Jow Forums cult

Brethren report in.

follow my one true path to reach enlightenment and bring about a new world order. The path to self knowlege is through me and I will guide you along the way. All you need to say with open heart and greet your brother in the manner “Um ayaam s’ ul give me a name”

>Um ayaam s’ ul give me a name

Then I will answer, “nan wu amitabah brother -name-“

>nan wu amitabah brother -name-

You will be known by that name from. Now on this cult will operate on Jow Forums only named initiates will be included. You must report with your name. Do not put it as a tripcode. Just report in with it. I am now initiating people in to the cult. If you want to join the cult just reply with the initiation rite and I will give you a cult name.

>Um ayaam s’ ul give me a name

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off, sand nigger.

The punishment for Impersonating an initiate is banishishment.

Do you have to be White?


Follow my one true path or move on.

Lost souls

You're obviously scouting for 400 candidates to become your personal eunuchs.

Nigga if I say that shit, will I start seeing demons and curses and shit?

There are 10 degrees. Once you are initiated you have to pass the first degree. Then you become a learned brother. You find out the names of the other degrees as you go. They are secret.

I welcome all to join us on the way to enlightenment. So many lost souls.


Memeflags, taking shitposting to the next level.

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Nan Wu A Mi Tuo Fo Sheng Hao

they'll give you a name and link you to that name
they start saying and doing crazy shit using the given aliases
cult is now under scrutiny
you fucked up

Brother placid reporting in. Do you have need of me?

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So, like a poster id that follows you around Jow Forums? WhAT cOuLd PoSsIbLy Go WrONg??!!


Hail brother placid

>Yer a wizard Jow Forums

Attached: ps1 hagrid.jpg (676x401, 38K)

>nan wu amitabah brother walrus

Initiated member

Hail....uhh... What do i call you? Si fu?

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I AM the Ascended Master Yin. keeper of the Book of Names.

You can call me “The chosen one”

Lol as if half of pol doesnt secretely want this

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Thank you based CIA... err I mean, thank you Grand Master Chosen One!

that trap is completely passable

Cool. Can i call you guru for short?

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Um ayaam s’ ul give me a name

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give me a name coach, I'm ready

>nan wu amitabah brother gentle

Honest brother initiate

Your name is Bent Duck


Thats a fucking trap? Well looks like i just lost my heterosexuality

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>he doesn't know that Jow Forums already has a cult
Axis Cult is already in control here.

Attached: Aqua KonoSuba 60.jpg (800x1131, 608K)

If you are ready for initiation you must utter the initiation rites

Axis Cult

Attached: Aqua.(KonoSuba).full.1975471.jpg (867x1200, 701K)

The Goddess Aqua blesses her most dedicated worshipers, Axis Cult

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Fuck this fat jap,
Everyone knows Raël is the real messiah

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I too watch suggested videos by Count Dankula

Aqua-sama shares her blessed water with her devoted Axis Cult

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Hail Eris!

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Eris pads her bra!
>Eris pads her bra!

Eris pads her bra!

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What are the beliefs of this cult?

Ahhh discordianism. Its been a while. Surely it is the natural religion of pol, chaos worship. Newest incarnation kek, by chance?

enlightenment is gained through the one true path.

This guy was an egotistical maniac who is responsible for the death of many innocence, he also tried to start a war. Japan rightfully had him hanged and came down hard on his looney bunch of cult followers. Glad the fat fucker is dead and burning in hell.

you die for Israel

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A corrupted path.
A blind alley of false enlightenment.

>A corrupted path.
>A blind alley of false enlightenment.

Is exactly what his cult was. It’s funny because you’re probably following one of his last remaining spin-off cults that is heavily monitored by secret service agencies across the world. Im reporting this thread as it has absolutely nothing to do with Jow Forums. You just came here to project and spout shit because god knows nobody would give you the time of day in the outside world. I hope you get help user.

When there are enough initiated I will begin the first degree. When enough have passed the first degree I begin the second degree. And so on.

The idea is to have an inner circle of thoroughly indoctrinated 10 degree cultists controlling the other degrees and so on and so forth. This will be an extremely powerful and wealthy cult.

Lost soul

You don't offer anything. The only true path to greatness is Axis Cult. The Goddess Aqua blessed her devoted worshipers.

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Why are they not wearing helmets? Are they dumb?

I am starting a parallel cult.

We believe in ushering in the end times by creating an AI that will become a God. The function of this God will be to make sure the universe enters heat death in a way that makes another Big Bang possible which will create a better universe in which the believers of this cult will reincarnate as its elites.

All you need to join this cult is to pledge that you will do whatever it takes to create this AI God.

You sound like you are very alone and this is utterly sad, not sure why I even bother with schizo threads. You are the soulless who wish to manipulate and use others for your own personal gain. Every other cult in history has either been infiltrated or someone has blown the whistle. National security agencies across the world have been fascinated by the works of the stasi and have implemented Zersetzung into their infiltration tactics. You won’t last long.

‘The impatient monkey begs eternally for a (You) that never comes’

Gracious Initiate and High Brother Fulcrum reporting in

Let us summon ebola-chan to purge the earth

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Hail brother fulcrum

Everyday I pray to Aqua for Season 3. I also wish to bath in her water. I love you Aqua.
>inb4 Megumin is best girl

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Oh fuck that's the purse the Yellow Vests were doing in the street. Disclosure when???

Axis Cult ftw

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Um ayaam s’ ul give me a name

I know that when I die Aqua will be there to greet me.

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History repeats itself :)

Enjoy your schizo thread. Let the psychosis flourish.

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Sounds amazing and you look like a nice guy. Where do I sign up?


Aqua says heaven is boring. Best to spend the afterlife partying with her!

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This thread contains brother placid, brother fulcrum, and 2 new initiates brother walrus and brother gentle.

There are these initiated brothers from the first thread:

19 initiated members

Satan has spoken

This thread is devoted to Aqua

Attached: Aqua KonoSuba 117.jpg (700x1094, 646K)

Um ayaam s’ ul give me a name

Aqua is a cumslut

>nan wu amitabah brother Nestor

Initiated brethren


Attached: KonoSuba-Aqua-Megumin.Samsung-Ativ-S-Neo-wallpaper-720x1280.jpg (720x1280, 267K)

Good, that is better than the divide and conquer trick between Yahweh and Satan.

>nan wu amitabah brother blade

Initiated fellow brother

You are a shut in NEET

Attached: KonoSuba-Aqua.Nokia-N8-wallpaper-360x640.jpg (360x640, 60K)

>Brother blade
absolutely based. thanks for the sick handle

what the fuck

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I'm studying CS in college
Fuck your cumslut aqua
She ain't even cute and she's 2D

>Um ayaam s’ ul give me a name


hello faggot are you an initiate too?

Regardless of what you think, Aqua is a Goddess and you are a nothing.

Attached: Aqua KonoSuba 74.png (853x1204, 755K)

>nan wu amitabah brother vertice

Neophyte brother

>shit design
>probably not a virgin

She is a slut

Thank you brother. How do I attain the next degree?

Aqua shares her bountiful asset with her devotees.

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I will announce the first degree once there are sufficient inititates. Many will fail. Only the most dedicated initiates will attain the first degree.

It's a quenelle,
An antisemitic gesture created by comedian Dieudonne

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She is perfection.

Attached: Aqua KonoSuba 37.jpg (700x1120, 558K)

Amitabah brother
>Um ayaam s’ ul give me a name

Um ayaam s’ ul give me a name

You know, most cult leaders don't actually outright say they are a cult lol

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>nan wu amitabah brother spirit

Named initiate

>nan wu amitabah brother pepper

Prostrate initiated brother

the last cult i was in was abusive and manipulative, it was broken up by the police in this documentary
how can i be sure this won't happen again?

You have to be Male to be an initiated brother.