Smoking hot white woman teacher gives you her opinion on Black Lives Matter

in b4 "she's not white"

I guarantee if this teacher was speaking out in favor of banning immigrants or owning guns, you'd be accepting her as white in an instant and you'd be asking for her contact info so you can wife her up. You don't like Kardashain so Kardashian isn't white to you. You like the Iranian president who hates Israel so you try to claim the Iranian president as white when he clearly isn't. Dwayne The Rock Johnson agrees with you on snowflakes so you claim him as white even though he clearly isn't but Colin Kaepernick is not white and is just a "nigger" because you disagree with him on matters of race in America.

I wonder what Wentworth Miller's political opinions are. If it's in your favor he'll be white no problem but if he goes against you he's a "dumb half breed wog"

See how it works?

She is white. end of. Let's not have selective acceptance of who is white and who is not just because of their political opinions.

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Her hair is dyed

shitskins are white now? go fuck you’re mother with this nonsense.

She literally calls herself a blonde, greeneyed white girl in the video you idiot. She doesn't look Hispanic or mulatto or middle eastern either. She is clearly white.

Ebonics spewing idiot teaches people? bruh,

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mhmmmm das rite

Looks like she has native American mutt in her.

I cannot watch this shit. Kill yourself OP

Why does she talk like a black man?

a female teacher putting on a ghetto male/butch affectation is a bit concerning for the unfortunate students




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How muck black dick does a woman need to get rammed with before you start talking like that? Her twat must be like an Arby’s sandwich that’s been left out in the sun for a few days

She talks like a nog.

you can clearly see that she is mixed with black hence the niggerbonics.. her skull shape longitudinally is that of a negro


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I hate fake blondes. I have to be one of the few real ones left, and Im a fuckin dude so it doesn't really matter

Once you go black,

you're a single mom on welfare.

Louisiana seems like such a shithole. Most Cajuns just seem like white trash. I like their food though. Also this girl speaks and acts like a nigger.

Talk like a nigger.
Gesticulate like a nigger.
That's nog enough for me.

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Whiter than you Muhammad

People that dye their hare blonde are NOT white

That bitch is fully brainwashed. Opinion discarded.

>Smoking hot
are you black? she's nothing special really

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Dios Mio

are the milkers good? not clicking otherwise

>talks like degenerate ghetto trash

>talks like a nigger

dyed hair you dumb kike

>Tone of voice
>"Smoking hot"
Yeah Nah

She's a real woman. I can't see her body but i can tell she is curvy in all the right places and has something known as a spine. The girl in your pic looks about 15 and looks like she would get blown over by a gust of wind and has the body of a 10 year old boy. I want a woman who can hold her own in an argument and actually looks like a strong woman who has been through life's challenges.

Thats a mongrel you stupid fucks. Look at the eyes shape, nose width and general facial features. Id assume she has at least 20% negroid admix.

Mon dieu!

why does she talk like a semi-middle class nigger?

She’s not white

>Dumb people cant be hot
>Hot people cant be dumb
Guess what faggot...

Probably she's just acting, that accent sounds forced.

most teachers are useful idiots or rabid cultural marxists, schools need to be saved from this plague poisoning children

Because she is

She sounds like a fucking nigger.



>being this much of a retarded yankee

>Smoking hot
kek, good one Chaim.

That thing is a teacher?

> female
Opinion discarded

bruh, if you want a woman who could work field, that youtube bitch ain't one. She looks like a lazy pig.

t. overweight roastie

Her name is Rubia Garcia.
Spanish flags! Come claim your lost children.

That's quite the bizarre manifestation of stockholm syndrome. Whatever else happens, she should at least be kept away from the children.

She is in New Orleans. Thats basically niggerville. She is not getting close to white children.

She isn't "white", memeflag. Sage.

do people actually speak like that or is that just a meme because that is really ugly

>acting like a nigger
who the fuck can listen to that garbage?

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>would bleach/10
fuck I love nigger booty

It seems like the shittiest humans have some of the best food.

'cause she's a wigger that grew up around niggers, you know what she is by the 2nd-3rd word out of her mouth. a ghetto whore

Smoking whore

the whore either has AIDS or doomed, she might not die of aids but she'll die WIH aids

No decent white children, anyway. Even a lot of poor whites put their kids in parochial schools in LA.

Dwayne the rock johnson is white? Are you fucking retarded?

She's right you know

you know she's only 1-2 paychecks from taking cocks for money, instead of just fun. i'm sure you'll be able to fuck her about the 2nd-3rd of next month. if she's a teacher in a nigger school you know she's on foodstamps that might not go out next month. LOL

>Smoking hot white woman teacher
>speaks like a nigger
why post this
show real flag

unfortunately, yes when whites grow up around niggers they learn ebonics as the local dialect. we call em wiggers. white niggers


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I don't know man. She's talking so black that I could've watch the entire thing. White people who try to act black and articulate in ghetto speak lose IQ points with me. Grow the fuck up and articulate properly. She looks retarded talking ghetto. And if your children are trying to be wiggers, you need to take away their goddamned cell phones. It doesn't matter what this gal said, because she's just too ghetto.

least she's easily identified the second she opens her mouth. a disease trap. at BEST she has herpes

so some 56% niggerspeaking mutt has an opinion boo fucking hoo
>mfw this is on the front page

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niggers are only 4-5 generations from living in tree nests so they still haven't mastetred the ability to mimic human speach

what is the chance of her unironically being a coalburner? judging by how she talks, i'd say pretty high

>I teach predominantly blacks
good, we want the whites to have the smart ones.

Okay nigger, so you put up a mud shark whore and claim her opinion means anything. She's a traitor to her race not only in her manerisms but her esthetic which is obviously "I like black cock". You do understand she is telling you what you want to hear and imitating your nigger speech and manerisms right? My recomendation after you plow her skinny ass is to keep an eye on her chances are shes manipulating you in some way you being a low iq nigger in her eyes.

Her name is Rubia Garcia, she's not white.

Digits never lie

wiggers being men or women are a thing here in America. Rubia Garcia sounds like a bullshit name to me.

>Smoking hot

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Why the fuck does she have to talk like a nigress? Fucking disgusting.

Absolutely disgusting. Total common gangbang baby.

I don't care. They don't matter.

>I'm a fucking white whaman with blue eyes

Shes a manipulative nigger lover, who actually kind of looks like porn star jasmine tame, who is of Uruguayan blood. There are black people who pull the same shit in America "candace owens".

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I don't speak mongrelish. Can someone sum up her vid?

Niggers arent white. Anyone with 2 eyes can see it. This bimbo is fake blonde with daddy issues & dumb af, & is so brainwashed it hurts my head.

God i hate wiggers, especially nigger loving coalburners. Wiggers & coalburners need to be gassed.

Gtfo Op

Coalburners are so cringe-worthy, they are cancer. White thots who act like nigger just esculate that cringe factor by 100.

Coalburners are cancer

She's a good example of "white trash"
Niggers can have this piece of shit whore
Nothing of value lost

No, I hate wiggers

That's not even a nigger, that's a pure African ape right there


>mutt face prob with asian genes


Omg that bitches nigger-mannerisms and nigger-voice are pure blackpilled poison.

I want her buried up to her neck and stoned to death by men. Fucking Muslims got that one thing correct.

The opinions of coalburners are not relevant to me

No, she doesn't.


She looks like Brooke Baldwin from CNN. So hot.

>smoking hot
>looks like a sexdoll

I couldn't make it past the first 10 seconds. I feel sorry for any white kids in her class

Seriously this

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Lol who cares? If I want to know a woman thinks, I'll ask the kikes who tell her what to think.

This woman spent way too much time living with coons. It is painful that she is teaching children.

she talks like a nigger. if you listen without a video you'd guess she was black

>caring what women think


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