22 years old

>22 years old
>Mixed-raced and have high visual IQ
>Can't feel sexually attracted to anything in real life
>Can't love anything in real life
>Realize this means marriage is firmly off the table

I'm thinking to die a virgin.
I can't see women as valuable.

I can only get hard off of power, control.
There's nothing good in life that is legal for people like me

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Other urls found in this thread:


What does being mixed race have to do with anything? What the fuck is visual IQ and how is it different than normal IQ (I'm confident you just made this up)?

You're fucking autistic. Shut the fuck up.

>What the fuck is visual IQ

It's this



You have good spatial awareness. Not spatial IQ. Spatial awareness.

Holy hell.

You got visual autism, that's for sure. I can see it through the internet

>Polygons assesses Visuospatial processing, which is the ability to effectively interpret visual information, such as complex visual stimuli and relationships between objects


I hit 99.88th percentile on the shit. My brain won't accept anything less than a young girl that is my race. I can't feel attraction to anything else.


I am pretty tired with life and I believe in astral projection (i did that once)
I confirmed that death is not the end and we cant possibly disappear as a soul
Meaning I no longer feel the fear of death other than biological survival instinct induced fear of pain and death. I am pretty fed up with the world so I would like to go on do something much more meaningful than what average normie would ever do in his or her life.
I would sneak in as far as I can go.
Anyone want to go with me?
If you are also tired with life wanting to exit this shithole but you know suicide is for faggots and would like to die meaningfully, answer me.
But you have to be avaliable in US or Canada. So we can cross the border and go all the way to Area 51. Preferably you come to Canada to pick me up and we go down there together. I can't drive.
and then somehow devise a plan to get past security(they are not soldiers they are only security =civilians guarding the outermost border) and finally get shot while trying to sneak in more.
It would be spectacular.
So answer me if you are interested

or we could do something a bit more chaotic.
I have many things in mind but i can't pull of those shits because I don't want to upset my family that much.
Me dying trying to expose area51 vs Me violently doing something crazy
this will completely change family consequences.
I dont want a family member who suicides after hearing waht kind of monstrous deeds i have done to come to me and bitch about it in soul realm

OP here

You're a fool. There is nothing but oblivion after this life.

There is no god.
There is no astral projection.
There is no soul.

We're all just chemicals from billions of years of evolution from the first non-living molecular self-replications in primordial soup.

Jesus someone's watched a bit too much Rick and Morty. Listen baby's first nihilism, go fuck yourself. You are far from special or smart. The way you describe shit is evident of that. You are an unwise motherfucker who thinks hes a genius.

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>psychology today
Opinion immediately discarded.

Today I learned that OP is a genius on the level of a 3 year old

Attached: 1815933_fpx.jpg (500x613, 51K)


I'm just telling you what's there.
And there's nothing after this. You just don't want to hear it because you're hardwired for spiritism.

Nigga I dont even believe in an afterlife. I fucking agree with you. What I dont agree with is how stupidly sure of it you are. Foolish unwise motherfuckdrs like you think they're geniuses because they're way too stupid to realize that they actually dont know shit.

Hence you are:

Based and redpilled. OP is a brainlet.

>Stupidly sure

There's too much information out there to be anything else. The world is 6 billion years old. Evolution explains life with totality. Everything follows a rail, and then it's done. Black people are violent. They are dangerous. Genetics dictate who we can genuinely love and care for.

There's no reason for any sort of after-life to exist.

This is all that there is.
At best, the universe rips itself apart after 1E100 and we come right back to where we were after an infinite amount of time, but even this is wishful thinking, and you really must agree that we only get one life and then it's done.


I doubt this.
It's unwise to have beliefs that don't exist.

Are you asking for advice?

I want to see if anyone knows how to get around how I live.

I can't help but see that I'm stuck in the 1 + 1 = 2, and I'm right to be where I'm at.

>I want advice
>NO not that advice
You don’t want shit.

The advice people hand me doesn't go past any axioms I put up.

It's not good enough.
It's like saying "I'm out of gas", and being told "Try filling your tank with water"

You're incredibly naive. Sounds to me like you're not one to challenge possibilities and that alone shows how little you actually think. The same goes for how you see love and sex as well. You already write it off but you've never come anywhere close to experiencing it. Your biggest problem is growing up- I'd suggest to stop thinking that you know jack shit and actually take action instead of coming to this site to further exert your stubbornness.

This whole mixed-race thing you got going on is absolutely retarded. I believe I've seen you post about this several times and I'd bet it was you because you mentioned the same age.

You lack appreciation. You should try and meditate on the meaning behind being the idea of "reality"

Have you considered the fact that you may be a faggot?

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Don't worry OP, beyond the IQ autism(you shoulda never gone down that path), I suggest you go do some really dirty exhausting work and every woman will start looking like an 8 very very soon