There's a new trend on social Media for women to post and old and current picture of themselves to show how "well" they've aged
Women voluntarily showing themselves hitting the Wall
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as if any of them recognise this as proof of the truth. to their way of thinking it's merely empowering.
this chick was born with her face in the wall
Show more. It's fascinating. I wonder how these fat hogs can cope.
She hit the wall from her first picture lmao
What's the story here behind this webm?
Fake weights.
i bet a guy was doing oly lifts without the things
It's not real, if that's what you're thinking. Probably just a dumb video made by women for women who go to the gym, complaining about how they're somehow second class citizens there or something.
>Ugh, I have to deal with guys and their heavy weights and stuff, being a woman is so hard.
Bretty good, leef, bretty good.
Western women age like shit. Most of them consume a diet high in sugar and processed shit with the occasional salad as a cope to cover up their shit diet. Add alcohol abuse and it gets even worse.
Protip: find a woman who's into health stuff. You can find them at the gym.
Annnnnd that's it.
Only two 3D pigfus could face themselves to complete the challenge.
These picture comparisons would have a minimum of value if these people took both pictures without wearing any makeup but I don't have any hope it will happen.
Gym thots, physically healthy or otherwise, are some of the biggest open sluts in society.
I have countless stories of girls aged 14-20 getting "involved" with guys at the gym.. in the gym..
Dirtiest shit I've heard aside from hens night stuff.
I was looking for more on FB but I haven't seen any yet
Women age like shit
Get a femboy bf and put him on hormones
lmao those have a hot lifespan of like 4 years max before they look disgusting
She is the wall
HRT can make them look cute longer
Especially if they take care of themselves
More of this shit. It's hilarious.
Had a kid and is now a single mother lmao
Get Dahnald
The gym was in hiking distance in Morroco
stupid vain women fishing for compliments.
how did men ever tolerate women in the past, they are so unbelievably fucking stupid
After ww2 most of the Chad's died off so beta males were left and decided to give them rights
Ever noticed why they asked for rights after ww2? The war that killed most of the Chad's
>The whole purpose of WW2 was to kill off all the chads and denigrate the genetic integrity of Europeans by allowing beta males to breed
Now you're getting it
Ever noticed that Chad's are rare nowadays compared to pre ww2 and a little bit post ww2
Welcome to the brave new world.
Estrogen in the water, food, and weed is also a major factor. Estrogen can't be filtered from the water, and is difficult to break down. It is a major part of pharmaceutical pollution, and is released in the urine of women using birth control pills. The level of estrogen in our environment is now large enough to physically alter male bone structure.
supreme mommy posting right there
Did you know that doctors refuse to give women IUDs and when they do give them to women who already had kids (exclusively), they continue to push the one that releases more hormones? It's obvious that (((they))) are purposely polluting the water with massive amounts of estrogen.
>women age like milk and in other news...
How do we avoid drinking hormone filled water? I don't wanna be a low T fag like the people I make fun of
I only drink spring water (the water here is disgusting - smells like chlorine), I can only hope to fuck that it isn't being contaminated as well.
you don't, unless you live by a natural, unpolluted water source. which you don't. so you just hope /poltards are wrong about the estrogen in the water being detrimental.
Underrated as fugg
I hate this world and I hate (((them))) for polluting our water and food
What is this thread supposed to prove? It’s not even politically related..
calling woman thots & sluts = trying to cover your insecurity for being a lonely virgin who'll never get laid
virgins hating on women cuz they wont fuck em
Hello roastie, how are your flaps? Are they at landing angle and ready to settle yet?
The incel culture thrives on this site
Nicely done, for a leaf
I'm sure your water comes into contact with estrogen the entire way to you.
You can help yourself by increasing your testosterone, which will help displace the estrogen.
By the way, within a few minutes, you absorb more BPA (estrogen) through your skin by handling a thermal printer receipt than a plastic water bottle releases within 5-10 years.
Bro you're just a white knight incel. I'm a Chad and I hate on women all the time and they love it.
Would take a roid rage monster to toss the weights like that. Although the squats part was hot.
This reminds me of the Belyaev experiment.
they didn't have a say and were grateful for just that
The see more button doesn't work !
I avoid touching those things like the plague, they raise your risk of prostate cancer as well
That bitch would be okay if she lost weight
ITT: incels who can't even get women who've hit the wall
I can only imagine the amount of beta males giving her praise.
Distilled water that you add your own minerals & metals - see: gold, silver & copper
what the fuck, did she make her facebook account 20 years ago?
a.k.a. side-effects of binge drinking alcohol, too little sleep and a poor quality, high carb diet. women can reduce the effects of aging by leading a healthy lifestyle, but that is too boring and long term for many to consider ditching sloth and gluttony
Please tell me you guys dont honestly think that 5 stage reverse osmosis, which can remove VOC's and ionic metals from water down to 1-2ppm cannot remove a molecule the size of estrogen.
this is actually true, the worse I treat women the more they like it =/ some weird shit and frankly it made me uncomfortable at first, but if you have what they are looking for (6'4" and some social status) you can treat them however you like. Feels good man.
>Treat 'em like dirt, and they stick like mud