And what changed?
I mean if you look at the elections of
and the check republic
along with all thats going on with the yellow vests and the nationalst forces in australia saving their nation from the migration pact
Not to mention the whole generation zyclone thing and the mainstreaming of anti semetic memes and racist jokes for white teens
Its clear the right is starting, perhaps only just starting, but starting none the less to win the culture war.
My question is
why did we loose it since 1960 and arguably since 45?
What are we doing now that is winning?
What did we do before that made us loose?
If those board is still for political discussion and hasnt gotten swamped once again by shill cortez threads
Why did the right lose the culture war for 50 fucking years?
Other urls found in this thread:
>We're winning the culture war!
No, you aren't. Focus on winning the war against the moneyed elite, the ones with real power who even Trump isn't fighting, instead of these distractions.
They played an important part in the road to degeneracy.
Post-WWII, hedonistic, consumerist attitudes snowballed more and more, enrapturing society. This was facilitated in America by an easier economy, during the early years of the Baby Boomers' lives. Not everybody had an easy time, but relatively, it was easier to subsist up until a certain point, including with a wife that stayed at home, tending to the household. Now, we are at a point in which both marital partners work, for the most part, including part-time job workers.
The right became business focused above all else. Perhaps that was a reaction to communism. Whatever the cause, the Bible was right that the love of money is the root of evil. "Conservatives" placing money making above all else allowed degeneracy a free ride into the heart of society.
WW2, Americans sided with the Soviet Union instead of National Socialist Germany.
>we're winning the culture war now
You actually believe this?
Trump's election is about 1% of what we need. You want to actually win the culture war? Start by shutting down all the universities.
If I could turn back time, to the good old days...
William F. Buckley happened in the US. He did alot to reshape cons. and open the door for neo-con BS. He also purged alot of the anti-semtic portions of the american right.
the left offered stupid people all the money and power, there is far more stupid people than there are smart people
notice how almost everyone who has a better socio economic standing than you is your inferior? anything they can do you can do better
The right is now cool. It's the new counter culture because all the main streamers are SJW's, who have a horrible reputation and image.
Their shills whine that the right is a bunch of incels, but when you talk about the political party of the family, which party do you think of? Family and incels are not cohesive subjects to each other. The only reason why we have incels around at all is because of reddit and Jow Forums coming onto Jow Forums.
We are the circus now.
this reemergence in right wing fervor was engineered by the cabal that controls everyother aspect of society whether it be economically, politically or socially. You’re wrapped up a manufactured culture war, Hegelian dialectic while their objective extends beyond you’re manipulated emotions
the left is really good at subverting any kind of organization (they're still doing it: video games, d&d, anime, ...). before the mass adoption of the internet, all forms of media were tightly controlled. subvert them and you have no competition. very few organizations have been able to withstand leftist subversion. they don't really even have the vocabulary for handling legitimate competition. look at how incoherently frothing mad they get at fox news and rush limbaugh. two media institutions against hundreds of tv channels, newspapers, and even fake leftist talk radio that status-climbers pretend to listen to.
the internet is fundamentally decentralized though, and there's basically no cost to creating a racist podcast or gaming youtube channel where you make 1488 memes. this is why the left has moved to deplatforming literally everyone. they want to put the genie back in the bottle and go back to a handful of non-interactive tv channels that tell you what to think.
>No, you aren't.
The left is incredibly boring. It's got no fire, just low-IQ socialist women and minorities spouting the same radical slogans with a fresh coat of paint, and they know it. Technology has made it easier for them to mobilize, and they have a taste for violence but there's no heart in it, just hate, and we hate better than they do.
Because culture is based on imaginary social constructs that aren't entirely subject to the laws of physics.
Conservatives are rational, and prefer working with objective reality. Which is unfortunate, because imagination is what actually makes people do things, both amazing and horrifying.
The history of Ideology is long. There are 3 broad groups. Conservatives, Libertarians, and Collectivists. In the enlightenment era there was only pretty much Conservatives, with Libertarians started to form as a movement. New money, intellectuals, poor, and the empathetic grouped together believing that breaking down the hierarchy would empower people and the world would be better. A lot of wars were fought in Europe, the Americas, and Asia a over this. Eventually Collectivism supplanted liberals as the poor gained more power and wanted equal outcomes as well. The Great depression also led to a decline in Liberalism. WW2 was reactionary Conservative movements vs an alliance of Liberal and Collectivist nations.
Conservatism got a bad reputation after WW2. But Religion was the main source of maintaining traditional values after the war. Blatant or soft collectivsim was the dominate global ideology through the 60s and 70s. Eventually Conservatives and Liberalism were able to be successful with "Right wing" parties by hybridizing platforms and making broad appeal amid global high inflation and unemployment.
The Left started working on culture issues in the 80s as they lost dominance in office. They were very successful as Church became less influential and Conservatives had no counter Collectivist dominated schools and Media.
The Recession of 08 caused another decline in Liberalism, and Collectivists started to push harder while Conservatism had a reinsurgence
>the right
The right would've been radical leftists like 50 years ago. Today's radical leftist is tomorrow's reactionary,
the internet being an infinitely preferable alternative to television is what changed. it allows us to view opinionated media that isn't controlled by corporate special interests, to have a library in our own homes. it is now the chosen platform for expressing all of your thoughts particularly the political ones.
how do i reddit gold this
Rich liberal jews have had total control of every aspect of our society for all this time. Just now thanks to the power of the internet can non pc thoughts be shared openly
The reason the far-right and Old Nationalist Right continuously lost is because the average person is fucking retarded.
There are boomers that genuinely think America is majority non-white and thus don't mind non-whites because they think Republicans are still able to get elected in these conditions. They have no idea non-whites overwhelmingly vote Dem and that the US is still majority white.
Basically things are chugging along as they always have so no one sees a problem. By the time they realize how fucked things are the Republicans will be a regional party based in smallish whiter states and pozzed southern states where whites vote lockstep with each other. Then civil war is inevitable. Of course the boomers will suffer the most and the least, since most of them will already have died but the ones alive will end up starving to death or being beaten to death by younger whites that blame old whites for fucking everything up.
It's extremely simple: the right fell under the illusion that the left could be reasonable.
Give them an inch, they'll take a mile.
Not a fucking inch. Never again.
Correct answer. Although not deep down the rabbithole enough. Stalin was actually more right-wing in the actual sense than the USA, especially today of course. Which is why all these Jews that are the worst among you left the SU and started identify them as of the right.
Ah wherever is an ice pick when you need one!
Because user, whites are nice and they know other whites would call them on racist it harsh bullshit. The "right" isn't really the "right", it's the truth and it has come about because of the internet. Sure there are still boomers defending themselves against racism or celebrating non-whites. However the next generation has grown up with the reality of things, and they have an outlet with which millions of other whites can see. The internet and the truth is what is fuelling it.
I wonder about this myself, but, what's their goal? To pull back a bit because they were pushing too hard?
Bretty big milkers on that jew