is this true?
Is this true?
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The fuck up faggot lmao
Washington was native american
>Dems: “The Founders/Pilgrims we’re poor harmless refugees too, open borders NOW”
>Also Dems: “The Founders/Pilgrims genocided and gradually replaced the native population, feel bad whitey”
“Immigrants” who earned their home =\= immigrants who want to violate our borders and/or impose their culture on our own
Man the Fourth of July gets earlier every year.
>lets practice erasure on the concept of settlers, surely their great great grandsons wont mind
>being the son/daughter of an immigrant means you are still an immigrant
Also someone needs to go to these people and say: LEGAL IMMIGRANT
Why post about something that will happen in july when we're in january?
Stupid democrats desperate for some kind of argument against the wall
Fucking doubt they were immigrants. Fucking nigger lover.
Which sovereign nation did they immigrate to?
Immigrants in a country that didn't exist? Also illegal immigrants aren't the same as legal immigrants
Half nigger, half poo, and married to a Jew.
4th of July is when the sun is at its apogee, or farthest point from earth.
Pagan sun worship strikes again
Treacherous scum who rebelled against the crown and who stole British land are not """immigrants"""
I know it’s you behind that meme flag, Nigel
what an absolutely retarded argument, they formed their own country by signing, effectively, war conditions with the colony's parent nation.
Is that what's happening here? What an astonishingly retarded thing to say, theres no bottom is there?
Even her portrait is a happy merchant
Like she knows full and well she's just being fallacious and facetious.
I forgot to change it back
The US is an illegal state, quite frankly. Your (((founders))) were little more than bloodstained usurpers and political fanatics
They were British subjects living in the British Empire.
No. What country did they immigrate to? What form of government did it have? Did they receive welfare benefits?
What nation did they immigrate to? there wasn't one, they created a nation on unclaimed land with no set boundaries or property laws.
Who did they specifically state would be allowed to vote and no one else in this new country? Land owning white males.
but if they founded it they aren't immigrants to it
Something something immigrant something settlers founders something something
OK, I figured it out. She can't write a coherent sentence, but she is trying to say that 8 of the 56 signers were not born in the Americas, but came over from Britain.
None of them were immigrants, since they were British living in British colonies. But let's give her that point out of a gracious spirit.
Eight signers were immigrants.
All came to the Americas legally, so eight signers were legal "immigrants." None were illegally here.
So if Harris is trying to say that legal immigrants are a good thing, I'd tend to agree with her. Maybe you would not, and you can argue that.
But it is not relevant to a discussion of ILLEGAL immigration. None of the signers were illegally here.
You can't be an immigrant if you are from the country that is colonizing the new territory.
>unclaimed land with no set boundaries or property laws
Come on now, American educational system graduate.
People fought and died for this country so they could leave it to their children. Not so some jew banker could give it away to the 3rd world to save on labor costs.
This. At the time they were all citizens of the established government. When they all established the United States they all became citizens of that nation. Since England claimed the colonies as a domain of Britain they were not immigrants though they were colonists. The two things are independent from one another.
Usually, but it is shifting. It will be on July 6 by 2023. And technically it is "aphelion." "Apogee" would refer to distances to something orbiting the Earth, like the moon or a satellite.
thought they were British citizens??/
They were white
Nobody has a problem with legal immigration. I hate when dipshits make this little trick work on so many.
Illegal immigration is to immigration as rape is to sex.
Lefties cant into mutual consent!?
Leafs are spicy today
Yeah, we should learn from the Indians about what happens to people who let their land be overrun by foreigners. is that what you mean?
Based Solar Pagans
Technically no founders of any country were citizens of the countries they founded. Funny that logic when applied to literally every country....
The joke is that the natives already had all that mostly anyway, right? Since there were lawless savages who liked to smoke and drink their own version of everything anyway between mass conflicts over really dumb shit. If anything the colonists just showed them a better time with exotic stock. I mean they liked some of it so much they raped and pillaged for it depending on the tribe and area.
Are you really going to argue the native americans had any concept of property laws or defined nation boundaries that existed in a framework of anything seen in the lands from Europe to east Asia? Seems like you are, leading me to believe you a complete fucking idiot.
Nice attempted jab at the American educational system, your point flipped back on yourself, fucking moron.
You don't have a clue how the common law or the Justinian code formed and how they both relate to our understanding of property laws.
Apart from I believe one, all of them were born on the East Coast of North America in what, at the time, were British Colonies that were, at that point, were all at least 150 years old.
How can you immigrate to a country you create?
>“Immigrants” who earned their home
Dude, they just showed up on a boat. Everyone was considered valuable back then. Now the most worthless, insecure people are running around calling others worthless.
moving from an area of high economic development to one of low economic development-settler.
moving from an area of low economic development to one of high economic development-immigrant.
dude, thank you for this...I needed it, lately pretty bad...times sure are a changin'
Concise. Nice dissertation doctor.
>is this true?
You still don't know you're occupying conquered territory.
I wonder what the aggregate, long-term societal effects of a 100 avg IQ population v. 80 IQ.
But "immigrants" are all the same, amirite. Just import a bunch of literal ape IQ hostile animals who don't give a shit about your constitution and justify it on a turn of phrase..."the founders were immigrants, too!"
the level of slick rhetorical trickery and whites falling for it is dangerous at this point. it will be the end of whites if they continue to fall for it
>Claims the United States isn't legal as a nation
>Posts picture of a German who was king of England.
>nobody has a problem with legal immigration
get the fuck off this board and go back to The_Cuckold to jerk off to pictures of niggers in MAGA hats you civnat filth
they weren't immigrants because there was no established law in this land
the law now says any immigrants have to get in legally or fuck off
it's not hard
Literally, the ONLY thing that matters is IQ and survival of the fittest. No morality, no historic analogy, nothing. Whites either accept that IQ and white cultural superiority as a result of IQ are very real things and are very meaningful when it comes to questions of importing 30 million shitskin apes, or whites will perish. The only relevant question is evolution and survival of the fittest and nothing else.
When the English colonists arrived in the Americas, the only land in the entire world that had less developed societal institutions, the things that make a functioning state and form of governance, was sub-Saharan Africa. Everyone else in the world had developed past how the natives were living over a thousand years prior at the least. So yes, they were lawless savages continuously engaging in conflicts over dumb shit, much like the Europeans did nearly 1500 years prior to the arrival of the colonists.
she also realizes that it was also a declaration of war in which hundreds of thousands died right?
>what did she mean by this
Guess who else lived on conquered territory? The Indians. Ask them about the enemy tribes they exterminated to take their land.
they were colonists
>you're not allowed to have laws and borders in your country if your ancestors didn't grow out of the ground you're standing on
this shit is getting old
Lies. It is generally accepted that about 34 of the 56 signatures were actually signed on the 4th of July. The rest were added at a later date. Where is this bimbo getting off that only 8 people signed the Declaration of Independence?
& what the hell does she think those "immigratns" did to the native population? That's why we speak English right & not Navajo or Choctaw? Because they assimilated so well with the natives? By all means, let's let history repeat itself & open our borders to more aggressive "immigrants"!
And, in fact, the very first thing the founders did was pass a whites-only immigration act. They also wrote (many founders wrote about this) that they could NOT allow non-white immigration under any circumstances. Ben Franklin himself was very adamant about this. They fully, 100% intended a constitutional republic that was also an ethnostate. They literally did not consider non-whites to be people at all and therefore didn't see a need specifically to exclude them from citizenship (which was an error that needs to be corrected). The documents they wrote just assumed non-whites weren't even people and were disregarded, when they should have been very explicitly excluded from citizenship.
also theres a fucking world and a half difference between settling a wild land with zero welfare, and gibsmedats, vs a fully functional empire with massive welfare, and social security network. I'm a fucking communist and even realize this is literal brainlet argument.
Lin Manuel Miranda should have sung about this in Hamilton.
>is this true
Lol at all these butthurt Americans.
Your founders and your country is a nation of immigrants. You can't fight it, so don't deny it.
What you can do at least is point out how the founders genocided the natives and destroyed the landscape.
At least that further supports your fears of immigrants
What country did the founders immigrate to?
No, the nation of immigrants is a lie that rests entirely on the audacity to tell such a whopper, which is why (((they))) export it to other countries regardless of their particular history.
Not immigrants but conquerers. Indians had no gov or nation or immigration policy.
White Europeans were the first human inhabitants of North America.
That would imply that they joined a Native American civilization which they obviously didn't
We reformed the English system and made it our own
no. the founders were religious refugees not immigrants. The indians tried to kill them so they fought back and won. sorry not sorry. This land belongs to the indians as much as parts of Poland, France and Italy belong to the Germans. Not even a little bit.
lol oooooooo what law are we breaking? damn we're so illegal. aren't y'all just a bunch of exiled felons from England anyway? pretty sure you didn't ask the Aborigines if you could squat on their land.
>you're occupying conquered territory.
So are you.
You were conquered by the Romans, then the Saxons, then the Normans and then your Kings conquered Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
>Guess who else lived on conquered territory? The Indians. Ask them about the enemy tribes they exterminated to take their land.
Killing your own race isn't the same as killing another.
No one cars how all the Africans are essentially genociding themselves everyday the same way no one cares that whites are calling for white genocide.
This is the future we chose
Eight out of fiftysix. She words it like there were only eight and they were all immigrants.
>a nation of immigrants.
yeah but it should've been for white, western European immigrants only, excluding irish and italians
yeah, WHITE immigrants, not NIGGERS. Reminder that NIGGERS were literal fucking slaves and that subhumans exist only to serve the WHITE man
Notice how it matters when speaking of things they want, but if you bring up the 2nd amendment they’re like “that is antiquated, irrelevant in modern society, and not who we are anymore”. Fucking hypocrites.
You aren't the immigrant to a nation if you were the creator of said nation.
I'm pretty sure none of them were immigrants. At the time they were all non-immigrant English men. And at the birth of the nation they became non-immigrant Americans
You know who didn't sign it? Niggers.
Shut the fuck and clean my toilet nigger cunt.
She is CHILDLESS, like Merkel and the rest. That is your telltale sign that she has been (((chosen))) to do (((their))) bidding.
Immigration is not the same as fucking conquest.
A position he acquired without resorting to diest claptrap and treason. You're basically in the same category as Turkey.
Hey a little rhyme !
So if the Native Americans vote to eject the blacks and hispanics, you would advocate that we honor their wishes?
That's literally not true. They were all born in America.
Soon we will be a Spanish speaking country.
Before I got tired of going through the list I saw one Irishman.
8 legal immigrants. Yes.
He was a drunken redskin?