Cis good idea?

I am really enjoying this degree so far, (computer information systems)
I'm going to have around 20k debt, when it's all said and done.

How are the job prospects, and do you guys think it's a good degree?

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You should never go to college for employment. It's to learn and improve yourself.

Now that your vacation is over you'll have to adapt to the market with what you got.

No cis gendered people are never a good idea

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What are you doing for work?
Do you have a degree?

I'm a Financial Advisor/ Broker

You don't need a degree. Just like a trade you just got to get the appropriate licensing.

But do you have a degree?

I dropped out

Gotcha, what licences do you have?

Life Insurance to sell that
Securities to sell Investments.

Opinion on uceqx?

I deal mostly with Mutual Funds for clients as that is safe and low risk. Stocks I can do, but pic related.

I know I sound a bit like an ass, but with this stuff there is a line you can go up to, but can't cross without breaking the law.

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I have only 1,500 in it. It seems to be a decent mutual fund.

I like mutual funds, because you don't have all your eggs in one basket.

You're 10 steps ahead everyone else if you know about them.

I dabble here and there, it's like Jack-of-all-trades-master-of-one, sort of deal. I find stocks fascinating, I could never make a living off of it, unless I got a huge chunk of cash.

What made me interested was when I got stock in JCP, when I worked there. On breaks i would just hop on yahoo and look at it. I hated working there, so I was hoping to see it fall and collapse when I was there. Now after the fact I'm gone, it's at 1.80.

What got you into trading?

Huge chunks of cash

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Here's a little tip: While you can't do this professionally legally you can do it for friends and family under the table for a nice little fee no problem.

Appreciate it.
I don't think i could trust myself with other people's savings though.
What do you do if they lose a small bit of there savings? Sure with mutual funds, that really isn't going to happen, but in a "what if" scenario?

You're business is your rep. So your rep goes down. They trusted you and it didn't work out.

If it's a bad scenario then move it to another stock or an annuity.

I can see myself advising with computers and information technology.

Turn your knowledge into bills. I don't know anything about that field so you know more then me on how to turn that into a business.

Like advising what systems for businesses to use, setting them up.

Yeah, I feel like having a cis degree will have power behind it. Also at my uni, tons of businesses higher cis majors. Like hp, engineering firms and the like.

That's a business right there.