Queer woman of color gets job

>queer woman of color gets job
>operations manager @ coffee shop
>she finds owners YouTube channel
>#meneither anti-feminist response to #metoo
>”feminist felt compelled to release to public eye”
>exposes YouTube channel to public
>gets fired
>media covers this as retaliation from employer
>”As a queer women of color who has worked in the largely cis-male-dominated field of specialty coffee for over a decade, I make it my personal responsibility as consumer to know who I am supporting when I visit a busines”
>”My goal isn’t to negatively impact Ristretto or to lead a boycott, or to have dialogue with Rommelmann regarding her opinions. My goal is to give people information so that they can then make their own choices as to where they spend their money.”

Tldr: Queer nigger woman identifying sheboon reveals white woman employer is anti feminist and doesn’t support the #metoo movement so she exposes it to the community as a form of shame and then says it isn’t her goal to negatively impact her business

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It's shit like this. Nobody gives a fuck about anyone's fucking vlog. It's a problem when these people deem you unworthy and doxx you like their fucking peter pan or some shit and try to get as many people to show up and cause destruction.

They swear they are doing the right thing. They will start with how (((((they))))) have to uphold the law because "muh corruption" while trying to undermine the police force. This is called mob rule and it is very dangerous.

another jew pays the price from one of their out of control golems

>she doesn’t regret her decision. “A lot of people are thanking me for coming forward and sharing this information more widely, but for me, it was just so clearly what had to be done. … I’m just so happy most people are falling on the right side of this thing.”
How dare you question baseless accusations? We’ll destroy your business. Pic related is her, she runs a blog called concerned lesbian

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not only that but they'll literally comb through your entire life looking for something anything to destroy you with. I'm almost glad I grew up as an early millennials before the tech revolution that put a smart phone everywhere as I did some really really stupid shit when I was younger as did most of us but at least my shit isn't forever preserved online

>this is called mob rule and it’s very dangerous
Doesn’t help the police is on their side too. I’m not sure what I’d call it, it’s a hybrid of a police state & mob rule.

Enough with this racism, I am a Democratic Socialist and I have decided to only go to /leftypol/ from now on. You Nazi vermin don't deserve my time and attention.

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You can no longer move away from your hometown any longer. Your past is permanent and accessible worldwide as long as there’s connection to the internet. The volatile liberals who spite you which you went to Highschool with can follow you anywhere if you become successful.

Yeah it's a shame when people don't like your views so they try to retaliate and hurt your career in whatever way they can. Oh wait, that's what her employer did. If you put it on YouTube, you need to fucking own it.

>cis-male-dominated field of specialty coffee

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>When I was a senior in high school my boyfriend at the time read my journal while I was out of my room for all of 15 minutes. When I returned he confronted me on whether or not I had cheated on him with a friend’s boyfriend. Rather than answer him I whipped the journal out of his hands and ran down the hallway of my mom’s apartment building to promptly deposit the journal into the trash chute
Now that's what I call irony


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>German sounding names are all Jewish

I swear to God some of you guys are so fucking retarded

Fuck off

>Oh wait, that's what her employer did.
It's almost like when you're the owner of a business you can do something about your employees being little shits

Pic related is Rommelman, reporter mentioned

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whose so fucking retarded here? oh right you are mongoloid
'Due to unforeseen circumstances, this event is canceled. Who and what makes a family? Is it our blood relations, the people we work with, the people we pray with, our pets? New York Times bestselling author Annabelle Gurwitch offers Wherever You Go, There They Are: Stories About My Family You Might Relate To, a collection of essays about the meaning of family. In conversation with Portland-based author Nancy Rommelmann, she delves into family mythology, her southern Jewish roots'
next time before opening your mouth you may want to in fact make sure it's not you that's a fucking retard, retard

If you put your shit out there in the public sphere, don't get angry when the public finds out about it. Her employer is doubly retarded for firing in retaliation and losing more business.

Likewise when you attempt to smear your boss don't expect your boss to continue providing you paychecks. This is very easy, faggot

You say that like someone won't pick her up to virtue signal. Women get easy jobs for literally just this. Only one that loses out is her boss who loses business.

>hiring gay people

>doxx you like their fucking peter pan or some shit

I don't follow this statement.

Anti feminist with feminist hair

You're entitled to free speech. What your not entitled to, is if someone doesn't agree with you on something, you don't launch a entire campaign against someone who thinks feminists are fucking nuts. The people in her community probably think the same way, but then you get (((((them))))) who will climb your counter to take a picture of personal, identifying information, post it to specific groups and tag them. Before you can even think, you have buses of ((((them)))) throwing rocks at windows, harrasing customers telling then if they come back, they are going to get the same fate.

Like they are heros, doing the right thing. "Noble and daring". On some "I'm a professional martyr" shit.

Why are these people always such delusional losers

how the fuck do you "publicly reveal" a youtube channel

white supremacist symbol on her right arm

Maybe don't open a coffee shop of you publicly hold views that hipster cunts would find repugnant. She has police for broken laws, everything else she brought upon herself. Free market etc

the retard means robin hood

Literally toxic feminity

>how the fuck do you "publicly reveal" a youtube channel

It feels like we are reaching a point where an overwhelming mass of people just don't give a fuck about the political opinions of others, again. That awful stretch from, say, 2013 to current may be coming to an end.

What did she expose? That someone has another opinion? What a fucking loser.

She owned it by firing the cunt

Pretty sure it's a queer west coast dominated field

Why would any one bother to find whether your boss has a youtube channel or not?

Been working at the same place for 6 year, that thought never came to me.

>Free market etc
Unless you refuse to bake an anal cake, right?

she’s the reporter not the coffee shop owner

Peter pan and his merry band of little fucking shits are antifa. Captain hook did no wrong

They're always ugly. They're always overweight. Theyre always tatted. Theyre always in some bullshit role.

We don't need these people. They don't contribute. Stop hiring degenerates to perform work that doesn't matter in positions you don't need

You won't be missed, goyim. Actually you were never noticed.

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You're telling me it's totally acceptable to mob someone if they don't think like you do?

As a business owner, you're not entitled to an opinion?

The people attacking her don't even live in the same town. These are people who are out looking for an excuse to be outraged. It's the left forcing their narrative. If the town doesn't fucking care (like 90% of normal, day to day people), they take it upon themselves to bring destruction to everyone around.

>but they're bigots, they are asking for it

Do people show up at your house because you don't like white people? No. If someone had beef with you and posted your shit and suddenly all of these people from out of state are screaming at you 24/7 because you "deserve" it, would that be OK? That's the standard being set. If litteraly anyone with a smartphone thinks you're a bad person and have wrong-think, you get subjugation to this mob. It's not about who did what, it's the fact that by just having simple opinions that arnt in the lefts narrative, you're going to have a mob brought to your front door and you better fucking like it.

SJWs don't have families. They rarely have careers that matter. They rarely create their own wealth.

They have nothing to pursue but a poorly defined form of social justice. Its all-consuming and is their entire focus. They seek out every possible instance with which to enact it.

They're fucking losers and busybodies. They're assholes and morons. Fuck em

They *think* they are like Peter Pan. Not, they *are* like Peter Pan.

Take it from a leaf to not hear what I typed correctly. (that's the joke)

this. if they're flaming, butch, piercings, colored hair, etc. i pass them up. gaydar works wonders, but if they're iffy, i err on the side of caution. I'm not going to put my livelihood in the hands of some degenerate faggot.

Its a youtube channel, its already public. So on the side of tranny, unless the tranny deliberately tried to slander her boss or say something rudely to her than the fireing was justified

I don't thInk that matters anymore. So long as someone remembers something you'll get #metoo. I know for a fact that someone will ruin my life if I ran for a public office

People have rights to peacefully assemble and to say their own opinion. Anything that breaks laws can be handled by the police. A business owner can say what they want, but when what they say negatively affects business then yeah, tough shit. I wouldn't be running a kids arcade with a public YouTube channel about how kids are piece of shit leeches whose parents should die, either.

Most don't work because "fuck the system", while sliding that EBT card for NEET bux. They "Professionally Protest" because people will pay for protestors. They scream when they get told no and want to bring the "mob"

thank goodness, i was pretty confused for a second there

>while you watch TV, your TV watches you
>toe the ever-changing line of political correctness or become unemployable
>can't trust anything from the MSM or intelligence agencies
>can't trust the courts (Kate Steinle's killer and Bike Lock Boy walk while James Fields gets life)
>your phone can be tapped at any time even if you're running for president
>police turn a blind eye to mobs attacking the politically incorrect
>"education" is just ideological brainwashing
>pseudoscience promoted (more than two genders; some boys have vaginas some girls have penises)
>assume you're being recorded at all times
Sound familiar?

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They never peacefully assemble. It turns into an all out "WE NEED TO REMOVE THEM". To stand outside a business and protest with megaphones and signs is one thing, but when people in masks from all over show up to litteraly burn your building to the ground, it's a fucking problem.

>so don't have those options

It comes back to wrong-think and the mob. People can chose to not go to that shop, but when people show up to threaten everyone who walks in, who DO support the owner, it's a fucking problem.

I think there will be extremely little impact

It’s the new Inquisition

What does this even mean? Are you saying the boss doesn't have the right to fire this cunt, because she certainly does.

You get those people arrested user. If people don't want to come to your store anymore then they just don't. When you get political you cut your business in half.

The Cold War never ended. China and Russia will do anything to remove the US because that's when they can strong arm the world into unifying (the ironic opposite of diversity). The US is the Chad the world needs. Most of you use this Chad's money, materials, and the USD. You need this Chad because without it, is just a gun to your head waiting to pull the trigger.

>largely cis-male-dominated field of specialty coffee

Fucking lmao this cunt

If a towns local police force is 100 officers strong and 500 people show up, only about half of those officers are going to be dispatched because you can't leave the town free to criminals. People know this and take advantage. Most of the time, police tell the owner to lay low and just claim insurance for damages. That's not OK. You can't arrest people with pipes and pepper spray that move in a mass of 150+ strong that are throwing shit, setting fire to cars, and tearing up anything they can touch.

You're still hung on "their options". If having an opinion that someone doesn't like gets your shit destroyed, it's not OK. Left, right, center. Nobody should do that shit.

You really need to work on your communication skills

I assume you never answered my question in because you know that the people who try to justify economic terrorism with the "free market" have no intention of following it themselves, that is, leaving private organizations alone to hire only the most qualified candidates, letting residential communities choose who they accept along all lines, etc.
>You get those people arrested user.
I assume you also know how stacked the legal system is in favor of the politically correct. How many times has Antifa violently disrupted an event by now? If they were white supremacists, they would be finished by now. The same goes for the social media companies allowing blue checkmarks like Tim Wise to dox the politically incorrect.

That's called a riot, user. Nobody riots like that unless you kill someone. Your outrage clouds your judgment. In this case some people will stop coming, people will tweet. There will not be a riot force 5x the number of the police force, that's retarded.

>As a queer women of color who has worked in the largely cis-male-dominated field of specialty coffee
Fucking hell I can't tell parody from reality anymore.

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Free market extends to people not wanting to deal with you because they don't like your opinions. That shit is obvious, why would it not in this case? The alternative is forcing people to patronize your store when they wouldn't otherwise, that's why I didn't bother with your shit comment.

They will show up consistently, to harass you. Here a a link to a owner who just owned a building close to ICE. They got death threats, harrased ect.


Here is another article from LA Times on paid protestors


>paid 13/hr to protest soda on Craigslist

I have already given you three examples of why we do not have a "free market." As usual, rules for thee but not for me. This is my last response to you.

Where is the giant riot of armed degenerates for something as trivial as firing someone over digging up old YouTube shit? Because that's what you were talking about. Death threats aren't okay and should be reported to the police but that's not the level you were talking about.

I'm glad because your reading comprehension is killing me. The market on books is free enough if you'd like to pick a few up.

There is no riot in this instance. I fucking guarantee you that's what that retarded bitch had in mind, and when it didn't take off, she started the damage control.

>oops, I tried to destroy this woman and everything she lives for. It's OK though, because it didn't really happen.

That's the issue.

Hey I just wanted to stop by real quick and let you know that you are a tactical nihilist faggot piece of shit and that you deserve the rope. None of your arguments are worth listening to by pure virtue of them all being in bad faith and Talmudic. Fuck your free markets and fuck your holy church of GDP.

>who has worked in the largely cis-male-dominated field of specialty coffee for over a decade
> who has worked specialty coffee for over a decade
> specialty coffee
> cis-male-dominated

There would never be a riot in this instance or any where someone isn't killed. But if people go by your take, we should have expected riots and things set on fire by people you can't arrest.

Have a nice day, friend.

>doesn't like your views
>that's what her employer did.

No, the employer didn't like her actions, not her views you retard.

Never hire a degenerate tattooed shitskin dyke. Problem solved.

And since when is that thing a nigger? She looks like a spic or Indian (teepee not slurpee)

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>But if people go by your take, we should have expected riots and things set on fire by people you can't arrest.

Actually yeah. People wake up waiting for this shit. It was evil wyppipo last week that balck girl last week. People were lining up for that shit, but it turned out to be Tyrone. Notice how that shit disappeared real quick? They go where they can cause destruction.

That killed that black girl*

>burger education

>get bored
>google coworker's name on google
>turns out some activist blogger writes he has a record for convicted murder and is part of a drug cartel
>decide to mind my own business
>sometimes play field hockey with him on weekends

feels good man

what am I even reading

>mfw men are the bean experts despite women being born with one

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Watching her instagram old photos, she was a babe.

The word you're looking for is ''democracy''

>queer woman of color
A black Dyke
>operations manager at coffee shop
Assistant manager at Starbucks

This is it.

Fucking entitlement. I see it far too often. We see it in the press constantly.

As a business owner YOU have the right to do whatever it is YOU want to do to earn money. If you want to kill puppies in the front of your store, and it's legal. Do so.

As a customer, YOU "Vote with your feet". Then again, if recent US elections are anything to go by, crying about it wont change anything.

The poor bastard that refused to make the gay wedding cake. Personally, I would have made it. But from a business owners point of view - I am happy he stood for his beliefs.

He is being sued again because some extremist lawyer bitch targeted him and he, again, refused.

Customers are just entitled assholes that need to step the fuck back and leave if they dont like it.

Toodaloo slit.

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image still segregates the blacks.


I’m also gonna jump in here to tell you you are a complete faggot, and that I hope you consider plan S, because you are a worthless waste of life. You never once addressed the points of the individual you were arguing with because you realized how utterly they destroyed your points. An hero user.

wait so she got a job then proceeded to attack the employer and now is mad she got fired. her statement implies she wanted fewer people to do business with her employer. she had to expect being fired 1 way or the other. you get fired for making the company look bad or you get fired because the company went under because you made them look bad

>”As a queer women of color who has worked in the largely cis-male-dominated field of specialty coffee for over a decade"

Other than word salad "Men bad" what the fuck does this mean? Coffee shop worker is a woman's job, all the ones in my city are full of women, and for fuck's sake her boss is a woman!

Once upon a time George Carlin opened a set
: '' why are so many people at the anti abortion rally so fucking ugly, you wouldnt want to fuck them in the first place''

This applies to feminists so nice, like an ointment on a wound.

'' Why are women who protest womens rights alwayss so fucking ugly and fat that no one would even consider them a woman in the first place''

In the US, they are.

All the real germans adopted anglo names after ww1/2. Hence why they usually have last names like smith, warner or miller and not schmitzenhüse

>Sniffs own fart

By this logic, it's ok to target the nigger female and harm her.

So then, target her. Got t.

Rich Hispanics use their queer identities to pass as "PoC" to avoid scrutiny of their class privilege

The cake guy was positioned as "he uses public services to get business so he has to serve all the public". What's not explained is there is no law that says you have to serve anyone. You have the right to refuse service. You can tell someone to get the fuck out. If someone walks into a church run business and wants LGBT catering, they can be refused based on the owners right to freedom of religion, not your "customer rights". Your opinions are not representative of the entire public population. Your 30k Twitter followers are not a representation of that community.

Wait, are Spics "people of Color"? I thought that just refereed to niggers?

>”My goal isn’t to negatively impact Ristretto or to lead a boycott, or to have dialogue with Rommelmann regarding her opinions. My goal is to give people information so that they can then make their own choices as to where they spend their money.”
I fucking hate this level of liberal double-speak so much. Yes it is entirely your intention to "impact Ristretto or lead to a boycott" you disgineuous crazy fucking cat lady.