"You're being judgement!"

>"You're being judgement!"

Why is this treated as the universal rebuttal? As if it's the person under scrutiny can simply exclaim that and be absolved of all sins and wrongdoing, no matter how fucked up they are?

I'm asking because I tore into a "friend" today for (knowlingly) trying to bed somebody else's girlfriend. This was all he could say when I confronted him about it but it seems to be the fallback for most people when they get called out on doing something fucked up

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judgemental, its the last defense of someone who did smt wrong, pay no mind to it, but also if its not involving you and no legal consequences, stay clear from it

Did you type that with your penis?

No, from my samsung but with my stubby, fat and clumsy fingers I can see why you might have been mistaken

Have you thought about buying new fingers?

If only I could

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Get finger extenders.

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You mean a fing-longer.


>I'm asking because I tore into a "friend" today for (knowlingly) trying to bed somebody else's girlfriend.

you should mind your own business.

unless the someone else is your good friend it really isn’t your concern, even if he begins a full blown affair with this girl, still none of your business.

>you shouldn't speak up when your friends do something immoral.
I hate faggots like you. Retards who've deluded themselves so much that they confuse their cowardice with virtue. Fuck off.

If my bros start doing stupid shit I'm going to smack them upside the head until they start flying right, and if you don't do this you are a terrible friend. Friends keep eachother in check when they do wrong, that's part of being a friend.

>muh morals!
>muh virtue!

God damn you conservative faggots are really ruining Jow Forums

Quit getting your panties in a twist. If your friend wants to cheat and the girl wants to cheat too then it’s their decision. Is it rude/cruel to the boyfriend? Yes, but fucking get over it and stop crying. Pussy boy.

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You are no friend.

>unless the someone else is your good friend it really isn’t your concern, even if he begins a full blown affair with this girl, still none of your business.
The someone else is a friend, and the girl turned got hostile and turned him down, thankfully

>you should mind your own business.
I didn't go busybodying and prying my way into this conversation, the sod told he was trying to bed this girl and I told him (among other things) to cut that shit out before he messes with the wrong guy's lady and gets shanked

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>If your friend wants to cheat and the girl wants to cheat too then it’s their decision.
Fuck that shit. I'm not not gonna stand by and watch while that shit goes down and if you have a problem with it, you can call the fucking live-and-let-live police, you cancerous faggot

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OP in high school was that faggot who reminded the teacher that everyone had homework and snitched on the kids that didn’t do it

Brainlet moralfags deserve the firing squad

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I'm a Canadian liberal you cunt. If you're too edgy or afraid to tell your friends when they're being cunts then you should probably huff a few cans of Raid because no one actually respects you. Your acquaintances may actually enjoy your company, but I can guarantee that when they have issues they will never come to you for help because to them you're entertaining at best. You have no friends, merely an audience.

i totally agree w/ you bro

what happened to the days when you could cheat on your gf and your buddies would help you lie instead of being moralfags and running around trying to guilt trip you over it? sad state of affairs.

It's actually not, it's part of following social norms. Your friendship is an inquisition of a specific social norm. What you express to your friend is that if he abandons these norms that he will be an outcast and loses status within your social circle and through that appeal you make him reflect on his status as well as the damage and negative effects a certain action that would infringe on that specific norm.

Not saying it's wrong but, being friends is not just something you do out of good will and kindness.

see above

Next you're gonna tell me I DDoS'd Hal Turner because I was an SJW rather than a pissed off user getting payback for him talking shit.

Sounds like you have shitty friend m8

Sounds like you don't understand what social groups, social structures and rules imply. Read a book "mate"

Your friend sounds like the kind of person who sleeps with another man's woman. I'm not saying he's a shitty person, but I'm not the only one thinking it now am I? You should make some better friends.