Seriously considering buying a few hundred acres of wilderness

I am seriously considering buying a few hundred acres of wilderness. I have a few hundred thousand saved up from working these past few years without many expenses of my own. I want to build a Zion for the Proto-Indo-European-Christianity religion I have fleshed out over the course this last year. This religion I believe could unite both pagans and Christians of Jow Forums, who I want to recruit into my religious commune. The goal of this is to live secluded lives much like the Amish, but in accordance to the principals of Piecism, which I have named this crossover of Proto-Indo-European religion and Christianity. I truly believe we make something for ourselves, we who have nothing, and feel proud of what we have accomplished on our land.
Our livelihood would be made mostly by living off this land, meaning the land will need to be suitable to keep hundreds (optimistically) of people fed through hunting, fishing, and farming. The children of our commune will receive a good education, learning common knowledge as well as my biblical history of the Japhethites, from which sprang the Celts, Germanics, Norse, etc.

Any questions, or are we all on board?

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Owning land is a myth from the distant past. Everything in my country is strictly pay-to-play even the air & water.

It will be our land to do on what we wish, as long as we pay the property tax while the government still stands. All anyone will see from the outside will be houses, farms, simple stuff.

Redpill me on Piecism

Do you claim droit du seigneur?

Piecism is my branch of Christianity that includes the history of Japheth, rather than just Abraham. After the flood Noah's son went on to populate the Earth. Japheth was his son who spread out across Europe and Asia. He was the father of the Indo-Europeans. The Japhethites evolved and became many different tribes. I have incorporated the Proto-Indo-European deities as great heroes of the Japhethites who ascended to godhood in the eyes of the offshoot tribes of the Japhethites.

No that's gross

Sounds pretty based. There are plenty of resources available from medieval Europe connecting people and races to Japheth, but good luck getting modern Christians to unite with pagans

Just gauging your ambition to become a sectarian leader.

I think you're making a mistake by tying it down to this religion. There are much more established cults offering this kind of deal.

They will tax you on the land and force you out if you cant pay.