Is it acceptable for my girlfriend to like her ex boyfriends posts on Facebook? They were in a five year relationship.
Is it acceptable for my girlfriend to like her ex boyfriends posts on Facebook? They were in a five year relationship
Probably not. I don't know the ins and outs of their past relationship though. Just let her know it makes you uncomfortable op.
Yes. Lmao.
I can't exactly tell her I'm stalking her ex's FB page to monitor what she likes without sounding like an insecure psychopath. (Which I obviously am.)
>Caring about social media likes
I deleted my FB a while ago but I remember it would give people notifications if I liked certain things so you have some plausible deniability here
It really depends on their relationship for if this is acceptable or not. Did he dump her or the other way around? Sometimes people actually stay friends with their exes, they care more about being "mature" than the comfort of their new bf/gf. Kind of shitty attitude imo but this is how normies think
It depends. Is it excessive? Does she it seem like she is sitting around waiting for him to post so that she can like it? Is his the only profile she behaves like this with?
Yes, it is. Do you think every ex automatically has to be a complete stranger you now hate? They spent five presumably meaningful years together. It's acceptable for her to be happy he's moving on with his life in a productive way that doesn't involve her.
Also, how long ago did they break up?
She is on FB a lot but I think that's normal for girls... But she always likes his updates and profile pics.
They've been broken up for five months we've been together for about three. She broke it off but I don't think she wanted to and it was one of those situations where he wouldn't commit and she had to.
>dating women with social media.
You brought this on yourself.
It's mostly to keep in touch with her friends and family who are all long distance. She doesn't whore herself out on it or anything that I'm aware of... Like she isn't taking cleavage shots or sharing memes and updating her status every day. She hasn't even updated her profile pic in a couple years. But she is on it an awful lot. Maybe messaging dudes privately?
Ok, then yes, you have good reason to be uncomfortable.
In general, anyone getting into a new relationship two months after a five year relationship has not moved on. It just takes more time than that.
Been in almost this exact situation, and you're most definitely a rebound. You can bring it up with her in a non-accusatory way (e.g. "Hey, I know you dated for a long time, but it makes me uncomfortable that you're regularly on your exes FB. It makes me wonder if you've really moved on") and she'll almost certainly give you a bunch of song and dance about how it's not a big deal, but you'll know that it is and eventually you'll be proven right.
I'd talk to her about it, explain to her why it makes you uncomfortable, and see what she does. If she responds in any way other than, "You're right. It's unfair to our current relationship," I'd respectfully move on.
Thanks for the advice.
I agree with user. Two months after leaving a 5 year relationship she really didn't want to end. On top of that you're likely just the guy she rubs in his face.
I hope you aren't taking this as a serious relationship because it isn't. To be fair how could anyone be over a long time relationship and be ready for another so soon.
Since you been through this before any more advice on spotting if this is a rebound? They were kind of taking a break a year or so before the split, so I think she had been easing into the idea for a while but I don't want to be gullible.
I mean, my advice is to feel comfortable facing facts and not accepting a situation that is clearly undesirable to you. Remind yourself that you're looking for a girlfriend who is going to be present with you and that you're not signing on to be anyone's emotional sponge.
In my case, she just talked about him a lot more than I would deem appropriate for someone who wasn't really in the picture. Like, I have exes, but I only talk about them if my gf asks about them or if it's seriously germane to something that's going on with us. If someone is behaving as if their ex is constantly on their mind, than they almost certainly are. And it became clear that all her protestations about how she was over him were more about trying to convince herself. She was fresh out of a five year relationship as well and he had been the only guys she'd ever dated. I had been through multiple heart breaks before so it was clear to me that she was still in that "wanting to be over it, but nowhere near ACTUALLY over it stage," but she hadn't been there before to know what was going on. Her lack of experience made it impossible for her to give an honest assessment of where she was at.
different user OP but all of us fall into this at least once. I've been the guy that moved on too quickly and realized I wasn't ready for a new relationship and I've dated girls right out of a relationship before they've had time to be alone a bit and sort themselves out. There isn't much left for the rebound/transition guy or girl when their head is elsewhere.
I don't know. She never brings him up in conversation. She doesn't try to show me off to get attention. She introduced me to her family and friends. It's just the FB posting I guess. And she called me his name a once during sex the first time but I figured that could be expected after having sex with the same person for five years and she felt bad and never did it again.
I appreciate all the input. I think I will sit down with her and find out where she stands and see if this needs to stop. I guess that's the only way I'll get answers.
>she called me his name a once during sex the first time
FUUUUUUUUUUUCKK NO! I'd have been gone.
She was super drunk, and it was maybe the second time we were together and she felt terrible about it. I could see being drunk and just going on autopilot if you've been used to something for so long. Am I off base here? Maybe I'm just making excuses.
you are making excuses but you will have to learn this tough lesson for yourself
Women age like milk holy shit