How many Jewish vices have you personally overcome?
The porn jew
The movie jew
The alcohol jew
The smoking jew
The fast-food jew
The jew-jew
The newest phone jew
The political jew
The invisible jew
How many Jewish vices have you personally overcome?
The porn jew
The movie jew
The alcohol jew
The smoking jew
The fast-food jew
The jew-jew
The newest phone jew
The political jew
The invisible jew
>The invisible jew
Still working on it
The life jew
Can't shake the smoking jew, all other forms of kikery are out of muh life
the oil jew
still Working on the alcohol jew.
Working on that too.
I refuse to believe that tobacco and alcohol are jewed. Jews I have defeated:
>porn jew (since 2019)
>media jew
>political jew
>newest phone jew
>atheism jew
>food industry jew
I overcame the sugar jew recently. I had no idea how much I was destroying my body/looks with like 2-3 sodas a day.
The social media jew
The climate change jew
The big city jew
The pharma Jew
The processed food jew
Pretty much just the Jow Forums jew, the coffee jew, and the sugar jew is all I have left.
The vagina jew
The premarital sex jew
Still working on the tobacco and alcohol Jew.
The attractive Jewish girls always seem to want to suck my dick jew..
The arbitrarily restricted life based on an internet conspiracy about the jews jew
>How many Jewish vices have you personally overcome?
>The movie jew
>The alcohol jew
>The smoking jew (I guess not since I vape)
>The jew-jew
>The newest phone jew
>The political jew
>porn jew (since 2019)
How did you beat this one? Any tips? Serious.
Alcohol isn't jewish.
The grains jew
The sugar jew
The vegetable oil jew
The processed food jew
Diet is number one in body and mind health
>t. Mountain jew
All except smoking
physical activity seems to be a good outlet, but it's not a cure-all
Can confirm. Eat your healthy seed oils, goy. We love you.
How 2 stop drinking? Every night the day doesnt feel complete or i cant sleep without getting atleast buzzed, it feels like brushing my teeth. Not sure how to break this routine. Having no money is helping.
Praying the rosary every night
In 19th cent. Russian Poland Jews used to own the taverns and sell the alcohol, and when Catholic priests began abstinence campaigns Jews denounced them to the Russian authorities because it was hurting their revenues.
it is very much a tool of the Jew
The only one we cant defeat is internet jew.
The paranoia Jew, where I stop blaming everything I disagree with on Jews. You should try it.
>it is very much a tool of the Jew
or you know, a tool by those specific tavern owners. I surely hope you are not implying alcohol was invented in the 19th century.
Sugar Jew
Alcohol Jew
Sedentary Jew
Democracy Jew
Looking to overcome the city Jew
While I took on so many Joos head-on and made some progress, I have also became superautistic.
Back, when I drugged, and drank and whored, it was all so much easier.
Those things aren't jewish. How dumb can you be lmao?
all of those plus:
the toothpaste jew
the shampoo jew
the gas for central heating jew
the phone carrier jew
The masturbation jew caused me ed and pe
I shall have my revenge
>>The porn jew
>>The movie jew
>>The alcohol jew
>>The smoking jew
>>The fast-food jew
>>The jew-jew
>>The newest phone jew
>>The political jew
>>The invisible jew
>those numbers are speaking
Start by never drinking alone and never abusing alcohol. Expand by only drinking on special occasions (a football game doesn’t count, e.g.). By that point you’re likely only drinking 5 or 8 times a year and never to excess: this is appropriate for a well-adjusted adult.
still on toilet paper jew
>electric jew
I'm still on my computer while I could be out with the yellow jackets :(((
You‘re only redpilled if you conquer the oxygen jew.
Kys make the world a better place
ok u first
oh still on live near immigrant jew
> waaah muh white genocide
Don‘t encourage him.
020-jew confirmed
>Gluten jew
>Sugar Jew
>Processed foods Jew
>Vaccine Jew
>Doctor Jew
>Pharmaceuticals Jew
>TV Jew
>Alcohol Jew
>Smoking Jew
>Newest phone Jew
>Brand Clothing Jew
>Fast Food Jew
>Almost fully off the porn Jew
what's wrong with (you)?
>consumerism jew
>procreation jew
>hope for future jew
Ive beaten:
The stock market jew
The mattress jew
The sugar jew
The drug jew
The birth control jew
Still working on how to beat the clothing jew.
I know my smomiking is a shit habit but then again, life's a hell and I'm not going to quit working this fucking job
find jesus everyone uwu
>don't agree so you're a Jew
Thanks for proving my point
Instead of focusing on the negative to beat, how many of you have actually been in direct contact with
>mother E V R O P A
i had this beat for a long while. went to visit my dad and he had 24 case of coke. ended up having like 3 a day. It starts out with:
>yeah ok i had one and feel fine its no biggie, yeah ill have one now too i dont like the chlorinated water here anyways. yeah sure lets have one for dinner why not.
and next thing i know im craving it again and buying 2 liter bottles i have in 1 night.
Please do share about this shampoo jew...
Based and redpilled toothpaste. These are the big jews anyone should strive to overcome.
The porn jew
The movie jew
The TV jew
The alcohol jew
The vidya jew
The sugar jew
The smoking jew
The drug jew
The fast-food jew
The processed food jew
The jew-jew
The newest phone jew
The political jew
What's the invisible jew?
>no denial of being from Amsterdam
and thanks for proving mine.
I've conquered the rare deep water jew.
But yes OP many jews exist, good luck in your antisemtic quest.
Cable Jew was a good one. We spend more time outside.
I'm not but it's not relevant anyway.
The music Jew was another biggie. Mainstream music is so trash. We seek out indie musicians and find real talent.
The job jew (I am not paying taxes to them)
The roastie gf jew (I would rather stay a virgin forever than fuck a roastie)
The alcohol and smoking jew (never actually submitted to those in the first place)
The TV series jew
The jewish religion jew (fuck those coping mechanisms installed to make me docile and obidient to authority)
Expensive food jew (I only eat whats relatively cheap and nutricious, yet still good quality)
Alcohol is the most jewish thing that one can think of, there is nothing more retarded than drinking and drunk people. Smoking is a close second. Keeping the electorate docile and socially active (in a very degenerate way, i.e. drunk parties and drunk talks, when people think they do something important, while in fact to a sober person they look like fucking degenerates) is the common goal of all government authorities, and all authorities are jewish. Alcohol also keeps you going in a (((needed direction))), it helps you to be a productive cogwheel in (((the system))), when without alcohol you would've already chimped out thousands of times over, damanding immidiate dismantlement of the state and starting up the ovens.
There are only 2 things that can destroy up to 99% of degeneracy in this world - age of consent at 12-13 and complete prohibition with death punishments for drinking. People need to be kept within decent sexual relationships (i.e. early strong relationships with high possibility of future marriage, or even marriage straight ahead) and they need to be kept sober 100% of the time. Only this makes for a decent society.
yes, thats what Im talking about. A goyim must work, we gave goyim coping mechanisms to keep him go(y)ing, smoke, goyim, drink, goyim, work for us, goyim! We present you with shitty working and living conditions, so just cope with it, goyim! If you were sober, you would be protesting on the street, we wouldn't want that, goyim, no-no-no!
For me I found that there was a reason I was drinking that much. It turned out that I hated the city I lived in. It was causing me stress. The only way I could come home from work and forget that I lived in a shithole, was to start drinking. After I moved I no longer felt the need to drink
like for real once your off the junk food you try junk food again and hardly enjoy it but if your not careful your body will end up craving it again.
What is invisible jew?
Overcome these:
>The movie jew
>The alcohol jew
>The smoking jew
>The jew-jew
>The newest phone jew
>The political jew
But who the hell is:
>The invisible jew
Tabacco Jew
Alcohol Jew
Modernization Jew
Hollywood Jew
Fast food Jew
Sugar Jew.
My kids were little enough when I redpilled that I was able to successfully expel the Disney/Nickelodeon Jew before any harm was done.
Feminism Jew
Christianity Jew.
I’ve never felt more healthy or goal oriented. Even the way my wife and I interact has dramatically changed. We have much more respect for each other. Turns out she’s been waiting on me to take the reins and lead for a long time and she resented my weakness. Even if it was unspoken. I also started engaging in my community and have made some really decent friends. Good people, the type of people that have your back. I don’t even hate jews anymore, it’s too much power to give to them. I just understand their nature and what needs to be done. Keep up the good work boys, I love you all.
Okay, autistic Lelystad-homo.
>The whole calling everything jews started ironically
>Similar to calling everyone nigger
>stormfags thought they found a friendly place
>after gamergate that actually became the case because of SJW's
>Not sure how it will evolve from here but pandora's box has been opened
> see for example populism is on the rise and it's because the situation in the real world has gone to shit
>not because some fags were larping as ultra-conservative christians
The Juicy Fruit Jew
Fucks personal biome. You have a tiny universe of micro helpers that it fucks up.
t. the Can't-Understand-Satire Jew
The alcohol jew (wasn't hard, just made me blackpilled anyway)
The fast food jew
The sugar jew
The supermarket jew (local butchers, green grocers and farmer's markets only, this can be quite difficult as supermarkets are much more convenient)
The mainstream media jew
The vidya jew
The herbal jew is next on the list but i don't sleep without it so it's not looking likely.
>What is the invisible jew?
The running question of the thread
What Lelystad! The horror.
Sky daddy
wrong again, who fucking cares where I'm from anyway. How is that in any way relevant?
>it's because the situation in the real world has gone to shit
Nah it's because Jow Forums is full of morons. That guy was given an elbow to the neck and the fucksticks from AfD are hyping it up like crazy, and their retarded followers gobble it up. First they said he was beaten with a pole and kicked while on the floor, then we got the footage clearly showing that was bullshit. There ya go. That's the bullshit Jow Forums is getting riled up about.
Quit social media jew
Alcohol jew
Kratom leafy jew
And tv Hollywood jew
Porn jew
And greatest of all I found Jesus the jew lie smasher
Feels great!
The newest phone jew, whilst the most benign of the lot, I find really interesting. Even boomers who use literally none of the features have fallen victim to it. Phones are now a perpetual debt cycle as are new cars. The minute contracts are up people are rushing down to the phone store or car dealership essentially begging to get into more debt. I guess decades of conditioning have finally paid off.
The porn jew
The movie jew
The alcohol jew
The smoking jew
The fast-food jew
The drugs-jew
The newest phone jew
The social media jew
Currently working on the Jow Forums jew
I have successfully overcome the omni-jew.
This is the one that gets in the way of you figuring out what's jewed, and what's just fucked up.
>the "overcome the jew" jew
Keto+nofap removes a lot of jews from life. Make your own lard.
Still working on the atheism jew. Logically there's no god to me but the personal connections the church fosters are very important for mental health and to help protect one another.
Change the thing you're unhappy with that is causing you to drink. Replace drinking with some other habit/hobby
>shampoo jew
based and redpilled.
dammit I have a pimple on my back and it hurts to lean into my chair.
Redpilled , they want you to stay fat, low testosterone, take off your guns, watching porn to be useless, brainwashed by media to manipulate you like toys like everyone else.
when will you defeat the pimple jew?
ok overcome it too then
the only jew left is the porn jew
which is essentially the lazyness jew
I have to get fit and get a woman
the caffeine jew
the vaginal jew
>Jow Forums jew
impossible, you'll be here forever
Porn jew
alcohol jew
carbonated jew
smoking jew
depression jew
still a lot of jews to go I guess
Agreed, user. Good job.
>the false history jew
>Logically there's no god to me
>For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom
>But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness
>But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.
Looks to me like you're not called....well somebody has to fill the lake of fire i suppose...
>Gives up every x-Jew
>Turns life around and becomes a leader for his wife
>Becomes social with his community
>Makes good friends because of his changes
>In the end, understands that Jews have common instinct among themselves to be predatory
>K N O W S W H A T N E E D S T O B E D O N E
So this kiddy fidlin Noordoostpolder faggot wants to downplay physical attacks on politicians.
>muh it's not as bad as being brutalized with a pole
You see this is why PVV and FvD are winning in your country and why the sum of all left-voting people has been on the decline since the 90's. You can't even recognize how much the world is going to shit, so how are you people going to do anything about it?
>can't beat the populism-jew these days