To stop me from doing this, take the wheelweights from any vehicle and pound them flat in to sheets.
Sew these sheets in to a phone case to completely enclose the phone.
Only take it out when you need to make a call, or at an appointed time to recieve a call.
Bazinga! I can't see you.
Bonus; No tumors from cellphone radiation.
No political enemies knowing where
you go.

Attached: I C U.jpg (623x519, 111K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Lol. Saw that story.
Wonder why you aren't getting any replies from a shill dominated board.
Can't have this getting out.

What site/app?

We will see how long the thread stays up.


Isn’t there an easier way than raising my blacksmithing level to 84? Surely someone sells one?

Okay, where am I right now?

Of course (((someone))) sells them

Attached: 1537334221935.jpg (576x702, 65K)


Why would I even care if you watch me..

Bro lets fap together to some sweet yuri!

Attached: 8C0B1E1F-432C-4422-B4D5-635F173831FC.png (1334x750, 843K)

ok so you can see where I am.
so whatcha gonna do?
I'll chop you into pieces if you come here :)

Wouldn't aluminium foil do the same thing?

>Why care

Nazis can hang you for degeneracy just for 200 sheckels. Privacy should be a concern for everyone.

Attached: e546745.jpg (654x539, 146K)


He thinks he can make a Faraday Cage out of lead.

>wheel weights pounded into a phone case

Fucking brilliant! Doing this.

>one off
You were so close to greatness

Attached: 0C61C7BD-C709-4B05-9B83-EE29D348158E.jpg (540x335, 19K)

Or you know, turn off location

You stupid, or just a Shill?

Attached: 1539154714782.png (530x534, 403K)

>The NPC thinks turning off location services stops ((((them)))) from spying on you

Fucking bong, acually not even a bong because your stupid gay clock tower is broken for the next 5 years

Ever tried to use a phone with a house with old lead paint on it between you and the tower?


Attached: D10BEFAD-D872-48D9-A4B7-92E11D44251D.png (531x720, 467K)

A few layers of aluminium foil
Protip: you can also line your pockets with that, and store alarm thingys won't work

faraday cages have to be grounded
no one cares, remind them of prism, no one will care.
if you follow me using this technology, physically, I will kill you where you stand.

>turn off location
that's not gps tracking, it's gsm/umts data (MNC, LAC, CID). That's just how the network works, it's independent from phone model or OS. The more dense is the tower distribution, the more precise the location will be.
Right now you can have a few hundred meters precision, but when 5G will be deployed, there will be even more antennas (higher bandwidth, lower power, but shittier range) so this kind of tracking will be even more precise.
You can't escape the botnet.

Touchy subject, apparently.

Lol. I can currently track you to within 11 centimeters.

this is what an /x/ meltdown looks like

Britbong stop eating so many potatoes, you'll turn Irish.

Not really. Modern hardware is backdoored. Doesn't matter the type of company. There's no reason for OP's delusions to be real because there's better cheaper alternatives.

Phones are pretty much compromised

Privacy is a meme, deal with it

Cool, give us your phone number if you aren't scared. It's not like privacy matters anyway.

Reddit fuck off.

>explains a ridiculous way to make a simple faraday cage

Attached: 15331579909888.jpg (717x711, 108K)

Why? Just take it yourself.

You forgot to post a counter argument.

take the battery out. oh wait... you can't do this with most mobilephones today.

Shit. I knew all telecom companies tracked and stored locations of all phones at all times. I didn't know they had an open policy of selling that data to anyone that asked.

Jokes on you, I don't even have cell service.

Don’t remind me.

Sorry, arguing with retards is unethical.


Whats the point of owning a phone if nobody can call you. You might as well go back to using payphones.


outbound only

inbound is just spammers, important calls can go to message bank

Nah, you gotta go full airplane mode. I don't even have service on my phone anymore. Haven't had it for about two years. Wifi is everywhere these days.

You know shits going to get very real when we can locate people by bouncing wifi signals off them. Which they are already doing for cheap motion capture.

>one off
american mathematics


or just use foil you absolute moron.

But I'm not a very ethical person.

Attached: 55364f17caec6e49a6e4bd8b7166125e.png (1584x1584, 2.31M)

He's correct if you convert the numerals to imperial units

Hehe good luck penetrating my tin foil fedora. nothing personal kid

So, I just woke up about 30 minutes ago and, lo and behold, my wife is standing at the stove frying up some eggs with a glass of red wine in one had and a spatula in the other. She's wearing my old guns n roses t-shirt that she sleeps in and nothing else. She looks at me seductively with an over the shoulder glance with lust in her green eyes but, there's something else. Disappointment. Last night, over the span of 20 minutes of rough fucking, I had only made her cum 9 times. She knows I can do better, and frankly, so do I.
Well, looks like the eggs will have to burn and another early morning of hard fucking and weed is on the menu, boys. I'll probably have a bloody mary, too.

Anyway, come smoke and have a drink, bro.

but you just revealed you location to make an outbound call, do you carry your faraday cage with you when you leave the house?

just put anything that needs protecting under your hat

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With what? You bongs are disarmed. Ffs, you can't even use a butter knife. Go pirate some ship.


Attached: emp-car.jpg (300x153, 19K)

While this is a terrifying fact, no one is interested in where I am except people with good intentions, and I doubt they’d pay money rather than just ask me and any elites that just want statistical data are going to get whether I brick my phone occasionally or not.

Or you can just not have a phone. No one who matters calls you anyways.


Here's one of your faggots killing this thread:

No u

You're a moron if you think this won't be used to black bag political dissidents in the future. The technology exists, ergo it will be used for nefarious reasons.

The first half of your shitpost sounded like literal heaven

You might be right. My concern is I’m a screen addicted gen z-er (maybe, I’m 22 I might be millennial, different people say different things)

I suppose it might be good to work on my addiction to my phone anyway, I’ll seriously consider doing this.

double no u

Yeah they're called Faraday cages.

Take foil, a fuck ton of it, shape it into a bit of a brick, then just use a regular hammer to try and hammer it into the shape of a phone case, if you have to use a file or something, use a file, it could be a fun project regardless of the potential benefits of not displaying your location and whatever other info they are blasting to everyone with the right tools to receive it.

Here are all our (((friends))) we want to "prank".

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I wont prank without proper prank training

It's as easy as visiting a website.

I don't understand this level of paranoia. What does it accomplish?

If someone intends to make you a victim of their own targeted aggression they will do so irrespective of whether or not you have a phone.

The bad people (sociopaths) would only get off on the challenge of doxing and gangstalking someone who doesn't have a mobile anyhow.