Graduated 3 years ago meme degree

>graduated 3 years ago meme degree
>went unemployed for a year
>found a waiter job that paid phone, insurance, etc
>restaurant closed and unemployed again
>unemployed for another 6 months
>for the last 12 months work a retail job
>my check gets raped with taxes so still low income
>just got a letter in the mail the school is suing me for loans
>the letter itself just says "IF YOU DISAGREE WITH PLAINTIFF CLAIM..."
>too poor to afford an attorney

So what if I agree with the claims, I just don't have the money to pay it now?

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What'd you get a degree


sport management

i had like 20 interviews but nothing ever led to anything. and i did 2 internships during college and stuff.

in my retail job i got promoted to full time after 6 months, and got a 4% raise during my annual review 2 weeks ago. i was hoping by like January I would get promoted to manager, cause my bosses love me. i work 40 hours a week without fail. called out once this past year. help every department.

i knew these loans would catch up with me, i was just hoping to get a decent income to pay them off.

You know you can postponed the loans over great many years (with interests added ofc).
...As long as you actually remember to log in and fix it in time.
Ofc i'm comparing this to the norwegian system.
And you probably live in a bamboo hut that is elevated over a stream of free flowing sewage. (for all i know).
You should look into this.

I'm in much the same position OP. I've been putting this shit off too long. I fucked up and got taken off IBR in the beginning of 2017, and just got so stressed out that I never reapplied and just didn't pay. They defaulted my in March and have been sending collection notices.

I know I can rehabilitate my loans, but I just... I don't know why I can't fucking just make myself handle this shit. It's not like it's hard. When I was on IBR my payments were zero. I figure I have less than six months until they file a collections action.

I just need to rehabilitation and, fuck, I could even clean up my credit.

You might be able to settle the lawsuit and enter rehabilitation if you're talking about federal loans. If it's private loans, I don't know. You might want to look into bankruptcy.

Either way, go find a legal aid lawyer. If you're that poor, you qualify for legal aid.

Thanks m8.

This shit stresses me out too and I have no one to blame but myself for being a retard in college, and an incompetent adult.

This past tax season my refund of 3K was withheld and went directly towards paying back loans.

Luckily all my loans are federal loans. Just this is the first time it was a legal action and not “please pay”. Like they’re threatening to garnish my wages and freeze my bank account, in which case I would truly be fucked. I just signed up for Uber, like I’m panicking on all fronts.

Wait you got a degree in sports management? Wtf were you thinking?

If OP is getting taken to court then it's too late for that. Here in burgerland we have federal loans and private loans. Federal loans are pretty forgiving. Private loans, you're pretty much screwed unless you can avoid them until the statute of limitations is up.

Wait, what? You got a subpoena for Federal loans? I didn't even know they did that. I went almost ten years and never went to court.

which degree?

The rehabilitation program is easy. All you need is your last two paystubs and an approximate dollar amount of your monthly expenses. They wont even ask for receipts or any proof of your cost of living so you can exaggerate a little and qualify for the minimum payment which is $5 a month per loan.
Do that for 5 months and the garnishment stops. Four more months and you're back in good standing. Nine months total and you're back to normal.

That’s kind of a relief. I should do it this week.

I think DOE is starting to push harder. Like the news that they’re gonna stop offering public service forgiveness in most cases.

I just got the tax refund garnishment notice a couple weeks ago. The silly thing is I didn’t earn a penny last year... and truth be told... I haven’t even filed. This last couple years has been fucked.

Debtors would always rather get something out of you than get nothing out of you. Ring them up, explain to them how fucking dirt poor you are, and then offer to pay them a token amount. Ask them what the minimum possible repayment is, and then negotiate down; just keep on insisting that you can't reasonably afford that much without falling into hardship. They'll eventually accept tiny amounts like $5 a week just to keep you on the books. Whenever they ring to negotiate keep telling them you can't afford it.

That's really weird. I don't know how it works at this point. I've never heard of anybody going to court over federal loans. They usually just go straight to garnishing your paycheck. I was still able to get my default status forgiven after getting my checks garnished so I assume you still should be able to also.

No. Dont do this. It's for federal loans, you can skip the negotiating process.
If it was private loans, you tell debtors "it is inconvenient for you to contact me by phone", then you send them a cease and desist letter. Then you wait for them to sell it to the next debt collector, and you repeat the process until the statute of limitations is up.
Do not deal with debt collectors.

Well technically speaking garnishment is a legal proceeding, though I imagine the way it’s structured has the determination being made without needing a hearing if you don’t challenge it by a certain date.

As to an actual lawsuit, you’re right that would be quite unusual. I would imagine only in the case where the debtor has some assets he’s sitting on and refusing to liquidate to pay off his defaulted loan would you go for that. Otherwise, what’s the point? Their litigation department only has so much in funding a year. There’s no reason to get a judgment unless you know the guy has assets he’s concealing, since the loans aren’t practically dischargable in bankruptcy anyway.

If this guy got an actual litigation notice, that is, he’s not just panic-reading a nasty letter and mistakenly believing he’s being sued, his best option is to show he’s got no money and no way to repay, and they OUGHT to settle. That said, settling with the Feds is complicated and should be done through a lawyer.

Yeah with private loans you can really game it. The key is that you need to expressly demand they stop contacting you. If they don’t, and they’re an actual debt collector (as opposed to the creditor trying to collect his own debt), you can get statutory damages out of them, though it’s usually a small amount; more often, I think, FDCPA violations are the subject of class action lawsuits.

The shit part is your credit score can still get fucked.

Yea you're right it does come with a price. For me it came down to a value judgement. My loans were already defaulted, so my credit was already fucked. I owed 38K in private loans. Two choices; Have shitty credit for about seven years and not pay 38K, or have slightly less shitty credit and 38K in debt.

Yea that's how it worked for me and everyone else I know of this happening to
They send a letter telling you that you're about to have your wages garnished. You can either dispute it 30 days from that letters post marked date, or let them garnish your wages. I've never heard of anybody going to court over it.

OP here, just to update

I just called and they confirmed the payment owed and stuff. I said I could offer $100 a month and they said they would call me back within 2-3 days to confirm and stuff. But it sounds hopeful to me, cause that’s all I can afford rn. Like maybe 200. And I just signed up for Uber, wouldn’t mind doing that a few hours a week to pay off loans. I knew this was coming, I was just hoping for a managerial spot beforehand.