My ex just invited me over to watch all the Avengers movies on the day after her bf dumped her. What does this mean?
My ex just invited me over to watch all the Avengers movies on the day after her bf dumped her. What does this mean?
She wants a shoulder to cry on and maybe a dick to suck.
She wants the D.
Go hulk on that pussy.
She wants the schlongalongdingdong in her squishy bits
It means that you should buy condoms.
I'm scare because we haven't spoken much in two years and I know she'll be really different.
Ffs, I feel like I just got over her and now I'm gonna rip open those wounds again.
>Ffs, I feel like I just got over her and now I'm gonna rip open those wounds again.
if you're going to catch feels then dont do it.
on the other hand if you can keep your head its an opportunity to get some rebound pussy.
>tfw you zero your stalker and she ends up having a vagina.
She's lonely and on the rebound and wants to hook up with someone she knows instead of a stranger...
try and realize she might be using you to try and make the guy who dumped her jealous.
better than being a chainsmoker honestly
>if you're going to catch feels then don't do it.
Too late. She was the best I ever dated, but we've changed so much as people since 2013. I don't know how to feel at all now.
>two years
don't do it she probably sucked like 100 dicks by now. do you want to really kiss that or go down on her?
honestly man you should be strait with her about it. Say something like:
>I still have feelings for you so if you're not looking for something real then I'm not going to spend time with you because it's too hard.
If she is a decent human being at all then she will not screw with you.
Run a weigh
She is calling an orbiter so she does not feel like trash.
You are a fucking idiot if you go.
Is that your ex in the picture?
This. This so hard.
I'm thinking this too.
Yall niggas have not talked in 2 years and obviously you're still hung up on here and she ain't really cared about you for 2 years so yeah. Figure your shit out bro.
Nut on her face and never talk to her. If you cant do that then dont go.
>Yall niggas have not talked in 2 years
We have. Just not regularly.
Last time we spoke was via text in late June.
Definitely, she wants some post break up D.
Don't do eet.
Lol I waited for 7 years before deciding it was safe to hang out with a girl I used to be in love with “as friends”. Thought for sure I’d be over her by now. Have a girlfriend I’ve been with for 3 years. Figured she would be different and I wouldn’t feel the same anymore, that I would get some closure. But nope. It just reignited my feelings for her and made me feel like shit.
Hide the Zucchini
Then do what said.
Obviously her answer will be biased because she just broke up so you gotta keep that in mind.
Other than that, don't bother going if you aren't sure about her intentions, unless you are looking to just fuck her and move on because you will get the short end of the stick.
Either way don't do it op
I don't find it hard to spend time with her, as friends.
But I feel like her intentions may be romantic now, and I'm feeling all kinds of torn up about it.
>2 years
2013 was five years ago dude.
Broke up in December 2013. Haven't spoken regularly since some time in 2016.
Btw, should I be full of dread? I'm full of dread. But excited.
ITT: fuckheads with learning disabilities
Can you be more specific?
What kind of dread? What exactly are you dreading?
wants comfort from someone familiar.
don't have any expectations. and decide what you want before going. if you don't want to be a comforter rebound then don't go. if you do then go. if you want to get back together don't go. if she wants to get back together still don't go because starting as a rebound won't work.
offer to bring a friend and if she rejects you know I was right. if she accepts she really just needs a friend.