were pretty cool down their, think you still got it?"
" i don't know, let's see"
Moses stands raises his hands and the water under them parts, they settle on the bottom and Moses closes his hands and they float back up.
"Wow!" Says jesus. " that was pretty cool, how about you noah? "
"I built this boat" "Oh Yeah, right. Thanks, good job"
"What about you jesus? You think you still got it?" Asks Moses.
" i don't know, let me try"
Jesus stands, kicks off his sandles and steps off the boat.
IMIEDIETLY sinking to the bottom.
Moses and Noah help drag him back on the boat.
Jesus sputtering and coughing is asked by Moses
"What happened?!"
" i forgot about the holes"
Based and redpilled! All hail Jezus Chrystus, eternal king of Poland!
Exactly. Fap your mutilated rape wound and enjoy it.
Polish Catholic.
This is what poolax actually believe.
This is silly.
Jesus Christ kek
>Jesus was a proud POLISH man who was killed when he traveled to the middle east.
The fuck you're smoking, leaf?
Yes, he is.
I don't get it.
the punctures through his feet broke the water proof coating.
Makes no sense to be either, you'd think he'd be able to tread water and not sink like a nigger. Pretty sure its canon that jesus knew how to swim.
>what is a joke
You German?
jesus was a muffin
The Polish are Israelites.
proofs? where are the proofs?
Jesus is up on th cross..suffering in pain.
Pleading up to heaven he says.
"God, truly if you are my father. Remove these nails from my hands"
Falling forward Jesus shouts "THE FEET THE FEET!"
That one is more fun to pantomime.
That's bullshit, why would a Polish man travel to that shithole?
Prove he isn't.
Pagan re-enactors and triumph of the will queerbates must die says the catcher in the rye
to whip the merchants
All of the bible
"People are gonna say you are stupid for not believing this."
" No, They are stupid"
Watertight that is.
>implying this isn't true
Yeshua = Jesus
Of course, he was Polish, he originally came from the region of Silesia. What is so fucking hard to understand. Memeflags are so fucking slow, I swear.
Slavic is the true and only language of the LORD.