
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
DAILY SCHEDULE twitter.com/POTUS_Schedule
WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump hosts Border Security Roundtable 1/11/19
>VP Pence/DHSSec Nielsen speak to US CBP 1/11/19
>TrumpTV "Weekly" Update (Lara) 1/11/19
>TrumpTweet: Oath of Office 1/11/19
>TrumpTweet: From the Southern Border 1/10/19
>Pres Trump on Hannity 1/10/19
>Pres Trump arrives @JBAndrews 1/10/19
>Pres Trump departs TX 1/10/19
>Pres Trump meets w/Border Patrol Agents @Border 1/10/19
>Pres Trump Round Table on Border Security 1/10/19
>Pres Trump arrives in McAllen TX 1/10/19
>Pres Trump departs JBAndrews 1/10/19
>Pres Trump speaks before departing WH 1/10/19
>SoS Pompeo speech in Cairo Egypt 1/10/19
>TrumpWave: Crisis of the Soul 1/9/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Why did Trump lie, tho?

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Always (You) your local anti-stall ranger

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>After talking to Prime Minister Abe, We covered a lot of topics
>Like Darling, Do you all know Darling?
>Boy, those last couple of episodes...
>Not Good, Folks! Not Good!
>We're seeing what we can do about it
>We're seeing what we can do about a lot of things

Attached: This is the true ending scene of darling. Everything after this is an international warcrime-crime a (800x450, 2.77M)

Damn that's a lot of BS.

>restore democracy
gabonese for forceful takover via chimpout

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??? DHS is taking steps to ramp the program down and make them harder to get. The program is being shoa'd.

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Irony of OP's image being, is that Anglos (United States, United Kingdom) went to war twice with tens of millions in casualties to force Democracy on the European continent.

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Hitler was a fucking savage if you think about it

Sounds like a good candidate.


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that's what your mom said

Good. So why is Trump moving against this direction?


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>they have to tell you where it is so americans can pretend to care.

Pic my mom took of me right before I killed her with my katana

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>force six million violent hostile welfare leeches into your society
>make public life impossible due to pool rapes and market massacres
>drive up taxes to subsidize the invasion
>consumer spending plummets
>manufacturing takes a giant shit

There are a lot of gun owners on here and normally you try to collect a weapon of each class.

And then, they went and ruined the whole thing!

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All he has said is people who already got it (remember these are people who followed the law and were given certain assurances about their legal migration) will be fine when the program get's shut down. This is perfectly reasonable. He can't on one hand claim people should migrate legally while on the other hand fucking over legal migrants just as hard as the illegal ones.

H-how many?

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>left is already eating their own
i mean not surprising
everyone knows she won't ever win the Dems over cause their base is more divided than something

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>potential path
he has done this like five times already, he knows his base hates immigration so he kicks the beehive with a tweet like this to get us to call congressniggers and complain that he better not buckle

He isn't. Read the article that I posted. They put in new restrictions so now only people with master's degrees or higher have a shot. It also puts in place protections for American workers. I think he was just clarifying what was going on. Hopefully the new restrictions mean more whites, because I don't think Indian or Chink degrees count the same as a European one.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ho he he ha ho ho he ha ha

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are any of those verifiable?
Non of those are verifiable, right?

Posting this, again.

I know this is probably gonna get screen-capped and shared by Anti-Trump sheep for mockery and validation, but I'm gonna post, anyway.

How do you guys justify the shutdown? I mean, Obama's only lasted for about a day or so, and so many govt workers, including military, are going without paychecks. I want the wall and I still believe in the Trump Administration for all it stands for, but, damn, it gets harder every day.

it's funny how the uniparty isn't even hiding itself anymore

Romney ain't gonna run, he is manufactured Trump resistance so no real McBrain's come about in the Senate.

I'm booooored

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Cat's a big company here lots of mining and gov contracts believe it
or not. Peoplel can import stuff if they got the money for it. As for embargo havent heard of it prob just politicians being politicians

She's an open borders gun grabber. Fuck her.

Now we need to hit their auto makers with tariffs.

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He literally JUST got elected to be a Senator.


Taxation is theft.

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How are there people defending this kid? I don't understand how people can be this brainwashed. The zog is a hell of a drug.

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you mean today? Because you know that tweet wasn't written by him.

You know what to do!

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It's dark

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>he already looks like a 50-yo roastie
holy shit

Like a 50 year old Jewish roastie.

The French are revolutioning again

Weimar all over again.

They're going after the banks too. Good.

> How do you justify shutdown?

I honestly can not; not until he kicks the state over.

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man they really have been pushing this tranny shit onto kids
i mean i know they already have been for a while but the last few weeks they have been pushing it very hard.
who the fuck supports this shit? none of the people my age supports this.

There is not much to do except for wait and prepare

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>who the fuck supports this shit?


>Desmond Was Amazing.. before he hit the wall..

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I love how she's probably the only candidate that can actually beat Trump in 2020 and they completely hate her.

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With plenty enough will to do, it merely matters that significant enough of elite minority support and push it over a long enough timeline.

The policies ran in 2019 U.S. were fringe in Harvard of 1950s, the policies of 1950s were fringe in Harvard of 1900s.. etc.

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I'm playing vidya now

Yes they'll say it's just dancing and dress-up! But they are being willfully ignorant to the grooming that is taking place.

I can still talk though
Did you see today that Trump said for a fact that he would do the national emergency if congress doesn't act?

>That can
Open borders cuck has a chance? lol


>who the fuck supports this shit? none of the people my age supports this.
It's just population control, if you cut your dick off or take in hormones and roleplay that you're a dude you're out of the genepool.
Bonus points for scaring the living daylight out of Christians that might think twice about having kids with this garbage being pushed on schools/media

She has no real chance of defeating Trump my dude. Trump bagged and tagged 16+1 of the best while he was underdog. In the jarring 'duh' fashion Trump's biggest foe is 2016 campaign Trump.

Yes, he's really waiting for the last moment to use it


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Are you retarded?

>But they are being willfully ignorant

They know full well what they're doing. Don't be naive.

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>The policies ran in 2019 U.S. were fringe in Harvard of 1950s, the policies of 1950s were fringe in Harvard of 1900s.. etc.
Nice try nigger, that shit was exported from Soviet Russia to Germany and then to the US through the Frankfurt School, not even Stalin wanted that shit there.

>it gets harder every day

No it doesn't


Only the coast guard

>without paychecks

This is one of the risks of being a federal worker, you are not entitled to the taxes of other people

>onus points for scaring the living daylight out of Christians that might think twice about having kids with this garbage being pushed on schools/media

god I hope Trump doesn't cuck and puts up some real reactionary catholic to Supreme Court in RBG's place.

And yet it was the minority elite support that helped it gain foothold.. what is fringe in there in 2019 is going to be forced and stuffed to mainstream in 2059. That has been the functioning of the elite policymaker schools for about, I don't know, 400 years?

most men don't (pedos excepted) but women do, because they want to virtue signal by having a tranny brat.

It doesn't really make a difference. It's shit like this that caused religion to revive in the US in the 1970s and 1980s and then the moral majority and culture warriors bitchslapped the gay movement in the 1990s. The left is weird and they always overreach, then the pushback will destroy them. This time we're going to physically remove a lot of degenerates back to mexico/china/wherever else so it'll be different than (((Reagan))) and his bullshit.


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I can't tell if the people whining about the H1B changes are shills or actual, honest-to-god braindead retards who don't understand a thing.

I hate Reagan and the cult of worship centered around him.

" Historically, Roberts argues, Americans enjoyed the protection of what were termed "the Rights of Englishmen" by 18th-century jurist Sir William Blackstone, whose Commentaries on the Laws of England was a bestseller in the 13 colonies"

> and now it's 50 Shades of Gray.


Are you faggots done with this shit? He shut down the government for a wall that's only initially going to cost $5 billion and he's going to need to take land from private citizens to do something most border counties don't even want.

>Trump had to fight off his own party
>he also had to unify people
>and got blindsided by the pussy tapes
>and spied on by Obama
>and outspent by hundreds of millions
>and ran against a bitch with a massive cult of personality regardless of those berniefags who keep saying she was unlikable
>still won

Honestly 2020 will be a cakewalk compared to 2016

May have something to do with flooding the country with Muslim slaves.

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Except, the fringe from the 1930s to 1960s is being pushed nowadays because it has no acceptance other than lunatics on academia and the media, the fact that they couldn't push it and the left has been eating itself ever since without producing anything worth a spit is proof enough.
They still eat garbage like Derrida, Adorno and Gramsci and preach that garbage as if it was Gospel.
Do you think any of those "happy few", as you say "fringe" live what they preach?
They are all just fine on their patriarchal families making some money and giving a rigid education to their kids.
Anyone that has their greatest "intellectual" being Noam fucking Chomsky should reevaluate what the fuck is wrong with themselves.

Pedophiles have now found a home on the left because of the depravity they embrace and promote. They've attempted for some time now to gain acceptance in a movement.

I recall some time ago an user made a collage of all the mainstream news articles attempting to normalize it.

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honestly is there any statistics out their that show Mexicans have a lot of flaming homos?
i feel like i see more faggotry out of mexicans than any other race

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Something happened after he became Polish.

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>Except, the fringe from the 1930s to 1960s is being pushed nowadays because it has no acceptance other than lunatics on academia and the media

that's the way it literally works..
and has worked for the longest time..

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Gen X here, and I was shocked when I realized, in my 30's, that Focus on the Family was right.

It's because he doesn't want to be Obama and not do things through congress.
It's a personal standard for himself I think

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Lol when two lolsers collude.

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Yes, he's truly the law and order President

>I recall some time ago an user made a collage of all the mainstream news articles attempting to normalize it.

There is a Tom Tomorrow comic from the 80's or 90's making fun of the "slippery sloper" argument about gay education in schools. I cannot find it now but it basically inadvertently predicted the future.

Even Huxley got it right, "people that read books don't do much consuming" hence reading is basically dying.


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