The most based and redpilled part of America

The most based and redpilled part of America

Imagine living in Jew York, Califagia, a southern humid hillbilly shithole, or neo-Mexico(Texas) I would commit suicide almost immediately

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Isnt that area the most affected by american nuclear tests?

What would be the capitol of this region? I'd say Jackson, WY or Boise, ID. Idaho's panhandle is the most red pilled area in pic
maybe a tiny part of new mexico

>Based and redpilled

what the fuck did I just hear

There's a couple of holes in Colorado where all the califags moved. Other than that good map.

Imagine being this fragile when you live in the fucking tundra. Day of the rake, when?

Mormons aren't redpilled. They're Muslim tier freeloader shit.

Leave out Denver/Boulder/most of the front range for sure. Then you might be right OP.

What about the Dakotas?

>Imagine living in Jew York, Califagia, a southern humid hillbilly shithole, or neo-Mexico(Texas) I would commit suicide almost immediately
>posts map with half of California highlighted
leafs man
you cant live with em, and you cant live with em

Hey leafie, you forgot South Dakota.

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But there is nothing in red states. Pretty much all the places people want to live are blue as fuck:

San Fransisco
New York

Even the GOETUS himself has lived in New York all his life.

Looks like some divide and conquer shit to me.

The darkotas? Full of crypto niggers

I grew up in CO. What a fucking decline. It was so comfy in the early/mid 90s. Now it's shit. I left and ain't looking back..

people are leaving those places by the thousands to live in red areas

what do you mean?

so did the FOETUS

does it mean i can buy groceries with XSN?

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Eastern Washington checking in. Please just make us a state already.

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Spokane here.
Agreed, Most of the Seattle metro area needs to slide into the ocean along with Tacoma and Olympia.

Why dont you ask Drumpf if he's willing to move out into flyover country like a good little yokel

>But Donald, dirt biking is really FUN
>The outdoors!!
>It's a little boring, but the wholesomeness sure dang makes up for it

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> tfw Calexit leads to Jefferson happening

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mormons will probably be the last whites left in america

added in Colorado and New Mexico and forgot the Dakotas, good job OP but for the most part your right, I love this place it's my home


I'm not giving up hope

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I want to brutally murder every single canadian and use their maplenigger blood to coat all the bullets I have with the AIDs that every faggot ass canadian faggot dog dick sucking queer has so if i dont get them with the first shot the tool mother nature uses to eliminate faggots will get em at one point, kys.

Me either user

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Butthurt califagian, jew yorker, southern hillbilly, mexican(texan), or mid-west unemployed rustbelt fentanyl addict detected

Pic related the average robust potato-fed Rocky Mountain ultrachad

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spokane we out here

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>including the cesspool known as Denver
>including any part of California, especially coastal portions

if your state didn't fight against the british you are not american you are our bretheren, but not one of us, you are 56% american. like puerto rico.

>not including upstate new york

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>over 90% white
>most constitutional freedoms
>comfy winters

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people there are either pompous or socially retarded usually though

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>ca, nm, az
>not including states further east

nah pham...

I live in Wyoming, good map

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deer park here.
population base is king and pierce county. what they vote for we get.
that's why we are always sucking hind tit, and I wont live to drive the full north south freeway in Spokane.

All subject to the 9th circuit. You've got much to learn

Boise fag here, it would not be Boise. Boise has all of the califag left babies because they have designated this city to be their progressive pilgrimage. So many lefties here it makes me sick. There are so many god damn snowflakes it infuriates me. The only upsides are the accessible drugs and nobody is going to rob you at night. There are so many sickening retarded movements it makes me upset. My campus erected a mock Trump wall and had students vandalize it with graffiti. I literally cannot bring up an ounce of politics without getting steam rolled by retards who won't accept the fact that not everyone has their j treats in mind. But other than Boise we are red and based af.

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Didnt even bother reading your maplenigger gibberish thats what I do to all canadians and nothing gets your species more assmad than that, day of the rake comes soon

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Shut the fuck up Cheng. You're in no position to talk about who's white and who isn't.

Go back to China you zipperhead.


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why live in wyoming if you cant see any mountains ?

whats north east california like? i ve only been along the "lost coast" area that far north

Are you willing to accept Colorado refugees?

We are like at least 40% Cali right now. It's obnoxious. Every "progressive" is flocking to Boise and it's a bit annoying

>including fagstaff and Sedona AZ
The trees are nice and thats it. Hippies ruined the rest

And those places are still extremely shit. And getting worse. Why do you think there are mass migrations from commieformia and new york?

yeah, don't you have 10 rd mags?

This depreses me greatly. The same thing happened to us 15 or so years ago I watched it happen. Califags are a locust destroying the mountain west.

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Montana is unironically the only based state in that lot. Now if only they'd kill off their liberal cucks, they'd be set.

Maybe Vermont. NH and Maine are quite friendly.

Yeah fucking right man, we are an extension of Mexico at this point, even Aspen has Mexican Taco and sopapia trailers selling food in the streets

I honestly don't blame them. We have a great community. I just don't like the influx of new people. Some day it won't be safe to walk around at night and new people only make that day come closer. I wish we could make a militia and patrol the streets. Keep the unsavories out of public view.

Sending nuclear waste your way!

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>tfw left Good ol Wyoming for shitstain Texas because family

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There's lots of places in Park County and the Western Slope where whites could start up an ethnocolony.

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Why Grand Junction? They're conservative and mostly white, it's Carbondale and Glenwood Springs that house all of Aspen's cheap labor

very very rural
beautiful high desert nature
t. used to live in Alturas, CA
pic related, warner mountains in modoc county

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burney falls in shasta county

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It’s 15 and largely unenforced. Most fun stores sell magazine “build kits.” Sill makes online purchases a pain. It did cause Magpul to leave the state for Wyoming.
You will when they start flipping your state blue. We now have a dem trifecta here and the newly elected governor is a Jewish homosexual. Denver is becoming an unaffordable cesspool of degeneracy on par with Seattle and Portland. I pray that this disease doesn’t spread to your state.

lava beds national monument, modoc county

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> thinks Nevada is more redpilled than Oklahoma
Literal state of the leaf

shasta dam

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Not in 12 months it wont be once the first round of gun regulation sweeps thru

>not choosing specifically west Montana

Rocky mountain forest, most moderate temp area in the state, near Glacier National Park, high white population. What more could you miss out on?

town of truckee near tahoe. donner pass nearby gets some of the most snow in the US

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meadow in lassen volcanic national park

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night sky in modoc

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mccloud river

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bumpass hell in lassen NP
smells absolutely braptastic there

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>not liberal faggotry
The FUCKING LEAF strikes again.

your map is retarded

pacific north west is the best

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You forgot Salt Lake City, Sun Valley, Pullman, Tri-Cities and Yakima(the lair of La Creatura)

>What more could you miss out on?

Turning to ash when yellowstone erupts.

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>not redpilled

You've obviously never been there. There no place in America more race realist than the South.

inb4 coalburner daughters
sorry, they don't fuck the help

Agreed. But deep down most are white supremacists

>all the places people want to live are blue as fuck

the hundreds of thousands fleeing IL and CA would disagree with you

Colorado is fagtard liberal central

just put up rebel flags and say nigger alot. They will leave

I hate California liberals the most. Not only do hey move to red states and shit them up with the same policies they voted for and are escaping from but they talk about California still like it is some fucking paradise.

>If it so fucking great then why did you leave!?

checked and truthpilled

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Fucking retarded, Vegas is practically a giant ghetto shithole now, unless you stay in the strip areas. Also why isn’t Arizona based and the fucking dakotas are. Bait map is bait.

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>best universities in the world
>film capital of the world
>music capital of the world
>wine capital of the world
>perfect climate
>weed capital of the world
>6th best economy in the world
lmao, fucking flyovers if you live in the other 49 states. lmao, literally anywhere not california in the world is flyover country.

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Colorado is red-pilled?

I have been to 40 of the 50 states, NYC, DC, Thailand, Russia, India & half a dozen other countries. Was forced to go to LA for work, every bit as terrible as I thought. Will never go back, comfy AF in Oklahoma

Your geography is fantastic, dude.

That part of Northern California is disgusting and filled with subhumans. No feelings, only facts

Definitely this.

Wrong. 3 of those states voted Hillary and Obama

>Worst in quality of life
>#4 in income inequality
>Heroin junkies in streets
>Beaner and black gangs
No thanks, hombre.

Have you been to Berkley recently? Neck yourself gordito.

This. They took an actual model of Vegas for Fallout New Vegas, but were asked to clean it up a little.

California charges 3000 bucks a month for shit box rental units with no air or heat plus 300 extra for a spot to park your car to be dinged up by every fucking flip or pajeet that passes by in their 2004 Lexus. It's legitimately disgusting. They get away with it only because the non whites don't know any better. I'm 100 percent sure that poster isn't white. I wish I were joking.