Vroom Vroom?

My brother is 27 and is obsessed with buying cars. I am 20 and am in university. He dropped $70k on a ZL1 1LE Camaro yesterday for no reason other than to have a street-legal race car in storage. His girlfriend is enabling him and he has excommunicated his entire family - including myself - because we find it deplorable that he spends more time purchasing parts for his hunks of metal than talking to his own parents. Is there any way I can convince him to stop being a fucking retard? If it wasn't obvious, he's shit with money and finance, and his credit score is nearing 300, I kid you not.

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If you haven't taught him by now, you'll have to leave it to life to teach him his lessons.
The good news is that time is a wonderful teacher. Sadly, it doth kill all its students.

I get what you're saying but 10 years hasn't done anything to him:
>17 - Dates abusive girlfriend, gets socially ostracized after breaking up with her
>18 - Rejects offers to become pro racer so he can focus on lifting, dad begins to hate him
>19 - Begins to roid and juice, gets violent and angry 24/7
>20 - Gets job at Vitamin Shoppe, enters underground ring of mentally ill fitness gurus
>21 - Tries community college, fails everything, becomes bulimic
>22 - Fistfights my dad over a car lease, gets cops called on him twice in a two month span
>23 - Dates an older woman just to get pity bucks since she has a job and he's a NEET
>24 - Stops lifting and roiding, becomes skelly, mental illness takes him over
>25 - Leaves parents' home, totals their car, grandparents take him in but immediately regret it
>26 - Comes back to parents' house, never speaks to any of us unless it's for $$$
>27 - Moves out, gets shitty car salesman job, dates psychiatrist enabler, openly hateful to my family just out of spite
This isn't even going into juicier bits of drama he dealt with outside of her home. He's a fucking mess, and since he never talks to me and is somewhat intimidating I can't really say anything to him.

Your brother is a Chad with a fast car and cool life experiences while you're a little beta bitch scared to say anything to his face.
Lmao, go cry to mommy fag.

I almost wish I could make a public post to my brother's facebook wall outing him on all his bullshit. I hate to sound sociopathic but I am the "Golden Boy" between the two of us, so everyone would believe all the things I say. And considering my brother basically ruined my parents' and grandparents' lives and let us all down time and time again by being a dumb retard, I figure it's only natural people get to know who he really is
Obviously i won't do this but it's fun to imagine the shitstorm I could stir up so easily since my brother is a pathological liar
Yes we grew up with a shitty dad but he did everything he could to try and help my bro, it's just he was too beta to make an impact

>credit score is 300
>financed a camaro
You obviously low balled his credit score or think that someone who has $70k in savings is bad with money or finance.
Not even a rip off dealership would take the chance with a high end camaro.
>compiles list if things he dislikes about his brother
>guys why doesnt my brother like his judgemental family
No one wants to be around people who keep track of their shortcomings regardless if it is justified or not.

Fuck right off, He's 5'2" and has zero muscle mass or life experience that doesn't involve shitboxes, you fucking faggot
He doesn't have political beliefs. He doesn't want kids. He took HGH just because he wanted to cope for being a hyper manlet. He wears eyeliner in public. He's physically assaulted my mom multiple times out of roid rage while fake crying.
Does Chad cry and throw temper tantrums when Mom and Pop won't pay the rent?

Okay, whatever, I exaggerated.
I hate my brother because he hates me, of course I'm gonna be hyperbolic because every other thing he does pisses me off.

Rereading my posts I'm sounding like a huge dick.
I really just don't want to have a lifelong grudge with him.
My dad and my uncle hate each other, and haven't spoken.
I don't want that trend to continue with my big bro.

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Lmao, stay triggered pussy.

All you can do is seethe on Jow Forums while your alpha brother leads a fun interesting life.
Stay triggered

>getting excited over petty social media drama like a tennage girl
>wanting to use kikebook to air out your dirty laundry

This one's had too much soi already.

Again, I'm in college and he's a used car salesman.

He's making enough money to afford a new camaro while you're getting into a debt for a most likely meme degree.
College is meaningless.

Why do you care?

>Petty social media drama
It's my brother
I have no other way to contact him because he changed phone numbers
I want to be a lawyer, and I have a full ride.

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Yes but why does him spending his money on a luxury bother you? Is it hurting his health or yours?

>I wanna be a kike

Nice one pussy.
Get a real job

He's literally mentally unstable, his health has already been hurt and that's why all he thinks about is buying cars and car parts
A watch is a luxury. A vacation is a luxury. A piece of shiny metal with 650 HP and more torque than your mother's oversized cunt isn't a luxury.

Go neck yourself. I'm trying to restart my dad's family business after he got fucked over on a shitty deal. My bro didn't even bother to try learning the family business, because he has no concept of a family.

>A piece of shiny metal with 650 HP and more torque than your mother's oversized cunt isn't a luxury.
Yes it is. Did a Camaro rape you? Why do you find it hard to understand that someone likes cars?

>wahhhh wahhhhh wahhhh my brother had enough balls to follow his own path in life and buy a fast car while he's at it
>meanwhile I'm such a borinf bastard that the only thing I can picture myself doing is trying a boring jewish scheme that my dad already failed at

Lol, pussy

>A piece of shiny metal with 650 HP and more torque than your mother's oversized cunt isn't a luxury.
Why not?

Maybe because my brother spends more time in leather upholstery than he does at the dinner table, or at my birthday parties, or on the phone with his mom.
>implying fast cars are cool in any way

You sound like a psychopath.

Op sounds like a jealous cunt. Leave him be, it's ok to cut ties with family if he wants to.

>or at my birthday parties
This has to be bait

>that cope

Lol, enjoy the bus while your Chad brother blows past you in a shiny new Camaro.
Stay seething.

Where are you from OP?

It has no bearing on anything, no utility. He has a girlfriend. He is externally content with himself. He has disposable income. He has a vehicle to get to and from work. My brother was raised on High Tech Corvette, Shmee150, Top Gear, and all manner of car shows that romanticized this idea that having a high powered car meant you were a high powered man. My brother is still an awkward fuck when he steps out of the realm of vehicles, and can't actually hold a conversation with anyone outside of car circles. Try to talk to him about current events, or personal issues, or even himself, and he blanks. The centerpiece of my brother's identity is transportation, through and through. He had a chance to be a figure in the racing scene but now he is just another gearhead, another pawn to funnel money into AAP and aftermarket companies so his exhaust sounds another 10dB louder. He has no concept of living outside of the cool AC of a stick shift. Don't get me wrong, he is a fantastic driver. He wouldn't have had a chance to join NASCAR if he weren't a god behind the wheel. That's why he was a role model for me. And when he finally benched 3x his weight after only 2 years of lifting, at 5'2", I really was proud of him. That was him. That was my brother. I miss that version of him. The comments on this thread don't make any sense if I'm being honest. If any of you anons saw some asshole blasting down the freeway in a supercar you'd look and then be reminded that the person inside probably uses that car as a cope. I know my brother copes. His whole life has been a cope, when he's a genuinely great guy - well, was - until he threw it all away to focus entirely on cars. I'm not jealous, if anything I wish I could be more like him at his prime, because he really was set out to become something great.

I am from the 757 region of Virginia, near VA Beach. Decent racing community there, close to some local racetracks and lots of events.

>My brother is still an awkward fuck when he steps out of the realm of vehicles, and can't actually hold a conversation with anyone outside of car circles.

If you had to condense your problems with your brother into one sentence, what would it be?

Because of his our conflicting desires in life, gap in age, and shoddy familial ties, we have both been distanced from each other, and being the younger sibling, I find it difficult to reconnect with someone who actively puts up a wall to even his closest peers of who he truly is.

>actively puts up a wall to even his closest peers of who he truly is.
sounds to me like you have the wrong idea of who he is

I haven't spoken to him in a year so maybe you're right. He also has no clue who I am, and despite being older and 'matured' he refuses to get to know me.

Why don't you join him in his hobby to reconnect? Buy some piece of shit civic and tell him you want him to help you work on it. Fighting against his hobby might alienate him, so instead go with it.

I do like cars! We actually went to a Cars & Coffee meet a while back. I was raised to be a gearhead just like him, albeit not nearly as autistic (I say that with love). I dunno, I wish he had other interests, though. I have an FR-S, so at least I'm covered on that front. Need to tune it up some, maybe try fucking with the gear ratios or suspension.

So why not bond over cars?