Jews behind every evil

>Jews behind every evil
>Holocaust denial
Mossad psyop
Why are we still here? What’s the purpose of this place when we got absolutely BTFO all the time?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Explain THIS then

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hey anons whats up with all these weird blackpill demoralization threads?
also accepting meme theories

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Disproven by who? Jews?

I’m sad and don’t need anyone around me to be sad with me.

What are you referring to?

lurk more newfig

I don't even know, every theory we come up with gets debunked.

Why do you hide your flag?

why is that any of your business?

Why proxy, jew?

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t. Memeflag

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>death camps
>people survived
imagine ACTUALLY believing in the holohoax lmao

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No one said jews are behind EVERY evil, just a lot of it.

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Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

>Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Head of the Rothschilds banking cartel, now in control of worlds central banks.

>Paul Warburg
Basically started the Federal Reserve

>Alexandre Lamfalussy
Started the European Central Bank

>Paul Julius Freiherr von Reuter
Head of Reuters, now almost all western media is in direct control of jews

>Magnus Hirschfeld
Founded the first ever group to advocate for and push homosexuality, transgenderism and other sexual perversions in the early Weimar Republic.

>Al Goldstein
Normalized modern hardcore pornography

>George Soros
This jew has done too much to list...

>Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi
Founded the Pan-European union (pre-EU) and declared that the future race of europe will be mixed.

>Karl Marx
Invented communism. Marx is mentioned in the speech "JFK: the President and The Press" if you're interested.

This is only a small sample of what these people are responsible for.

Alright Jews are behind nearly every evil but theholocaust has been proven sorry

Has it?

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The fuck are you talking about you conspiracy theorist?

What does this show

Gas yourself shekelstein

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Except there exists no evidence to disprove. Poor attempt at shilling.

Jews census in the respectable nations between 1900 and 1970

Don't fight where they want you to.

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hey faggot shill. look up the dutroux affair, the franklin scandal, the westminster pedo dossier, the finders cult, NXIVM, etc....

elite pedophilia is real and worse than what pizzagate revealed.

fuck off glow habib

Why did you post it

Never said elite pedophilia isn’t real dude

as long as im here never will a jew take control of my kingdom
ill btfo them all with a thought

But really, Obama was mentioned in one of the emails. Flying in pizza and dogs. Corrupt is that yes but not Codewords for child porn

That's for me to know and you to find out fren

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>user is one person
>somehow supposed to take it seriously

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Holy shit the difference is just three million

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Has been thoroughly debunked

>Jews behind every evil
Not EVERY evil, just most of them.

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So did the three million emigrate to Americas and Israel?

>if I just say debunked I #got'em
Ebin bread boyo

Small drops in a big pond of evidence

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urla tiganul din colt.

The fact is the world lost three million Jews and where did they go huh?

You have nothing and are wasting the time you have left alive, kike.

t.jidan cu meme flag

damn, them's some whack digits

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Can you prove me wrong though?

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I read someone say that’s a fake quote

Why would you use a site showing a timeline over the holocaust as argument that it didn't happen?

You are probably right about Q, nice way to contaminate info, huehuehue.

si acum, revelatia total surprinzatoare:
pam-pam PAAAAM!!!

Suck my dick schlomo

Fuck off shill


>>Jews behind every evil
>>Holocaust denial
>Mossad psyop
>Why are we still here? What’s the purpose of this place when we got absolutely BTFO all the time?
OP this is weak bait

>OP is heterosexual

Who debunked what? There are patriots building crematoriums in Utah and Missouri for DOTR right now. Can't even find an affordable 80% lower either.

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So you admit that three million Jews died?

Why did you do it, why did you kill them

le epic trolle xdxdddxddd

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Your statistic is easy to debunk, the population of Jews in 1945 was 9million and then grew by 33% during he baby boom

Holocaust denialism has been thoroughly debunked

Diferenta e ca eu imi bat pula pentru ca ma plictisesc. Tu chiar crezi in cacaturile astea inepte.
Serios acu, cat de traznitor de PROST trebuie sa fii ca sa fii dus de nas dupa acelasi tap ispasitor folosit de Romani acum 2000 de ani.
> Da nu, serios, evreii sunt de vina!
Omul-laba, sclavul perfect, ala esti tu.

I think it’s trying to communicate

This discussion ain't for you, Ali. It's not about fucking goats, selling oil or sucking Israeli cock.


Glad you know my name

Like I said, why did you do it

is it about stealing someone's wallet and cell phone there gyppo?

>everything is debunked because I said it is
Here's your (you) schlomo, now enjoy your shekels.

Adevarat graiesti, toata lumea este anti-semita deoarece sunt inepti si prosti. Au fost dati afara din totate tarile in care au trait deoarece Romanii sunt antisemiti si la fel sunt toti liderii tarilor care au dat afara evreii de-alungul istoriei.

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Yes, we are planning our next cellphone theft, none of your business white boy

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No, notice how the jewish population "increased" by 50% in just a couple years before WW2? And how they all ended up in america and israel after the "holocaust"?

I recognize you from a previous thread friend:^) Do you get paid to do this? I don't. I do it for the people. Maybe you should ask yourself why people pay you to argue on their behalf.

Truth fears no investigation.

Come someone post the nigger cuck conspiracy picture? Where some Discord was trying to desensitise this place at specific times each day?

>>Holocaust denial
When did this happen?

Yea but your graph doesn’t show that. It only shows 1900 and 1942. where did it increase by 50%

you are a retarded faggot


Hello JIDF!

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No it hasn't you fucking sandmonkey

And how can it increase by 50%? What does this mean

Look at the bottom. 11 million to 15 million.

It's fake news. The number is inflated in 1942.
The real number is 11, 12, 13 million
Not 11, 15, holocaust, 12, 13 million.

If you say so

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It's been proven to have been faked by USSR/Hollywood/Jew media.
/Thread. no point in arguing with (((Arabs))) They've never learned and they never will

you've never beaten us, this is why you're still here shilling on shit money.

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Oh ok

Oh ok but where is the numbers from 1900 to 1942

I don't think they counted jews yearly back then.

Well you were rude first. And I do agree with a lot you said.
Serios, bai coi? Serios? Pune dracu mana pe o carte adevarata de istorie in loc sa o pui toata ziua pe excrescenta aia flasca pe care o numesti pula.

All saudi princes are sephardis jews.

18.7k upvotes. With no evidence at all. Fucking reddit... The sheer number of NPCs depresses me.

Your flag, jew

don't you have some fags and whores to execute, Abdul?

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Sadly not

Why does your pic have three eyes

So where do you see a fifty percent rise?
