How do I stop getting depressed about being in college at 31...

How do I stop getting depressed about being in college at 31? I'm surrounded by all these young people doing all the things I wanted to do in my teens and twenties and never did, and I'm too old to fit in and be a part of it. It gets me down a lot, I've never felt more envious or depressed in my life

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thats why I feel like I'm not even gonna bother going back.. I'm 27 and like 2/3 of the way through a undergrad chem degree and I'm mostly lacking "project lab" aka pay the college to do the professor's research.

I'm gunning for an academic career in a physical science, so I'm going to be around that environment one way or another for most of my life if I make it. Feel like I gotta nip this in the bud if I want to stay sane.

Date young college girls you meet online and leech off of their social life, and don't bring up your age in conversation. Their social circle will assume you're one of them.

You don't.

Realize that you have the freedom to have equal amounts of different fun. By wasting your days now you're losing your opportunities that college is giving you to meet people. Being young just means that they're probably poor and not experienced really.

To add to this: you're exactly as out of step with your peers now as an 18yo NEET is with theirs and it will require equal amounts of effort to get out.

I'm more like them though, ,I was a late bloomer, I'm poor and inexperienced as well and still crave the same things

>I'm too old to fit in and be a part of
So wrong. You missed out on Greek Life, sure, but you can still go to their parties and show those punk kids how to drink and smoke like a man. Plus hopefully you have some great stories from your years of living in society, that always titillates the girls.
>t. 29 year old student

Nobody cares, they all think they're mature and shit anyway.

Why aren't you dating college girls, anyway?

If you're cool, no one cares.

Sometimes this site makes me feel somewhat normie. Even though I'm aspie af.

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>great stories from your years of living in society, that always titillates the girls.
>living in a society
us gamers right gang weed
but on the real op, it's all about your outlook

>being in college at 31

literally you fucked up friend.

college cut off is early twenties when you could pass on campus for a grad student who might have a legit reason to be there.

>brainlet who doesnt understand return on investment timeframe for college argues with me.

also college is not for you to "improve yourself"

its to open doors to higher earning potential, all other perspectives are proof of stupidity.

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who wants to bet that this is a 19 year old who just took econ 101?

>passive aggressive appeal to authority
kys moron

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Idk about you but I'm 28 and I feel like a young'un after reading some of these introductions in my online classes. Most are in their 30s, already with kids, etc etc. Maybe that's why they're doing online because they all are ashamed of being old?

And yeah, if you're going to college for "le experience" you're doing it wrong. Don't waste your time and money on a degree that won't give you a leg-up in the work place. Forget about social clicks and what have you. Join a club that interests you if you need interaction taht bad.

I'm not just going "for the experience," I'm pretty studious cause I'm actually trying to get into grad school.

I'm mainly going because I want to get a job in an area I'm really passionate about. It's probably not the *best* return on financial investment even compared to continuing the way I was before, but I promise you I'm not an art history major or something. I'm pretty clear on where I'm taking this career-wise and I should at least do okay.

>getting this mad
zoomer confirmed

you confused disdain for anger. Dont worry its an easy mistake for those on the spectrum.

Good luck with your mid life crisis college experience

jokes on you, I'm not OP. enjoy your aids

>not wanting to work in retail management my whole life is a "midlife crisis"

What is this bullshit. Work is not a fungible commodity.

Bro i was at a house party last week and there was like a 45 year old dude in a tanktop and cargo shorts wwho was balding but also had a mullet. He was getting down crazy like he was thizzing or something but the bitches were jocking him hard. Youre never too old to have fun m8

>young people doing all the things I wanted to do in my teens and twenties and never did, and I'm too old to fit in and be a part of it.

I’m in college and I’m 30 and I don’t have this problem. Nobody even knows or cares about my age, most people just assume I’m in my early to mid 20s.

I bet you’re just the type that wouldn’t have fun or go to parties and shit even when you were younger.