“Spare the rod spoil the child” as the Bible says. I don’t want to raise a weak spoiled snowflake brat. But when I mention it as an option to my wife she thinks I’m crazy? Everyone is saying that child corporal punishment is bad, but look what that got us, the most worthless generation “Millenials”. I was beat as a child and turned out fine.
Is beating your child redpilled?
Focused, purposefully violence used for correcting behavior is not only okay, it's moral and justified. Not correcting aberrant behavior is immoral.
Make sure to circumcise them first so they'll know suffering.
Found the psycho
I think it's best to have a dialog with the child and understand his/her feelings. I don't think any kind of spanking or any physical 'correction' should be used.
no, most child-beating is done by women, and its done out of emotional outbursts, not a calmly delivered punishment. There are better ways of punishment/negative reinforcement than hitting.
>>with a child
I do that every day here on pol, I don't think that works retard.
>using kike morals to raise a child
Beating a child is bluepilled low iq bullshit. If you want to raise a decent human you must show them love. They are developing, they are a reflection of what they are given. If you give them violence, anger, and other negativity, these are the tools they will have at their disposal when climbing through life. Don't worship kikes, don't beat your child. Dumbass.
id hit that
you sound like a cuck pussy - does your “wife” have a nigger bull boyfriend too?
remember that time you redpilled someone by walking up to them and punching them in the head every time they said something stupid?
why not just apply that to kids, surely they'll be free thinkers now and not easily controlled docile little sheep...
yes beating a child is good so the child can understand the consequence of his actions.
>8 year old tells mom to shut the fuck up
>son, let’s have a dialogue about your feelings
Fast forward
>punk kid has never had real consequences
>calls jaquavious a nigger
>gets his head beat in and is now retarded
>8 year old tells mom to shut the fuck up
>quick, emotionless smack across the face
>kid is temporarily angry
>learns self control
>that’s right goy! NEVER teach your child about proper uses for violence! They need to accept everything their government and masters force upon them
You’re pitiful
I rebelled against my parents and I’m cut same with some of my friends psychological damage always leads to rebellion
No one said anything about “redpilling “ the child Autismo
>but look what that got us, the most worthless generation “Millenials”
Because the beaten boomers are such a fucking boon.
I love how it's always black guys who talk about how their moms told them how to fight.
This/ my wife isn't big on punishment/discipline but holy shit when she snaps she goes apeshit.
>everyone with the pan African flag must be black
A child needs discipline I rarely if ever need to strike my children anymore. When I do it is a fast swat across back of head, enough to make noise and surprise them
If you're kid is telling their mom to fuck off you already failed. I know this is hard to comprehend for a negroid.
It's true, though. It's pretty rare for a black guy to say how his dad taught him how to not take any shit out on the street.
No, that's not even what the rod means. The rod is a shepherding tool, not a beating implement. There is a reason child abuse is an infection in the poverty class and an integral part of how the poor stay poor. Do you think any of elites that rule the world do it? No, they just convince you to. Funny how that works.
>Typical nigger being this shallow about inner development.
Maybe physical abuse works on niggers. But it is detrimental to humans who have much more depth to their psychological development. Beating a child or smacking them around is a surefire method to create rebellious degenerate teenagers. Retarded birdeater.
>I was beat as a child and turned out fine.
>unironically concentrating on the flag
And you want people to take life advice from retards of this magnitude lmao
>being rebellious is BAD
>people need to do what they’re told and expected to do ALL their LIFE
t. Basedriddledcuckboi
A good sure way to have your kid end up like a degenerate is to beat them. Show them how tough and redpilled you are.
At my 30s, most of the kids or friends I knew when I was younger that came from homes where there dad's were complete assholes are complete fuck ups today.
No you imbecile. Violence is something to be used versus evil entities not to correct someone you want to see develop well.
Rebelling against the good intentions of your parents is bad you retard low iq Jew worshipper. This is how generations are destroyed and harvested by the kikes. Low iq shitskin
male children should not be beaten, only for the most serious offences of subordination
female children should be beaten three times per day
Then youre stupid
You said low iq twice in the same post
Talk about projecting lmao
Also still not black
Beating isn't the right word. When you want to teach a child that they did something very wrong and careless, you tell that child calmly that they will receive a spanking. A spanking is soft enough that it doesn't really hurt them, but hard enough to scare them. You spank them a few times depending on the severity of the offense. Afterwards you hug them, and you tell them you only spank them because you love them, and to never do that thing again. Spanking probably won't work after a certain age. You'll know based on how a child reacts to the threat of a spanking.
Don't overdue it and if you during during their teens you already failed.
kids are smarter than you think and you are lazy
I'm a father of a 4 year old and 2 year old.
You cannot argue with a creature that has the cognitive capabilities of a dog.
Raising children is actually very similar to raising a good dog.
You have to train them, reward them when appropriate and use sanctions when needed.
However, there is a limit to using arguments or negative reinforcements.
At some point you will just run out of powder or patience.
That is the point when I would say that force is necessary.
A young dog needs to be disciplined and so do children.
But you wouldn't beat your dog blue, would you?
Low iq shitskin
Low iq shitskin
Low iq shitskin
This bitch gets younger every year
comprimise with your old lady Anonymous. if you dont why the fuck raise a kid?
learn to compromise with your child you ass hat, its alot better at teach social skills to your child than just mindlessly beating them for not agreeing with you. If your child royally fucks up sure, spank em, but dont be a nigger and beat them because they wont go to bed, or they wont eat their greens
Idiot. Your child is developing and will develop well beyond the psyche and cognitive ability of a dog. Treating them like dogs is subhuman shortsighted behavior
"You spank them and afterwards tell them you love them."
No you better not. You use harsh negative reinforcement and afterwards nullify it with your hug. That is confusing.
When you use force, do it immediately, quickly and make a point.
Raising children well is just managing an elaborate but loving psyop
You control their upbringing and direction to take them to the lessons and experiences it takes to make them into strong adults
Imagine making this thread.
That is not really contradicting me.
As I said, a 4 year old has the capability of a dog.
A 16 year old will of course need a different approach.
"Subhuman" is actually correct.
Children are not fully developed humans - they are subhuman (not saying many adults aren't either).
You cannot treat a child like a grown up.
These threads are great because you can really quickly tell who doesn't actually have kids but has all the advice
There's a balance.
Spankings or a swat on the back of the hand, followed by a grounding usually work.
I wouldn't use a belt, and you definitely never hit your kid anywhere near the face/head.
On the other side, parents trying to calmy reason with a 5 year old throwing a tantrum drive me up the fucking wall.
The little shit just isn't getting it, and if you don't exert some actual authority, they're never going to get it.
Physical discipline doesnt have to include a “beating.” There is a middle ground. If you are too weak as a parent your kid will grow up without discipline and will be a hellion unless they get discipline from somewhere else. On the flip side, being too harsh is equally bad.
Its much like training a dog. A corrective slap can be good, while a full-on beating is pretty much always a bad option.
Rather than physical force, my parents made me go into time outs where the only thing I could do is homework and study for hours if I misbehaved. Sure, sometimes I got pinched, but never anything more.
I'm an Aerospace Engineer now. Mr Musk plz give job
I got beaten up regularly by my parents and I think it was justified and made me a better person.
Omg he’s so mad tee hee
srsly, as if you can just open a cook book and look up the recipe for how to raise a child the right way. I don't know about you, but I remember how cunning and ruthless I was as a child during certain periods of all-out tactical war against my parents.
It's no wonder Jews are so obsessed with telling people how to cookie-cutter raise their children.
>compromise with a child
I know you niggers don't love your children so just move along would you, ya dirty nigger?
The problem is alot of people are sadistic bastards and dont use violence as a measured teaching tool. A spanking or a thwack upside the head works. If your pulling out a belt and just wolloping that child due to your own frustrations then your not teachone him.
>unironically focusing on the flag
Shitposting with this flag has been a great litmus year for actual retards
Leftists are all weak and feel that they are weak (see: Kaczynski), so they're naturally going to be opposed to such a clearly hierarchical practice. They know that if society solved all its disputes with fist-fights, they would never win anything. From their perspective it's all abuse. If you look at it from a natural perspective of the strong versus the weak, then it's more justified. I'm not saying that you should beat your children to a pulp, but if it's not self-evidently wrong to you, then it is a tool in your toolkit. Use it when you feel it can be used. As long as you don't go overboard it's fine. Hitting women is also "morally justified", but I wouldn't recommend it for legal reasons.
People who think it should be one or the other are stupid.
The bible says he who spares the rod hates his child. But it also says don't drive your children to wrath, both nurture and admonish them.
>shitposting with a meme flag
oh so you are a nigger
I was beat as a kid and I'm a worthless millennial anyway
You must approach raising a child with their future selves in mind at all times. If you do not, you harm their development. Saying, oh well they are dumb now does not justify you resorting to subhuman parenting techniques. Try being human, try using your brain to solve issues with someone you do not wish to permanently harm.
I got beat pretty good growing up
if you want a paranoid, violent, rage filled, depressed kid this is what you do. and you'll start beating them more and more because beatings actually cause bad behaviour so its vicious cycle
before the beatings I was a happy go lucky kid that loved talking to everyone. then I became very very different quickly and it took me a long time to get over. truthfully ill never be the same but whatever my life is pretty good so ill take the hit
t. Overweight but physically weak college student that gets no pussy and will never have children
My setiments exactly.
>I was only bad bc of discipline!
>we’re i allowed to act out all the time
I’d have grown up healthier!
Yes, people should hit them to shut them up and man them up easy to understand no spoiled brats and more important. No mangina and pussies screaming oppression or comunism
corporal punishment is redpilled
but with good measurement you shouldn't treat your child like a sandbag
I'm hiding this entire thread because you decided to exploit a white woman. Thanks, asshole.
Escalating punishment for breaking the same rule.
The kids get into something they're not suppose to, first time, tell them not to and explain why. Second time, escalate, scold them and send them to time out. Third time, that's a swat on the ass and grounding.
You don't go to the nuclear option right from the start.
Do you have children?
Well, I do and when I get home after 10 hours of gruelling work and my 4 year old won't sleep at bedtime after the 4th iteration of Snowwhite, i throw reason out of the window (or do I?) and use measured force.
Children are cunning, evil, selfish little bastards (not that I do not love them) sometimes and you have to show them the limits.
dont say that user, just drop the weight and pick up some weights and youll get the girls, worked for me
you would've fucking broken if you lived through half of what I lived through my friend. don't advocate parenting styles you couldn't survive
My wife flips out on my kids and they continue to escalate. But when daddy walks in the room, says nothing, and takes one look at the kids, they shut right the fuck up cause they know daddy doesn't fuck around.
I don't hit them. I either let them suffer the natural consequences of their actions, or if that's too extreme, start eliminating privileges, and by God, I stick to my punishments.
Sure, but it's no good if you're acting out of a mindset of grueling work. Everybody snaps sometimes and you definitely do need to rapidly set limits sometimes, but if you operate out of that mindset all the time then the children are going to be trained by your mindset as much as by your actions.
You can't have children.
Textbook child psychology is useless.
Well for one, you shouldn't say "beating your child" you're a fucking moron to think that word makes people feel good. You should discipline your child and than give her food reason. Like how children are incapable of reason and if you don't give them a reason to behave they will step all over you. you discipline your child with a spanking on the butt. Than you explain to them why, you tell them when they get older they will understand and the spankings will stop and that you still love them. It's that simple
It's not textbook child psychology. It's being a real person. Trying to manage children is probably the most difficult mental exercise ever. I'm all for rapid force escalation, but it's a total motherfucker to figure out how to avoid needing to resort to that while the whole time they're trying to find a hole in your game to get back at you or just because they're bored or whatever.
I’ve got three children, I’ve found that spanking is most effective as a punishment of “last resort” so to speak. It’s like anything else, if you yell at them constantly for everything, it loses it’s effectiveness and you have to yell louder and louder and eventually it doesn’t work anymore. If you spank them for everything, they no longer fear it. One of mine is still an infant, but the two toddlers were both spanked when I felt it was appropriate. Once they know that you’re willing to cross into that territory, often the threat is enough to correct the behavior.
The absolute most important thing about disciplining your children is consistency. Children need boundaries, when they have clearly defined boundaries, they tend not to push them as often. If they know that *sometimes* you’ll punish them and *sometimes* you won’t, they’ll constantly probe until they find the boundary of allowable behavior. With my children and normal, everyday discipline, I followed a 3 step approach every time.
>Step 1) re-direct/timeout/dialogue
“Don’t do X, and this is why” no yelling, just a calm but firm reminder
>Step 2) first and final warning
Firm voice, eye contact.
>Step 3) spanking. Nothing crazy, a couple of smacks across their ass.
I very rarely ever have to go past Step 2 anymore, they know what comes after and they don’t like it.
Tl;dr spanking is absolutely fine, it’s not the best approach for everyday minor discipline. If you’re having to spank them constantly then you need to re-examine your parenting style. Whatever you do, be consistent. Kids absolutely need clearly defined behavioral boundaries, they thrive when they are secure in their environment. “If I do X, Y will happen.” When punishment becomes an unknown, they’ll push until they find it.
I've got a 2 and 1/2 year old and this is spot on. Anymore the threat of a butt spank works wonders.
And I'm a millennial that was never spanked in my life and feel I suffered. I was cocky and didn't learn respect until older
>ost of the kids or friends I knew when I was younger that came from homes where there dad's were complete assholes are complete fuck ups today
But what came first. Bad behaviour or physical correction?
putting them in situations where blacks can't help themselves taking advantage of whitey is a redpill. Let them do the violence and you the voice of light.
Wew what a fun age. My oldest son is 2.5(Inb4 my wife’s son) it’s like a roller coaster, seems like they have two emotions, really happy or really fucking sad/angry. It’s a bit like living with a tiny unmedicated bipolar person. Thankfully, he’s happy most of the time. It’s truly amazing watching him develop and learn new things on a daily basis. He has such enthusiasm for life. Kids are like anyone else really, they ultimately desire to feel like they have some autonomy over their lives, yet they are unique in that they cannot yet grasp the consequences of their actions. They want to exercise their own will, and can’t understand why you prevent them from doing things. I will say, presenting my kids with choices goes a long way to prevent the tantrums. If they are a pain in the ass about getting dressed, let them choose their outfit. Letting them choose between two bedtime stories instead of them wanting to read 5 different books, etc. Having children is by far the most demanding and simultaneously rewarding experience I can imagine. To love another being so unconditionally, but also sometimes feel such anger towards it.
no its not you mutt nigger
>I was beat as a child and turned out fine.
Jow Forums isn't healthy. You are an unhealthy adult broken from traumatic childhood abuse, like all Jow Forumsacks.
Utterly disgraceful.
Somebody please take this mong's children away. Humans aren't dogs, you lazy narcissistic piece of shit.
Man, I don't ever think it's necessary to hit your kid unless, you know, they're trying to kill someone. I think it's more of an impact to get your kid to really like you and being around and set good examples for them. And as you expect to be respected by them, it also means a lot to them that you show respect to them. Just as communication is key for having a good marriage, so too is it key for having a loving, healthy relationship with your child.
As I was becoming a young adult, I was often told by older people that my parents had raised me right. I agree with that a lot, and I'm very thankful for how my mom and dad brought me up.
If I wasn’t hit occasionally I would br a massive faggot
Only beat them after they repeatedly disobey you. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think George Lincoln Rockwell said something about too much physical punishment leads to cowardice and timidity, but not enough leads to disrespect and disorderly behavior.
idk but if I meet a single mom I will beat her and her kids lmaooo
just kidding, I'd only beat the NPC ones
don't try this at home
Beating your kids to beat them is wrong. Applying a punishment is not. Never strike them in anger, only out of love. You will notice a trend over the last 20-30 years of liberals crying about how children should NEVER be punished. It makes you look at society as a whole and cease wondering how this kinder and gentler perspective has changed society. Now these kids are growing up and some are adults (Millennial as example) They simply don't believe in consequences for their actions,and if a consequence seems to harsh they demand it be changed to love, because you can love something so much that it fixes it. On the flip side, you have others that seem to think that there are no consequences for their actions. Anyone who disagrees with spankings is a faggot who should not have kids. I am blaming the entirety of 2 generations for acting like faggots and their parents also. I was lucky enough to have been knocked around pretty good. Mouth off to mom? Get a backhand. Piss off dad, and you are libel to get wupped. Today's parent seem to think that IF a kid is rambunctious, we just need to increase the pharmaceutical pills they are on. Better living through zombification of the masses. Fuck all of you that are on pills as "mood stabilizers". You are what is wrong, and your parents are part of the problem also. You were fed comcast cable and ritilin as a substitute for real society. Society failed you so that both of your parents could work while you were babysat by the public school system. You are fucked up, and some of you are 100% irredeemable. You can say its not your fault, but it doesn't change that you are still a problem to society. Your personality is nothing but the side effect of the pills you take to stay "sane".
Found the faggots.
Parenting advice by a retard for retards:
Shut off your brain and yell at your kid like a monkey when they annoy you. The louder, the more intimidating, and terrifying, the better. After they've accepted that they have no voice and they don't matter, they will become numb husks, with the onset of early depression to silence out the fear. Now, as an adult, if they don't fear you anymore, obviously they are doing something wrong, so it's time to beat them. After several beatings the child will find himself in a nightmarish torture world where he has to play minesweeper with your feelings (which are all that matter) to see how he needs to act for the rest of his life (killing his true self completely which never mattered anyways) so he doesn't get beat again.
tl;dr: break your child mentally and emotionally to make your life easier.
White people punish and spank their children.
Only niggers BEAT their children.
Unironically this
that's something NPCs do to ruin gifted souls
>true self
NPCs don't have that
Depends on the child. When I was whacked as a child it never taught me not to do it no matter how many times. It was inly good at making me not backtalk. But when my parents took away privileges instead I understood consequences much better. My brother on the other hand was the exact opposite and needed to be hit to understand. So it depends on your children. Now i will say this don't use items on kids that's just makes them fearful. Just smack them across the face or smack them across the bottem
Here's something no one told you but I'm feeling generous enough to. Liberals, leftists, sjws, and the like all had terrible childhoods. They were beat aka properly disciplined, that is why their entire lives consist of rebelling and trying to bring down the current system. It all stems from their traumatic childhoods. When they say children should never be beat, they're literally warning you to stop creating them.