Modern Isolation

How come so many people today are isolated, lonely and friendless?

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Because divorce.


>why I am I isolated, lonely and friendless?
Fixed that for you.

I admit all those apply to me, but why is there so much news about a "loneliness epidemic" and people in general feeling more isolated and alone?


A mother alone in the world makes for an awful parent. She should remain with her husband until death.

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Don't worry, we are your frens user.
To answer your question, i think a lot of young people spend too much time on the internet and end up having difficulties interacting with people irl.

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Most adults get married and then live in an extreme of working, being on a to-do list, all while losing friends and hobbies. People wake up wondering where the fuck their lives went, and their partners use the lack-of to fuel resentment.

People who don't get married end up becoming alone because everyone around them gets married and falls off the earth. At that point it's either befriend 20-somethings who you likely have no common ground with, or you fall into the same life trap because you can't figure out an alternative.

A side effect of people becoming too shitty to interact with.

This is actually a good answer. Here’s what happens to millions of fathers:

1. Father meets woman.
2. Woman promises to make and raise a family
3. Father agrees and commits 100%. All in, no turning back
4. Woman has baby
5. Father is focused and determined for son/daighter
6. Woman divorces
7. Family court destroys father’s financial future, limits contact with son/daughter, takes away his home, woman lies and court believes everything
8. Woman uses child to emotionally torment father
9. Father is so disenfranchised he withdraws socially, stays up late at night worrying about son/daughter.
10. Lawyers prey on father, giving false hope only to be crushed repeatedly.
11. Depression ensues
12. Father sees children grow up in a single family home, children develop issues, woman fucks random guys
13. Father can’t do anything or the court system puts him in jail

>greater than 50% of marriages end in divorce
>66% of women initiate divorce
>80% of custody is awarded to women

Women are not only destroying society, they’re destroying the sanity of good men who want only to raise their children and provide

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Overpopulation. Imagine 20 'friends' socializing with one another as a group, Almost always youll find that people are talking over one another, shouting to be heard, and the overall depth of the conversation will be much shallower.

Now compare that scenario 3 people instead of 20, all opposites will apply. In my opinion it's the people who actually can interface with others without a lens of bullshit encompassing every interaction are the people who are most prone to the outcome you suggest.

I was just thinking about how we're increasingly surrounded by more and more people, yet everyone feels alone

I hate people. I prefer being alone.

I’ve found that most people in my area are in such a pursuit to make money that they don’t talk to people except for financial or political gain. Their free time is spent with their girlfriends.

Because every freethinking cyborg is surrounded by a sea of mindless NPCs in their day-to-day lives, while being abhorred by other cyborgs on the internet

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Because all the world now imagines it is socially appropriate to swipe left or right to choose the people you wish to interact with.

Thots are paving the way for sex bots and they don't even realize.

I hate people I don't like being around them

It's a combination of things, social engineering no doubt being one of the contributing factors. But i'm as clueless any anyone.

Also a general good looking "incel", and loner here.


I agree with memeflag her.

gotta be alpha dude & redpill them with your dick

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Because fuck you that's why

Its called Darwinism
Youd feel more fullfilled slaving for a bowl of rice a day?
Fucking idiots

Part of the problem is a lack of cultural and ethnic homogeneity. Decreased societal cohesion + masses of foreigners + lack of purpose + overall regression of quality in the average person + decreased economic opportunity + etc.

Hmm this was eye opening, I agree

The realization that every social contact is really some lame social hierarchy competition and I don't feel like competing in your fucking games. People don't actually know how to listen. They just talk AT YOU with their pre-written scripts. You're just there to nod your head and exclaim how interesting what ever drivel is that spews out of their vapid mouths.

I blame my parents for not socialising me properly

>1. Father meets woman.
>2. Woman promises to make and raise a family
>3. Father agrees and commits 100%. All in, no turning back
>4. Woman has baby
>5. Father is focused and determined for son/daighter
>6. Woman divorces
>7. Family court destroys father’s financial future, limits contact with son/daughter, takes away his home, woman lies and court believes everything
>8. Woman uses child to emotionally torment father

This is what my brothers cunt ex did to him. He had a kid, loved him to death and moved jobs (mining, so instead of FIFO he worked closer so he could be home every day) she didn't like that because he had to take a little pay cut (still earned a heap of money). She set him up and he admittadly fucked up and pulled her hair, which she turned into "he beat me and punched and kicked me". Cops called her out on her bullshit but the hairpulling got him in shit. Had a restraining order for a year, got excited to see his son after a year and then she takes it back to court and says "in the last year he has made no effort to see his son" and they bought it. She also constantly puts in child support papers trying to get more out of him the moment she hears he earns more. Shes an unrelenting cunt who made my brother out to be a deadbeat. It backfired socially because everyone knows he isn't and now essentially everyone bar 2 or 3 people between her age and my brother that know her hates her. The courts believed her though and my brother hasn't seen his son for 3 years and he it still fighting it in court where he has to pay thousands per hearing and she gets it essentially for free. She also claims to be a single parent even though she lives with a literal suicidal junkie and works for him so she brings in 2 incomes by committing fraud but the courts won't even investigate that shit.

I am hands down never having a kid with a woman unless I can tell, beyond a shadow of a doubt, she isn't a fickle, heartless cunt

Because anime isn't real

Why do you think that is?

What opportunities do you have in your day-to-day life to form friendships etc?


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>How come so many people today are isolated, lonely and friendless?

monarch trauma based mind control, and containment for GATE students.

It's the natural state one gravitates to when one person after another in which they'd put their trust & loyalty proves themselves worthy of neither.

Divorce, anons definition: Divorce is every woman's favorite tool for destroying a mans life, she can take everything, the kids, furniture, money, basically everything. If happen to get divorced you better hope to god you win.

FPBP. No fault divorce laws may have been the most damaging attack to western civilization.

Isolation is the ultimate redpill. Your “friends” and family are social police programmed by the state run media to prevent you from thinking freely. Once you cut all of the external chatter off, you truly begin to explore and understand the world for what it is, and inevitably you kneel before Christ.

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very good question i find myself in this exact situation.

I'm not lonely.
Most people nowadays are fucking on their phones constantly and obsessed with social media.
I had the first conversation in my months with my co-workers recently. It was about Bird Box, they fucking loved it, no surprise there.


>Once you cut all of the external chatter off, you truly begin to explore and understand the world for what it is,
But you also get to discover who you really are without any outside influence.

>Eventually you get so lonely in your isolation you start seeking out like minded headmates

Conservacommunists putting the free market over the family.

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Ultimate effect of capitalism
>in b4 muh commie etc

Century of the self - work for own self goals only - no altruism at all - sell products to these people - breeds depression - new tech heightens everything -
Balance. We have none. All roads lead to dystopia.

yeah, at this point in my life, i'm pretty much a misanthrope.

Could have been way different had i made different life choices.

I don't know if it's a lack of pride but being on a holiday to see family in leaf has made me realise how much social interaction (even with distant family) is about competing in an arbitrary social hierarchy. Doesn't help either that I come from a family that I wouldn't say talks down about me, however doesn't prop me up to be some sort of god while everyone else's parents talks about how great their children are even if they are low IQ npcs with no future. Also the pre-written scripts... Cunts really like to talk about shit they know nothing about especially over here with Trump and US politics, it's all so tiresome.

user, I...

>Parental alienation is a lie.

it is the parents job, not the child's nor the state's to ensure access to their children.

In my day to day, none anymore. I would have to make those opportunities.

This thread made me reflect, and I realize how I fucked myself socially when I was in High School. Overbearing mother too, and my circle of friends was totally lame, but ultimately it was my fault. Its easy to speak because hind sight is 20/20.

Could have had it a lot better had i asserted myself then; but being a "poor immigrant" mentality put me a the bottom of the pecking order, and fucked me over for the next ten years of my life. Just now getting a bit better; but so bitter, and I don't really like people anymore.

>20 somethings you have nothing on common with
I thought Jow Forums was all millenial zoomers?

>overall regression of quality in the average person
>decreased economic opportunity

Those two do it for me.

Because they are useless fags with silver spoon up their ass.

it's a symptom of postmodernism and moral relativism.

Yeah, that too. I can for sure relate to that.

Passed a certain age, people are just too damaged. They either isolate themselves, or fall for the whole New Age Love meme.

Do I have to post all articles about leftshits waffling about the dismantling the nuclear family, you fucking discord tranny?

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Nah, I dunno, dude.
I bet I'd be as depressed and nihilistic as I am right now (funny how well I'm usually able to hide it) even without all the diversity and "liberalism" around me.
This might sound like some edgy leftist teenager bullshit but I've been pretty fucking antagonized by society.

>competing in an arbitrary social hierarchy

pecking order.

This book made me aware of the "animal" nature of our social order.

I think its pathetic and sad to be this way; but majority rules.

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Prove it.
Prove it's more than before.
Prove it matters.
Prove you're not just looking to be important and dominate someone else's life instead of living your own?

So...youre going to marry an Asian woman?

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You really wanna know?

>changes in parenting
Short answer is: too much freedom and too little direction.
Long answer: The soldiers are only as effective as their leader. Our parents were raised according to certain values, but they were lost on most of them. They said fuck it, threw caution into the wind and allowed market forces to dictate their lives and priorities, not understanding that (((it))) has its own agenda which is pretty much diametrically opposite to theirs. Make no mistake about this: our parents' generation is at fault here. They allowed themselves to be lulled into soulless consumerism and life of nihilistic hedonism by (((them))). Not only that, but instead of passing on what they were taught as children, they passed on what (((they))) had taught them - nihilistic hedonism.

The end result is painfully predictable: people raised by narcissistic navel-gazing parents who only value their own personal time, status and every little consumerist whim they get from (((MSM))) aren't going to have any idea how to live and behave with other people, let alone form meaningful relationships. Since it's all about YOU and YOUR instant gratification and personal glorification, everything's a race. You want to show off what you have and envy everyone who's doing better than you.

Not only that, but things like honor, duty and responsibilities aren't a thing. So what if you're a late twenty-something, you don't have a job, education or prospects? YOLO MOTHERFUCKERS, it's all about living up today, right? That's why we have credit cards. Nobody's enforcing any standards because the parents are too busy showing off or chatting up that old classmate on social media they met at a reunion.

So let's recap: we have now at least two whole generations of people who've been raised into mindless consumerism, hedonism and instant pleasure without any values, life goals or direction on how to live a proper life. Add shitty economy and there you have it.

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I've been alone for 3 year now in my outskirt summer house
I never leave home and i live in a constant chemically induced bliss.
I've tapped out of society.

Take the normal people out of the digital entertainment, technology and all that, this environment creates excitement that is no longer compared to a normal environment of only people interactions and real world stuff. The brain gets used to this kind of level of "excitement" and the real world no longer compete, it becomes very dull.

Best thing, try to be one week with no phone, pc , tv and live in the "real" world as much as possible and see for yourself... it's a cycle than, you start to heal, and become more engaged with the world, and it becomes more rewarding and you feel better in it as you

But lol at all this noone cares Buhauhauha they are all too burned out to even have tolerance to slow content, such as a conversation or a serious and meaningful post or whatever

>Short answer is: too much freedom and too little direction
There it is, trying to improve self by dominating someone else.
Classic "I really care..."

>implying 99% of Jow Forums could manage to get married in the first place

i hope she gets brutally mauled to death by a pack of dingos.

>things like honor, duty and responsibilities aren't a thing
Prove it.
Prove that it's less than it was before.
Prove you're not just looking to be important and dominate someone else's life instead of living your own?

I read that filename as "germanic human" for a second and got really sad.

Jews have corrupted society so much is not even worth participating in. In fact one should actively contribute to its collapse.

Divorce her before she divorces you.

I cant belive i fell for this meme book. /lit/ and Jow Forums were all up on its dick. Maybe it helps autist, but reading it made me realize that my social skill set is pretty alright. It reaffirmed my belief that its actually society and the population in general that's fucked.

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Why would you even stop to read it, lad?

Everyone is demoralized.
>niggers everywhere on TV
>white people always the badguy
>music is a cesspool of decadence and filth
>bitches are emotionally bankrupt and are total sluts that don't look at men under 6'
>its open season on whites, they're the badguy in the public's eye.
>niggers, spics, gooks and all undesirables are too mouthy and only identify with their race.
Doesn't help that even the slightest off color joke will make people want to dox you and talk shit behind your back. Everyone is a little faggot now.

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Dont do this, youll lose.

Have you seen the size of wymxn first world these days, absolute units. I fucked a girls fat rolls once, but i couldn't do it everyday.

Overpopulation rat experiments. The more the population grew the less social the rats became. What is the point of building relationships when there is an incredibly low likelihood of interacting with him/her again.

Cont'd. So how are you going to have friends when you've been taught everything's about you and that you should constantly compare yourself to everyone else and how they're doing? Not to mention you weren't given any real directive to begin with on what to do with your life. Go out and be a good goy? That's not really helpful or fulfilling. So you feel lost and alone in a world too full of possibilities, the economy's gone to shit and the market forces are demanding you be this and you be that, and you can't deal because you don't know what the fuck you're doing. You can't make friends because what the fuck are friends but competition, and they're as lost and frustrated as you are. You don't and can't share anything our generations weren't really raised to have any values or thoughts of our own.

It's a shit show out there.

Then as soon as a white man chops off his dick and calls himself M'am everyone cheers and sponsers his self mutilation

the INTP and INTJ are the next stages of human evolution, "friends" are for children women homosexual get a dog or cat or a family

Are we the beautiful ones, user?

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What are you on about?
>Prove it.
Prove that young people have more freedom and a lot less direction in life than before? I'd say that's self-evident.

sounds about right to me.

also true.

>they’re destroying the sanity of good men

too true. If you destroy a man, then you're denying another woman the opportunity to exploit him, thus securing your own dominance in the social hierarchy.

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If its a cat make sure hes white and angry

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We care about our own narcissism too much to be able to make a connection with others. Kind of a modern paradox when you think about it. True friendship is something that doesn't really exist anymore.

state isolates us from each other. Also family unit crisis and rejection of religion

Being a masculine white male is demonized so heavily, you could try being a normy, posting your own shit on your personal instagram/twitter and niggers or libby (((whites))) will come at you to shit on you and publicly shame you by showing you off to their peers. All the while these faggots get applauded like they just exposed some great evil.
So to not offend anyone, white males sissify themselves and to belong to an oppressed group to get a say in society, they cut off their dicks.

>I don't feel like competing in your fucking games. People don't actually know how to listen.

i can relate to that.

Then when a woman chops off her tits they all showup to tell her she should be happy with herself and that its white mens fault that she hates her tits.

We are.
>women develop incredibly inflated ego from social media
>men approach them nonstop
>all women chase top 10% of men, aka chads, via tinder, twitter, instagram, snapchat
>bottom males get jack shit
>bottom males get so demoralized they isolate themselves and game, speedrun, do whatever hobbies and barely any physical activity/confrontation
>bottom males eventually end up wanting to socialize and fuck no matter the cost so they sissify themselves to fuck amongst each other and approach the chads as well.

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The beautiful ones act similarly to MtF with MtF gay couples that dress up as girls and watch anime together.

Both were in favor of it is my point.

It explains this and also the inhumane behavior you can see the Chinese and other overpopulated places of the world.

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I have some of that too, but it's far from the only reason why.

It happens to a lot of dudes. Although sometimes the woman doens't give two shits about the child. I hear the version where the man gets fuck, but i also hear about the nicer scenario where they just abandon the kid on the father. I wouldn't mind that latter kind. There's some honesty to it.

right *rolls eyes* kneel before Christ and submit to the jewish social engineering that is the bible...

books are a nice escape.

>not just looking to be important and dominate someone else's

look in the mirror just now.

most interesting

dude the easiest remedy to this is to realize that courtship is all just one big game to occupy yourself with til you die or get bored. women look for emotional excitement more than anything, and a man who appears to predictable is boring, and women will look elsewhere for excitement.
example: I'm a 5'7" manlet and my woman is good looking and a head taller than I, and because I can talk and think circles around her and win this "chess game" every time by not showing too much of one emotion for an extended period of time and never allowing her to think she has the mental upper hand, she's not looking at anyone else.

tl;dr you gotta outthink the woman and keep her second guessing, without making her abandon you

I think there's a lot of factors.

1. Social media. It gives us the illusion of socializing when really we're all sitting in rooms alone. We get tricked into spending time on things that don't actually fulfill us. It also allows us to pretend we're doing better than we are, encouraging others to stay silent.
2. Long-distance travel and communication. This makes moving away from your hometown/family feel like less of a big decision, even though it still is.
3. People have to move where the work is. Often it's not near everyone else in the family.
4. Corollary, people move a lot more often than they used to. Breaks relationships. Human relations happen face to face, skin on skin.
5. More media in general, and the novelty that comes with it. Our TVs, computers, phones, all tailor-made powerful bits of entertainment. Friendship used to happen over people sitting on porches together, or playing games together, simply because there was nothing else to do.
Today, you have your spouse that you watch TV with, and...who?
6. Work schedules. A lot of us spend a lot of time working, and if our schedules don't line up, goodbye forever. Our work weeks are generally shorter but the control is much stricter while you're there.

There's a lot to it. I think the answer is basically everything new.

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proves you have no proof.

It simply caught my eye as I was scrolling.

I see someone's on the spectrum.

for the first time in years i didnt have a terrible winter depression. because i stayed away from my family (wich i love) but they annoy me and drag me down. but hey! like i said for the first time in years im kinda motivated now to do my own thing! which is earning money with esoterism on the internets! but i have difficulties setting up a website btw: any suggestions for a good web design app?

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There's a lot of truth in this post.