Thinking of getting the horde logo tatted on my should so its barely visible with a tshirt...

Thinking of getting the horde logo tatted on my should so its barely visible with a tshirt, you guys think its cool or is it gay? Pic related

Attached: 180549677.jpg (1000x1000, 111K)

Wait until WoW is over. You don't know how gay the Horde is going to turn out to be.
Remember how people got the Slipknot tattoo (similar style to The Horde logo). Remember how gay they turned out to be?

All tattoos are gay.
I think it would fit you nicely, since you're evidently gay enough to consider anyone but your own opinion on what designs you wish to display on your skin for the rest of your life.

Also was considering this around the elbow

Attached: 312lQlQGbdL._SX425_.jpg (425x410, 13K)

>world of warcraft tattoo

Thing is 95% of ppl wouldnt even know what it was to call me gay

Tattoos in general are stupid. Videogame tattoos even more so.

A lot of people play Wow and even more know about it and the symbol is posted everywhere in advertising for the game
See recent BfA commericals with literally fat fucks with this tattoo

Put it on your forehead

Im not fat though lol im 5'11 180lbs, no neckbeard, i just enjoy the game

>hey user that's a pretty cool tattoo, what does that mean?
>i-it's nothing really... it's from a v-videogame haha
>oh i see *cringes*

the aesthetic is pretty cool but videogame tattoos are gonna make you look like a manchild.
i'd think about it really really hard before having something like this semi-permanently engraved on my skin, or even worse one day regretting it and having it removed, which is both painful and expensive.

>Getting tattoos that are just like-for-like tracings of symbols from pop media

This is the most brainlet shit ever

If you’re going to get tattoos, get timeless art, and go to a good artist that does custom work. Get something that is objectively visually pleasing to the majority of people

>Nature, animals
>Mythological beasts
>Cityscape scenes
>Something from your heritage

What if i got a really really well done colorized kick ass tat of ragnoros??

Attached: Ragnaros_the_Firelord.png (807x774, 1.14M)

Tats in general are stupid, but even if you were into them, vidya tats are cringe as FUCK.

You might as well get crypto tats while you're at it. Get HODL on your forearm.

Maybe have a qoute yelling "BY FIRE BE PURGED"


I mean it would look cool but it’s still from a video game

Are you really going to want to explain for the rest of your life that your tat is from World of Warcraft?

This is why I recommend timeless images from nature or heritage because they are things that will never go out of style. They are constants in the world. A guy with a massive artistically impressive tattoo of a fearsome lion will always be cool or at least respectable because that’s a timeless image, a creature used as a symbol of strength for all human history. But a tattoo of a WoW character is always gonna be a bit weird because it’s a temporary snapshot of popular culture

I love when guys get fullbacks containing text. Gives you something to read while you're fucking them.

Or a person can get a tattoo that they find appealing because it's their body and they get to decide what to put on it
Putting something you don't like on your body because it's "visually appealing to the majority" is something a sheep would do.
Stop caring about what others think and be proud of what you like.

I’m a girl and I would think it’s cook, I don’t play WoW anymore but I used to and I still like it. I’m alliance though so I’d prob give you a dirty look.


not cook


>Yep son, I got this one for a game that was being re-hashed since 2004. The memories I have are staring at a couple pixels on a computer screen.

My friend did this. It's on his leg though.

Good conversation starter for fellow WoW players- more so if Horde.

not only you're gay, you're also a manlet.
just kys, sweetie, there's no remedy for you.

Get "Rules Of Nature" on your forearm too.

Gay as fuck. I would fire you over this.

Get an Alliance tattoo instead

A lion tattoo means you're an alliance fag

Brah do you even Lunk tar ogar?