im 22yo NEET, last few years i was just sitting in my room plaing games and waching anime, im leave my room only to bathroom and to eat, im fear to get out from my home i have no frends and my parents dont wanna help me, my suicide thought are geting stronger and stronger, i need some advices
Im 22yo NEET, last few years i was just sitting in my room plaing games and waching anime...
Get a job, and stop with all the hobbies that you can’t make money off of.
>fear to get out from my home
i tried find a job that i could do in home but it failed, also doing less things that i like will not help me with my depression and suicide thought
What are you afraid of, dunnowhat2do?
I'm gonna be straight with you as someone who has been there; Shut the fuck up and stop making excuses or nothing will ever get better. Your life is slipping you by and you're unhappy because you know you're sitting at a dead end, accomplishing nothing, standing in place, and not any closer or any more accomplished financially so you can take your own path in life. Your parents should be ashamed for enabling you, and you should be ashamed for riding the gravytrain and developing weaker social skills while thinking being happy doesn't come without dealing with hard, arduous work you'll want to give up on and need to exercise the self discipline to carry out instead.
Nothing changes until you change it, there is no second shot, noone is coming to help you, YOUR life is YOUR life and if YOU do not do something for YOURSELF and advancing yourself you will remain where you are until your parents are tired of enabling you and want to live their sunset years without a grown child failing to launch in their house. Lift off, only you can, and it's not nearly as bad as you overexaggerate to you. Life falls into place when you don't necessarily get your shit together, but make the earnest effort beyond saying "but I want to change things" without changing a damn thing.
its hard to tell exacly its manny things, i fear ppl staring at me, i fear myself to do uncommon move, i dunno what 2 do in most public situations, how 2 interact with ppl
Work forces regular interaction, doing something you're not good at regularly will make you better at it. If you let your fear speak for you, you're not going to speak and nothing will ever change when you're clearly not happy with the way things are. If you do not take initiative to do something regardless of anxiety every person faces and has to overcome on different levels, you will remain in the same unhappy, timid, anxious state.
I sometimes worry about how others will perceive me, too. The way I deal with it is by remembering that, while I'm the protagonist of my own story, I'm only a side or background character in everyone else's. I don't judge everyone I see walking around me, so why would they judge me? I don't see someone acting awkwardly and think to myself, 'What a loser', so why would they? A situation or an encounter may be embarrassing, but most people are more understanding--and have shorter memories--than you'd think.
yes, a NPC strategy would work but not for my, im a super overweight person in fit nonamerican cuntry, when i get out my home ppl just staring at me,laughing and taking photos
Then lose weight. You aren't doing anything else with your time.
Do you think staying at home and being resigned to your fate of what other people think of you or more likely what you think they think is going to change anything?
I don't believe that's true. Don't get me wrong, I don't think you're lying; I think you're conscious of what others think to a fault, and that you're seeing what isn't there. If, however, I'm mistaken, then the solution is to lose weight. Only eat when you're hungry and go for regular walks--these will help you lose weight and make you feel less depressed. Also, you need to do something to give yourself a purpose--if that's not a job, then it can be volunteering, or a hobby in which you interact with others. Playing games may be fun, but if it keeps you indoors all day and not achieving anything then it's not a long-term solution. Some of the advice you've received here has been tough, but it's got to be better to at least try to follow it to see whether it helps.
omfg u have right!!!
ok ill lost 60kg then ill just have to surgeral operate my skin,my legs and my spin to look almost like human being, gibb me an hour ill do all of thyus...
im trying lost weight 13 years, and u the first person who told me to do it...
Do you want to improve your life or just tell everyone how shit your life is and why you cant do anything about it?
>excuse upon an excuse upon an excuse
Just keep rooting in your bedroom
yes bcs solutions like "ur unhappy? than stop it and be happy! problem solved" is best advices ever
Nigger, if you want to help yourself, you absolutely have to start changing your lifestyle little by little. If being fat generates social anxiety so bad that you won't leave your house, then the obvious answer is start losing weight + getting therapy. Maybe you can't afford the therapy but eating less is really not that hard and costs literally nothing.
You're unhappy living your current life as a self-professed NEET whose parents dont want to help you. You seek help, but whenever someone offers advice, have a reason/excuse lined up as to why you can't do anything for yourself. I never said stop and be happy, I said get your shit the fuck together because noone is going to do it for you.
Stop throwing your pity party, you're not a victim of the world, you're a failure to launch and you can liftoff when you finally stop making excuses and man up. I was 25 when I got out of the same situation as you at a high enough weight and bad enough health my resting heartrate could of caused me to have a stroke just from walking a block. You're a sad sack of excuses until you stop making excuses.
I get the feeling you will make better life choices, or keep making excuses until your parents have had enough and tell you "Sink or swim, bye". I wish you the best of luck in making better life choices rather than doing mental gymnastics as to why you should keep doing the same old song and dance that isn't working for you.
You've received some good advice, OP; many of us have been through what you're going through and got through our issues; some of us are still battling ours. I sincerely hope you listen to what people have said and make the difficult--but necessary--effort to get through this stage in your life. Best of luck to you.