What keeps you going in life?

what keeps you going in life?

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narcissism and lifting.

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My dream career of becoming an event manager

My career, hobbies, two good friends and favourite music.

My host.

my hopes of having kids
hoping to die decently

Sex, mountain hiking and video games.

Nothing. I exist and because of my poor lifestyle decisions my body will succumb in the next ten years.

Nothing matters and you’re gonna die eventually, any pain is temporary. Why not try to enjoy any aspect of it, regardless of how small?

Nothing but I'm too much of a coward to kill myself

I enjoy laughing at the expense of others. A life without laughter is an empty one.

Living vicariously through anime and video games, and the faint hope that I'll find love someday.

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This, place I think.
Anime and videogames kinda stopped being fun years ago, but I still spend alot of time and money on them.
But Jow Forums. I spend most of my time here.
I was never really suicidal, my life kinda drifted and suddenly I'm 25 and an unducated hikkineet with no friends before I even knew, a crippling despair that my life's already over, but I keep going because I can go on /v/ every day and call someone a faggot.

i'm not selfish enough to kms

how did you become hikkineet? what boards do you visit?

Tiddies and asses.

>realized my life is BS

I just didn't do anything after graduating high school and finishing military service (my country still has it).
My mom pressured me but I didn't get a job or go to college and she eventually stopped nagging me.
I'm not a complete hikki mind you, I try to clean my room and sometimes I leave the house for groceries, but most of the time I'm playing vidya and browsing.
I mostly spend time on /a/ and /v/, sometimes funposting on Jow Forums.
Rarely I get in a bad mood and come here to make self-pity posts like this one.

Anime and video games

Talking with people online, music, vodka, disillusioning myself I will amount for somethin.

I'm quite the opposite, I find it difficult to see the downside; there's too much to experience and see in a finite life.

>too much to experience and see
such as?

Yup there are finite amount of stuff you can experience which is what you need to keep in mind. Choosing to do something takes away your time and those makes you unable to experience something else.

Idk you can think of all the people you can meet at events, or things you do that also take away your time from talking with other people. Places you can get into realistically are limited by the amount of money and your creativity in getting from place A to B.
Just think of all the stupid random places/events/people you don't give a shit about and someone else does.

Everything: travelling, literature, philosophy, film, music, romance, fulfilment... too much to say even when simplified as a meagre list

Of course, you have to have dark with the light, the world would be quite a boring and mundane place if everything was perfect, the idea of a flawless "utopia" is scary when thought about for too long - in no way am I a nihilist though, I've dealt with my fair share of bad times in the past (as I hopefully can again in the future). I'm just willing to learn from those memories and make the most out of the limited time that I have here.

My son t'challa.

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>Everything: travelling, literature, philosophy, film, music, romance, fulfilment...
only normal good looking people could say this, being an incel and hated by everyone before they even get to know you is hell.

Realizing that my future can't possibly be any worse than what I've already had to experience

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Sleep Food and water

Video games

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painful death?

Well I'm a relationshipless virgin, so I guess I'm just too attractive then. And yes, being isolated from social groups, especially from a young age, is a personally devastating experience. I hope you too can find a path out.

Being stimulated from hobbies with tons of depth - such as game design theory in games, musical composition in music, composition of films, various thoughts on- and treatment of life and feeling in art and conversation.

Also; the very real possibility of an intimate, loving relationship, despite all my struggle to get one. Not sure precisely why that's what I want yet, but it has something to do with vulnerability, safety, trust, and thankfulness of anyone's genuine willingness and attempt at not making the world a worse place.

pussy pussy marijuana

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Biological compulsion to keep going + vidya
Content with trundling along since I'm paying my taxes and not dragging anyone else down with me

drugs mostly

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Video games.

Also I still have many years to live and I don't have as shitty a life as it could be, I wasn't born rich but I know that no matter how much I fuck up I will never be homeless because my parents worked that hard and therefore my only real purpose in life is to not be a piece of shit.

I don't know man, there is only one life so I might as well live it and see what happens, looking back there are many things I regret but they're always in the form of my saying something stupid that nobody but me remembers.


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I honestly think it’s just a fear of death that keeps me alive. I’m not really religious, and I’m a nasty pessimist so when I try to think of what could happen after death I feel existential fear that keeps me from ending it.

oh good news , its just a empty void of nothing you wont be lucid because your dead so dont worry about it!

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To achieve my dreams and learn what true expression is and maybe even learn how to tap into my subconscious

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Holding out on someone cute to love me for who I am. At least as attractive as I am. It's not like I have high expectations either although I know most people here will assume I'm good looking in order to hate the post.
Anime tiddies mostly because I don't have the aforementioned cute some or other.

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The simple fact that the other option is to die. The cold, black gaping abyss that is death is something which, thank God, is nowhere near being a better alternative to just continuing to live with my life circumstance.

You don't know what comes after you pull that trigger or you finally pass out with lugs full of helium. As much as you believe in a certain religion, there have been countless before yours in the history of mankind; no offense intended but the chances of it being true are statistically slim. Now try to remember what it was like before being born. Try as hard as you can, until you're digging deep into the lowest annals of your mind but keep coming up with absolute nothingness. That's what being dead is like as far as we know. Around fourteen BILLION years of our collective existence as we know it has occurred since your conception. Once you die you'll spend untold trillions of trillions of trillions of years in the same state, maybe eternity, whatever that means after the heat death of our universe where time and space itself is more or less meaningless. Everything just ceases to be. It's like sleeping with no dreams and never waking up. What's sleeping like if you have no dreams? I don't mean feeling warm and cozy in bed when you wake up, there'll be none of that once you die; what is it like to be you during the time you're asleep and not dreaming? How would that be if the time you sleep for is infinite? It's not even floating around depraved of every single sense in some weightless empty space, it's even less than that. You can't even think.

The thought of spending whatever "eternity" like that is self-evidently harrowing, in my opinion. I can't think of anything right now that so wouldn't rather go through than have to drop into such a state to never return from it. Is it invitsble? Perhaps, but I'd rather postpone it as much as possible. This simple, basic reason is reason enough to continue living if you don't suffer mental illness.

Wanting to be a father. Also getting smiles from pretty girls. That's such a great feeling

I want to at least outlive my parents so they didn't waste over half their life raising me. Though from another perspective, I'd just be wasting their entire life.

I was grown up to believe that you can always find a way out no matter what you're going through. This kind of blind optimism keeps me going. But it also created bad habits that I'm still trying to get over.

Still I go through days where I just feel hopeless and I wanna shoot myself in the head. It's because I give up easily on many things. Again bad habits.

The delusional fantasy that my studies and elaborate fitness regimen will allow me to become an effective vigilante. I know I've probably indulged in way too much batman shit, but ever since the suicide attempt 5 years ago, this has been what helped me improve my life as much as I could

The hope that I will become the president one day. I'm not even born in the US

It used to be my best friend he was a pretty swell guy but one day started being really emotionally manipulative it was pretty scary

Not being a faggot

[spoiler] not being on the street homeless, money, my car [\spoiler] I find myself asking if other people feel the same way. Work a job you don’t care for, make money, then find a hobby is what most do. That or get married to some thot/slut

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I'm joining the military as an officer. If I'm going to be bored and hate my life I might as well be doing some cool

>believing the president runs the US

Don’t become one of those up right mofos, no one will take you seriously.

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cigarettes, occasional bursts of happiness, a lot of therapy & a decent support network. It helps that I keep busy with university & work too.

>what keeps you going in life?
Life keeps me going. I have an unfortunate situation in my life at the moment. My family loves me less and less but i must keep moving. I have to raise a family, find a girl who lives me for who i am on the inside, and be the father who wasnt there for me when i was Young.
If i kill myself everyone who i know who i interact with who are my friends would suffer, the world wouldnt be the same without me.

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Food weed and sex.
Also the idea of living by the ocean.

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The instinct to survive. I just joked with some coworkers that the basic human instinct to survive is the only thing that keeps us all alive, and that judging with logic you discover that the happiness we find in life isn't worth the suffering.

Little did they know that I was 100% serious.

The desire to make my parents proud by becoming a licensed and practicisng physician.

If it wasn’t for that, I would probably have OD’ed on Class A drugs awhile back simply because I hate my life that much. For all my life, I have been socially isolated and no matter how hard I try in attending social events, I’m still the biggest loser out of everyone else.

I wish that whoever is up above or Fate itself would just end this torment for me. At least then I wouldn’t be a worthless sack of shit that is in others way.

Food,Vidya,Anime and the hope that one day I'll fix myself

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I'm on an upswing bro. Moved to a new city, new car, best phone on the market, good job, losing weight, Krav Maga 3 times a week, therapy once z week, now I'm looking for a woman. I'll get one sooner or later but life is fucking great. But in March, life was garbage. What kept me going was honestly booze and video game. I honestly wanted to die. Would walk on the edge of the curb on a busy highway hoping that I would trip and fall into traffic. This ideation been going on for a few years prior. Like 6 or 7 months just thinking about death. With a good couple of weeks and then another span of 6 months of wishes of death. A couple of attempts throughout. Then, I remember my drive was MtG because that was the only thing I really truly loved. And I was decent at it. I couldn't kill myself because of the newest sets coming out. And I truly wanted to see more new cards, more new synergies, what the pros are testing and brewing. FNM was my thing.

I just have to say to yall, have a goal and cling to it. Now, my goal is to be the best i can be. I dont know you personally but if you came from the shitty past like i have, I'm sure you can make decisions to get you out your depression and find a will to live and a goal to achieve.

Cowardice and laziness. Otherwise I would have killed myself a long time ago.

I dont know your story, but I been in places where I didnt want to die. I just wanted the pain to stop. The tucked up relations with my family, my mistakes, flashbacks. And the fear of it continuing forever. Death at that point seemed like a mercy. And now I really cant go back. If life fucks up too much I can always kill myself. Suicide is Plan B.

I advocate against suicide. It's a permanent solution for a temporary problem. But I understand why people do it. I get it.

So, is the isolation because of your nerves or anxiety?

exactly what I'm going through but at the same time my life is so shit currently, I can't grind through work without feeling annoyed that my days are being wasted.

>what keeps you going in life?
someday my dream of becoming a fat, bald and faceless old man who fucks little girls all day will be true.

nothing, Im just too much of a coward to end myself

kms is too scary and could go very wrong
other than that I don't really have anything to look forward to

I am also on the path of becoming a physician, but I hate It now. I decided It because of the money and status meme but being a doctor seems to be really soul crushing imho. You said you are doing It to make your parents proud but I wonder how are you holding up now with that kind of motivation?

>find a hobby is what most do
What if you don't enjoy anything?


Where are you from and? I'm almost done with my military service, I have many dreams but I'm sure I'll fail alot of them, hoping I'll be able to work out some stuff atleast when I have more time.

Initially it was the prior, now it’s both.

For som reason or the other my anxiety issue is getting worse and worse, day by day.

It has been a lifelong dream to study medicine for me. But it wasnt so easy as I fucked up in 6th Form and now I’m doing a degree before I get to Medicine.

I really don’t care if I go insane or become seriously ill in the proess of achieving this dream, as long as I am rewarded with that MBBS title, I’m more than happy to sacrifice everything for it. No sacrifice too great eh?

So user, what you doing now

Some girl in my class

Tell me about her


My family and a few friends. There's nothing else there. If I lost them all, I would have no reason to live. I am of no use to almost anyone. I have achieved less in life than most people my age. The only reason I don't jump off a fucking cliff is that I don't want anyone to feel like shit about it.

The only girl that I will ever love in my life. Can't kms until I have her.

Same here basically. Also video games.

Do you know who she is or are you waiting to find her?

Gtfo here, you have to enjoy something. Even if it’s something as coming on here to shit post.find something to enjoy, get a waifu, and work towards that, drink. If none of the above helps you then senpaki

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Dude where the fuck do you live? I live in India where on daily basis you want to kill yourself, I live because I want to listen to more music discover more movies that I might miss if I am dead. Also I produce music (stoner metal mostly) that also keeps me going. No one chooses to be born man.

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At the moment bottled up autistic resentment, since I'm a socially weird coward I'm unable to put it into words so it fuels me with contempt. It frightens me that this is pretty much all that I live on.

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I guess it's that one time, back in 2011. I decided to change, to stop being a fool, and I kinda did. The moments after that, the whole getting better at everything, going back to school, finally doing things that I couldn't do in my teens. I felt like it was worth at least a try.

Now I'm in a shitty situation and you know, maybe things could get better again. Maybe. It feels like the following weeks will decide whether I just try whatever to end it or I actually go on and try to get back up again. It's more difficult though.

a goal

My delusions

>you have to enjoy something
At least I didn't find it yet.
> coming on here to shit post
I can't shitpost on the internet. I am from Europe. If I shitpost, I risk to go to jail for hurting someone's feelings.
>get a waifu
I watched nearly 600 series of anime. 95% of it was shit. I am pretty much done with all the weeaboo crap. It's the same for normal tv shows and video games.



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not disappointing my parents

The guy I love said he would cry and miss me and hate himself for the rest of his life if I killed myself. It’s the only thing stopping me. I love him more than I hate myself.

My belief that I may be repeating this life continuously. Also spite. I mean why bother starting over?

Gaming,pc parts etc, close friend, family.
chinese language (chinese logograms are especially interesting to me).
And a lot of other things within the category of entertainment.
I do have days where everything feels meaningless and empty.
But this is only when i struggle to solve something, also procrastination is an ugly trait i'm trying to keep down.

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small things in life/ hobbies or passions

1. Mathematics
2. Programming
3. Computer Hardware/Tinkering
4. Video Games
5. Just the small things in life a gentle breeze, an orgasm, breakthrough moments

Still suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts, but I try to keep going.

When I was depressed I used to think about death and that would make me feel better, knowing that no matter how much I suffer I can always pull the plug.
But lately I began thinking about death and wishing I would pull an hero. The only thing stopping me now is the hope that everything will sort out eventually. Also, I would feel bad to leave my parents behind. I have to put aside some money for them, for when they get old. Then I can die.
I want to shoot myself in the head and wait to bleed out. I don't hate my life, I'm doing ok in general, I'm just tired and want to sleep once and for all.
I wonder if everybody sees life the same way I do.

I have been thinking this as well.
Life for me is pretty bad because I have nothing that I find truly fulfilling. Even mundane things are a great pain for me, and at best are dull or numb. I did some numbers in my head and I learned today that in all likelihood I will be in student loan debt until I am 60. I hope I overlooked something because otherwise I can only see more abysmal life ahead of me.
I have tried alcohol, hobbies, scholarly pursuits, travel, friendships, attempted religious awakening, but to no avail. The only thing I have yet to have is a romance but I am so utterly boring I don't believe anyone would want me, especially with debt.
Other people I see who are carefree and happy, even in the same situation I am in, seem alien to me.

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lying all the time to everyone including myself