I'm scared that I'm going to fuck this up. I actually met a girl in class that I have a lot in common with. We went to a bar last week, and it went great. It felt so natural and comfortable.
The thing is, I don't know what to do next. I feel like if we just 'hang out' again, it will go nowhere.
I know I have to physically escalate to avoid the friendzone.
Please help me, this is the first girl I've met that I feel like I HAVE to be together with.
I'm scared that I'm going to fuck this up. I actually met a girl in class that I have a lot in common with...
I know that feel user. Just don't repeat my mistake and write her on social media after getting wasted
Did you actually get anywhere with her, or did you mess it up before it even started?
She might feel similarly. You never know.
I'm gonna plead the fifth and just let you ride this one out for experience user. It'll be good for you just be genuine.
user, if she went out with you and you didn't feel like she was bored, but it was natural and comfortable instead, she's probably into you. If you get to hang out again she needs to give you clues that you can go in if we're correct.
Don't worry about it going nowhere. When you get physical people open up even more
Do you guys think I should say anything verbally to show my interest.
Something benign like "I really like talking to you"?
pleading the fifth.
Well, yes, just do it in the correct moment. We all talk about getting hints but we need to do that too right?
Just a tip user, don't just say that to people like this girl, this is the kind of stuff everyone you like should listen too. Appreciate people and make an habit of complimenting them from time to time so you don't feel as weird as you do now
Tell her you liked hanging out with her and ask her on a straight up date. Don't fuck around with it
Good point mate
But what differentiates it as a 'date'.
Can't it just be 'hanging out' but escalating it and making sure that it's not just 'friendly'.
That you establish it as a date, which means there's an agreement between you two from the start that you might be more than friends soon. If you just ask her to "hang out" there's more chance for miscommunication
Well, I massaged her ass, but thats it
haha good lad
Just fucking go for it mate, what the fuck
I'm in a smiliar situation here, I'm afraid to use the D word but I just asked someone I met on tinder to hang out for the second time. See, I'm also not sure if I like her enough for it but she seems cool. Maybe the third time we can call it that?
I know what you mean.
But my problem is that when I do that, it has a greater chance of freaking them out.
I feel like I can be more charismatic and 'smoother' if I start more neutral and then build the romantic feelings instead of just dropping it instantly by saying 'date'or something.
Maybe I'm just a pussyboy
Hey man you only live once
Do something romantic & unexpected. Girls love that shit
I'm meeting up with her again this week
Pray for me boys
good lad good lad!!!! one on one meetings are the best, best of luck to ye! :D
Gl boy
I'm in a similar situation and all I can tell you is to just let go and have fun. If you do have fun with her then it's good because it means she really is the person for you and you shouldn't be anxious about anything.
On the other hand, if you don't have fun then maybe you weren't meant to be together and you should just let it go instead of trying to push this into some weird artificial relation.
Basically - just go there, meet with her, ask her about her day and let it run from there. I'm sure that if the first meeting was fine, the next one will also be.
Thanks guys
Good advice, I'll keep it in mind