Is David Bowie responsible for the destruction of gender? Was he a Mossad psy op? Where did it all go wrong?

Is David Bowie responsible for the destruction of gender? Was he a Mossad psy op? Where did it all go wrong?

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Nobody knows who this is?
We don't watch porn. We do not watch TV, we do not listen to radio, we do not listen to music.

no he was just a fag
probably a nazi pedo too

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This. Dont give a little fuck.

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>doesn’t know who David bowie is
Wow fucking underage

Lots of youngins here. But no bowie was just a product of the jew system

Said he admired Adolf Hitler
Also sucked cock
Sounds like a fascist to me

Fuck you all, I love Bowie's music.
IDGAF who's dick he sucked.

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I had to look him up, he is a musician. If you listen to music I genuinely hope you accidentally castrate yourself.

it's all part of the hollywood jew new world order agenda. They try to embed this sort of hermaphrodite (hermes and aphrodite) stuff into the common peoples subconscious without their awareness. That's why they use masculine looking women and feminine looking men.

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Really? David Bowie is pretty well known

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imagine being from an english speaking country and not knowing bowie

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all the elite dating back to the annunaki thought being trans made them more godlike it's all a reoccuring theme dating back to precivilization

Bowie was an illuminated individual. He achieved Christ consciousness. His knowledge of esoteric and occult subjects was unmatched when he died and ascended into the black star.

Bowie had cracked the Kabbalah by the time he made Station to Station. He was astral projecting as a young man. He did all this through hermetic study, much like the modern 4chanitor would comb through email archives to derive a sentence of significance. Bowie should be our hero.

same shit as this but just in a shiney luciferian package with a pretty bow

communed with demons and let them sodomize him?

you're trippin

Bowie was 100 percent /ourguy/.

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80's rock was degenerate user... I hope you know that and you aren't buying into the crap. Remember kids, God made you special and He loves you very much.

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jesus fuck mom- get out of my room

> 80's rock was degenerate
Probably listens to thrash trash

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You have to be 18 to post here

It all went wrong with Bruce Jenner pretending to be a woman. It's amazing how people stopped using common sense just so they could feel good about virtue signaling.

ahah ignoring my posts you dumb cuck brainwashed sodomites

lol i dream of being as retarded as you
god i envy you so much
what's it like to look at magic tricks through your eyes?

No, that would be all the birth control in the water supply.

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they choose who they want to elevate as stars
and yes, bowie, maryln manson and others were placed in popular culture to plant the gender confusion and SJW seeds of today

why do tv shows keep showing lgbt stuff

I was never a fan of 80s rock, but if you’re so weak that listening to music would turn you into a degenerate faggot, please remove yourself from the gene pool.

Fuck this thread... You cant just enjoy music for being good music. Dude was a brilliant musician and artist. I don't let my ideology get in the way of enjoying art. Bunch of sad faggots in this thread

>Hehe good goyim, do a one eye pose for the camera

Marilyn Manson's been kind of dumb in the past few years, but I still respect how he stood up for himself and other "scary" media after Columbine.

Pretty much. Music should let people express themselves and let loose, it doesn't need to always reflect on the creator's personal beliefs or reflect on the listener's personality. That's why I like punk, older shock rock, and metal. It is dark and edgy at times but it's fun. People mistaking entertainment with advocating for what's in it, and trying to legislate/ban it, are fools.

This is actually fairly accurate. While (((they))) elevated him to fame to suit their agenda, he himself was a fairly enlightened dude. His observations in his Thin White Duke phase were almost prophetic.

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He was just flamboyant and high and a pervert. I dont think he was too out of the norm for an artist.

Was he the worst kind of jew, the kind that seduces the goyim to degeneracy with his indisputable talent?

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David was a cultural pioneer. We shall never see his like again.

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Any musician(s) that had the greatest effect on culture would be The Beatles. They were so bad even Elvis Presley wanted them banned from the US

>If you listen to music
should try listening to some older stuff, just cause your entire generation thinks mumble rap is music shouldn't persuade you from trying to not be a giant faggot.


Agreed. I love The Beatles but they get a lot of hate for promoting drug use - which I don't believe they did. I take back what I said in my last post even though Elvis actually did want The Beatles banned from the US since he thought they were poison to the youth. I don't think music effects culture, I think culture effects music. Just enjoy it for what it is.

Which where his best songs

Didnt he call his studio the furherbunker, and say he liked the style of the Nazis or something?

when I realized Marylin Manson was a talentless hack without Trent Reznor doing everything for him.

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Ziggy Stardust, Heroes, Rebel, Rebel...he wrote Mott the Hoople's All the Young Dudes, too.

David Bowie only only sexually converted the weak willed. The 90s was a generally masculine decade. The ensuing "greying" of gender roles of the 00s and 10s is what destroyed this nation.

that just sounds like Bowie...

Gender is a jewish trick invented by John Money.

There is a massive effort to replace sex with gender. Soros and big pharma funded.

Bowie was just a dude who wore and acted however he wanted and fuckend women and dudes.

Bowies example is how we SHOULD have ended up, with it being okay for men to be feminine and women masculine.

Now if you're a feminine boy they trans you and fuck you up for life, or whatever life you can miserably stand before you off yourself.

Gender is nothing but stereotypes. Biological sex is all we need. Fuck gender. It's effectively a state enforced religion. You're now required to believe a trans woman is a woman. It's becoming a crime to say otherwise.

hey music-fag. ever listen to

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I don't remember that, but he did say that britan is ready for a fascist leader and did a Nazi salute while high on cocaine

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pure coincidence

Music was alright Bowie was very much, extremely, absolutely, incredibly, awfully, veritably, profoundly gay

David Bowie later came out as a 'closet heterosexual' and dated and married some beautiful women.

The whole 'androgynous bisexual alien' schtick was vaudeville, looked cool and like nothing before. He was using what he had, and it generated a lot of controversy.

People who knew him well knew that he was very kind in a very discreet way, but by many measures pretty conservative. Gary Oldman has hinted at this.

Modern fans with a leftwing bent typified him as 'the gender fairy' after his death, when those actions really defined the early-mid part of his career. I found this annoying because he was a great conceptualist, showman, lyricist, had a unique voice, great arrangements and chord inversions and worked with some of the best musicians (Eno, Carlos Alomar, Erdal Kizilcay, Mick Ronson, I could go on).

My druggie boomer father had a conception of this gender bending era as being akin to putting on some eyeshadow, having an awkward fumble, and hoping chicks thought you weren't 'lame.' Different context, different aesthetic.

The point was never to reify gender conceptually as the postmodernists have done. It was to sell records, make use of some cheekbones and hopefully cheer up weirdoes stuck in towns where being a tough good ol' boy was the only option.

I see you make trap beats

No, whiteoids are naturally sissy

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>Is David Bowie responsible
There were thousands of thinkers, artists, visionaries, etc throughout time contemplating gender exploration and bending boundaries. Read a Heinlein novel sometime, your head might explode when you realize he's not all Starship Troopers.

He believed modern liberalism was fake liberalism and only a British military junta with heaps of showmanship could reform it and make room for real decadence, real exploration of human and artistic boundaries. Basically the opposite of SJW "muesli is white supremacy" culture.

Cocaine is awesome.

I never liked this weirdo. Queen either. I kept hearing over the years how these fags were legends. Fucking poofters.

>If you listen to music castrate yourself
fucks your problem with music, shithead?

>Bowie had cracked the Kabbalah
No, he was raised into a Kabbalist family and got his break because of it

>being this naive
I can’t believe how bluepilled this board is

the dog is so cute tho :(

This is straight up retarded.
His mother was Catholic.
His father was Church of England.

He himself was buried in accordance with Buddhist ritual but maintained an interest in Christianity.

His 'witchcraft' period coincided with massive drug use and surprise surprise, living in LA.