Well Jow Forums????? Are you standing with a Russian operative and a traitor???? Really?
Well Jow Forums????? Are you standing with a Russian operative and a traitor???? Really?
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>i trust the FBI, the same FBI that illegally spied on a presidential candidate on behalf of the opposing campaign
No one give a fuck about your gay ass opinion piece
are they really just recycling headlines generated by disgraced comey/mccabe/strzok?
Lol sage even though retards will promptly respond
It’s not an opinion piece moron. It happened.
Actually it’s blowing up. The fucking FBI suspected your God Emperor of being a Russian operative before Mueller even arrived on the scene.
No...read the story not the headline.
Sage in all fields
>They really are going to keep running with this even though it was proven there was no collusion
It's over.
the FBI couldnt even find Jayme Closs.
I simply cannot imagine how these fucking loser Trump voters and supporters can live in their skin knowing they voted for a Russian operative hell bent on doing Russia’s bidding and ass fucking the USA at every opportunity. Jeezus fucking Christ.
This is from McCabe and comey, when they ran the fbi. Can u read?
Hillary campaign was funded by Soros and Saudi-Arabia.
Fuck off infant.
>it happened
no, it's an opinion piece
Keep the top spinning spin doctor.
When was it proven...please tell us.
nice b8 m8
>Muh Collusion
>The same FBI that coaches school shooters and worked directly under the orders of the opposing political party
I can not fucking wait for a fucking civil war in this country Christ im tired of sharing oxygen with you retards.
Holy fuck...you’re either retarded or a Russian operative yourself.
So... Let me get this straight... When all else fails just repackage the same bullshit that is currently failing with slightly different wording? Is that the level that we are on right now?
You must be terrified huh?
Anyone know how I can get past the "youve read too many articles" bullshit? its been months
why would a billionaire real estate developer work for Russia? oh right, cause he paid hookers to pee on a bed and Russia has the tape.
Get real. Everything Trump proposes makes the middle and lower classes of America better off, and Russia's foreign policy isn't based on swinging your dick around the middle east, changing regimes, getting 100's of thousands of people killed and millions of people displaced by fighting and leading prosperous countries like Libya to complete ruin to the point that ISIS has a fucking presence there
Well, was he? Just because there is an inquiry doesn't mean he was.
All traitors like you will receive a traitors reward. See ya on the battlefield traitor.
Every story on Trump and the Russians has the exact same content where they list off a couple of conspiracy theories and give it a catchy title. If you want I will literally drive to your house and tattoo this message onto your ass so you can read it every time you suck yourself off.
No...we’re on the verge of the Mueller report which will spell out in detail how Russia has owned Trump’s orange ass for decades.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy keep the nuclear codes.
>crafty and 4d chess
Stop reading the new york times.
you sound like a bot, no kidding
@dannyocoulson knew
Sorry, I don't understand what are you trying to say. Could you put more question marks to make it clearer?
Trump has been owned by Russia for decades. Bought and paid for. The Russians laundered hundreds of millions of dirty money through his real estate business. The Russians put him up to running and financed his campaign. He’s going to prison.
1) No we arent
2) I hope you faggots do get him impeached. I didnt buy these guns for nothing.
The fbi are the traitors and always have been
Derp state sends you here to make them look even worse for some reason
oh shit! I've been found out!
how many years do you think I'll get for voicing my displeasure with regard to ceaseless wars in foreign shitholes that have nothing to do with the USA?
When are they gonna start opening inquiries into those working on behalf of Isreal?
>its blowing up
Imagine being this desperate for relevence
Mueller will soon out Donald John Trump as a Russian operative.
We did. He loves those gold rains, you know
Fbi are traitors, so are you
What exactly it the "new" news?
You WANT it to blow up
Reminder that the piss tape is real. It's why Trump keeps sucking Putin's cock in public.
Butthurt detected
I am glad you trust the MSM unlike these stupid Trumptards. Check this shit out - Trump is finished!
The news is that even before Mueller was appointed, the FBI had already started a counterintelligence investigation into Trump. This was not known previously.
I’ve seen you post that a hundred times on a hundred threads...deal with it bitch...he’s going down in history as a traitor.
kill yourself subhuman cuck faggot
Why, because you can’t handle the truth?
Its awesome how you faggots are now playing patriot and failing you fucking traitor
The Russian government laundered money through Trump's business? Why would the Russian government need to launder money?
It’s the paper of record and one of the top news (real not fake like FOX) sources on planet earth. Accept it.
>FBI: Is Trump doing shady things? We don't know for sure he isn't.
Top notch dialogue.
>Fbi are traitors
move to a different country then hippie faggot
you guys seriously all type like bitter 13-year virgins, I actually can hear your teeth clinching
Show flag kike
Youre accusing Trump of helping the Russians rek the Dims while simultaneously trying to adopt a Russian form of government
Youre a fat fucking retard and HAVE to hide while spewing that diarrhea because youll get your shit pushed in talking that gay shit in public, PUSSY
What exactly is Trump doing to help Russia? Can a shill break this down for me.
(((Proven))) by smopes Im sure
Kys fattie
>it was real in my mind
no. you repeated the same word 3 times, like a robot would
facts don't care about your feelings is the tl;dr you dumb faggot
Sage and hide fake news
good enough
Muh Russia
Youre a Dim commie faggot, why dont you like Russia again?
Fat retard
I'm sorry boys, you deserve Clinton and Cortez
If Trump gives the word you WILL be dragged into the street to face us personally, count on it
Oh he’ll be impeached but he will resign rather than go down as the only POTUS in history to be removed from office. History will record him as a traitor.
>It’s the paper of record and one of the top news
Holy shit are stupid. Like 911 stupid.
It looks like many here are denying Russian interference in the US election and in politics in general. That’s a problem. Let me give you a few facts that will change your mind:
-There are 10 Russian dual-citizens in the US Senate (may have changed after the midterms).
-There are more than 20 Russian dual-citizens in the US House (may have changed after the midterms).
-Russian Americans account for 60% of donations to the GOP and 20% of donations to the DNC. All 20 of Trumps top donors are Russian and many are currently living in Russia or have houses there.
-Russians have been expelled from over 100 nations throughout their history due to their negative influence.
-Every national news outlet in the US is owned by Russians. Most of the small-town newspapers are also owned by Russians. The only non-Russian owned cable news network in the country (MSNBC) just had their parent company bought by a Russian media empire.
-Despite being 1/3 of the student body at elite universities, and nearly 1/2 of all billionaires in the US, Russians only comprise less than one percent of the US population.
-There exists a world Russian congress where Russians assemble from all over the world to plot about how to best advance the interests of Russians.
-The entire Russian controlled media once went into a frenzy accusing Nancy Pelosi of Russophobia after she did not stand up and clap for Putin long enough during one of his addresses to Congress.
-Every candidate for POTUS in the last 40 years has had to give a groveling speech to the American Russian Public Affairs Committee (ARPAC), which has the power to make or break a candidate with their powerful network of donors.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Once you start looking into Russian collusion and influence, you will realize that Russians control all aspects of our political, academic and cultural institutions. This is something more people need to know about!
“Derp” LOL! Tard!
Stay salty, loser
How wasn't that known? That was Comey spaghetti.
>Sat 10 Dec 2016 18.34 GMT
>FBI covered up Russian influence on Trump's election win
>Oct. 31, 2016
>Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia
>AUG. 29, 2016
>Harry Reid's Letter to James Comey
>Harry Reid, sent a letter on Monday to the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey Jr., expressing concern that Russia was trying to influence the presidential election and requesting that the F.B.I. open an investigation.
This is political for once tho
that pasta
every time
HAVE YOU HEARD? the FBI has been lying to us for years to convict innocent people of crimes just so they can look good and make money!
I’m against those wars too but I’m even more against a traitor POTUS puppet doing the bidding of a foreign murderous dictator.
>“In the Russian Federation and in President Putin himself, you have an individual whose aim is to disrupt the Western alliance and whose aim is to make Western democracy more fractious in order to weaken our ability, America’s ability and the West’s ability to spread our democratic ideals,” Lisa Page, a former bureau lawyer, told House investigators in private testimony reviewed by The Times.
How pathetic do you think they feel when they look into the mirror???
Thats why they hate us so much, they put us in place of their pathetic selves and attack away
The WH has already responded...apparently the butthurt there is off the scale.
this is excellent bait
good job OP
obligatory: fucking kill yourself
Nigger I will fucking destroy you.
>This was not known previously.
wew lad
you think you can just waltz in to the /palace of loltism/ from plebbit and no one will call you out?