How goes the Bank Run?

What are the yellow vests up to today?

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Shit thread. Minimal effort.

I'm thinking itdidnt happen, user. Jow Forums is collectively going out of its way to not discuss it.

Nah bro it was totally successful but the Jews are hiding it from the news and social media. France runs on crypto and gold standard now.

stupid peasants, withdraw your $2.40 if you like

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I fapped today. My opinion might be worthless


>Shit thread. Minimal effort.

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Now that the French public is aware the the Kremlin was backing the protesters and now that there's been so much violence, their disapproval rating is in the toilet. Beside, the banks all know that sooner or later these fuckwits will be putting their Euros back into the bank. Meanwhile they sent a list of all the account closers to Macron and the Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de l'Industrie for a thorough examination.

Nothing burger

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>no goyim leave your shekels with me

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Wait, I thought it was a glownigger op.

Was it nothing?
Were ATMs shut down in advance?
Any french man here?

bumping for a revolution

Pick one

Nah man it aint a crime to take out all your money lmao take that shit out dawg

Before they go and move it somewhere and forget to tell you the last day they're even open

>day is over
>nothing happened

When did you realize this board is full of retards

One time I woke up hungover on saturday morning and I checked my email and I thought
>lol that's obviously a scam
But it was true. The FDIC got my email address from my bank and sent me an email that they had already shut down the bank yesterday and to wait for further information in the mail.

And then I got a check from the FDIC in the mail for the balance of my account.

nothing happened again, everyone is angry but no one want to do jack shit, shitskins are far more willing to go in the street for a soccer cup than actually protesting and to top it all our country just proved they have the most numerous number of cucks by raising 1.4 millions € on a platform like litchy to "help and support the police"

the only way to make a move now is with violence

Then get to it