No matter who you like you matter

No matter who you like you matter

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Being gay and being hit on by a woman is like a jew trying to swindle you but you already own a car

My faggot son sure has a sweet ass.

Oh god am I proud of little Steven.

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Making shitty analogies and metaphors about complicated social issues that have serious ramifications is like an infant on TV commenting on politics. It's wrong, and there is most likely a Jew behind it.

Being an infant on tv is like being a liberal in real life

In reality having a gay son means someone you trusted molested your child. A neighbor. A priest. An Uncle. Were it to happen to my son I would waterboard the fucker until he confessed and then hang the molester upside down and cut his goddam Jugular so he could watch his life drain away.

Actually having a gay son is like getting an onion ring in your French fries.

Actually I got hit on, or at least weirdly complimented by a guy for the first time just recently, not sure if he was gay or not though, and I felt super uncomfortable and kind of wanted to deck him.
It doesn't feel that way at all IMO.


No. Working all your life to do your part of continuing the family legacy and have some goddam animal come in and destroy your efforts with his goddam perversion is a crime worse than murder and should be dealt with in the same way.

This. Except in my case it was my dad's friend's son who was a few years older than me.

>being straight and getting hit on by a gay guy is like receiving a lot of money but in the wrong currency
Yeah it’s like receiving one of those Zimbabwean 100 trillion dollar bills. Ultimately worthless, insulting, and awkward

I saw that reddit post too

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

>a leaf
imagine my shock

Fags don't matter though


Money in foreign currency can be exchanged. Can getting hit on by faggots be exchanged for getting hit on by women?

>Can getting hit on by faggots be exchanged for getting hit on by women?
tell gay man you will blow him for $100
Use $100 to buy prostitute

Ain't gonna lie, it was nice when I was mired by gay guy.

46% of male homos were molested

Thank God AIDS has cured a lot of faggotry

46% will admit it. 54% are lying.