What are the chances that a unification movement of any kind, not just in Europe succeeds in the next say 10-20 years?

What are the chances that a unification movement of any kind, not just in Europe succeeds in the next say 10-20 years?

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>no cataloniia
>tfw they won referendum in 92% in favor for independence but muh democracy
yep another fake graph

Unification not separation, you thick slav.

they are commies ether way
and seperatists
missing out on serbia and croatia kid

Not Europe but maybe Quebec.

The last vote in 1995 was 49.5% separation and 50.5% remain in Canada.

Attached: quebexican.png (707x600, 180K)

It's about time Czechoslovakia got back together

>communist separatists
>unification movement

If anyone could conflate these two utterly different t things, it would be a Serb. Congratulations.

Yeah why tf did he mentioned it ?its literally the opposite

You forgot about South Tyrol.

al si piglu tebra hahahah

That Netherlands flag. Make it happen!!

Kosovo is rightfully Serbian and to be honest Serbia should be granted the majority of former Yugoslavia.

While I don't like Albanians because they sold out their Christianity because of Turk pressure, Kosovo is a part of their Illyrian ancestral homeland, and Serbs need to fuck off out of it.

Wallonia joining France and Flanders joining Netherlands would be cool

Ireland would be messy

Don't know much about the Romania-Moldova split

When it is one big Islamic Caliphate it will be united.

The united states of europe will happen before 2050

Those suckers deserve 1000 Trudeaus for remaining

>Republic of Ireland
>46% percent in favour
>Northern Ireland
>38 percent in favour
Don't know that bullshit statistic came from but the vast majority in the Republic and nearly half in the North want a united Ireland.

And then collapse after a few years like all the previous Caliphates in history. The very first 3 were assassinated ffs muzzies are pathetic


pretty sure more than 46% of Irish people would vote to take Northern Ireland in, even if it was expensive as fuck. We've kinda been conditioned since our first ever history class in primary school.

>No germany-austria-switzerland-south tyrol

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>46 percent in favor
Fucking traitors.

>not putting suriname
>no indonesia
>no south africa

>no nouvelle france
>no colonial empire

tirez vous les québécois. Laissez pas votre pays partir en couille.

>no Bulgaria and FYROM
into the trash it goes

multiculturalism would have all been for naught

source on those numbers

why the fuck would you want more niggers and muslims, you retard?

wouldn't you want to get your rightful irish clay back?

purge them and annex the land faggot

there is literally nothing interesting in suriname
I'd rather take Wallonia/Luxembourg and colonize it with Afrikaners

>nothing interesting
that's the point purge them and turn the country back to its original state

but sure. At least vlaanderen and luxembourg are a more realist option.

only 24% in favor?they must enjoy extreme poverty

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Seems like the relatively bigger countries are more eager to melt together with their smaller counter parts, regardless of the specific situation. Quite interesting. Perhaps a fear by the smaller countries of being ‘dominated’ by the bigger one.

The Romania-Moldova unification support is bullcrap, the data should be at least 40% in favor of in Moldova

also if belgium diseappears do with congo

do you also want transinitria?

Yes, but just out of spite

Great idea bro, make a country that at least is civilized take up the burden of an even bigger shithole because of a shared language. Romania absolutely wants to take up the burden of Moldova and its worthless people.

Yea sure, do this and we will have several armed uprising supported by Russia not only in Transnitria but also in Moldova. Moldovians communists will never agree with union.

Flanders and Netherlands already were united in the past, but protestants would want to burn catholics, feels bad bro

Are you 14 years old? Do you really think the international community won't step in and stop a weak, tiny nation from doing this?

that wouldn't happen again though, our largest christian group today are catholics

they will. OP didnt specified that the movements had to be realists.
Also i honestly think that if you set up an army of conscript with some training, congo and suriname might be doable.
Maybe if you say that its for the planet they will give us a green light who knows?

if the trend of mass immigration/rabbit breeding/ heavy international trade/deforestation continues my proposal will become reasonable

You missed Republika Srpska, and the fact that the Albania/Kosovo conflict is three-way between Serbia, Kosovo, and Albania.

Have you ever been to quebec?

I did once...

I took a shower right after

The French occupy northern Catalonia

your stats are bullshit memeflag faggot

lel as if they want to be independent. Macron is just shilling for regionalism to make the nation state implode, hence preparing the ground for the european fedration. A 6/7m inhabitants entity is easier to control than a 60m one.

>Macron is just shilling for regionalism to make the nation state implode
Neo-Feudalism in Europe when?

>Implying war is bad
We'll just have less beta faggots around, motherfuckers can fortnite dance in hell, the women will all stop being whores too because they could find actual men who wont put up with their shit and not yoga pants wearing latte sipping cunt. War is the literal best thing for male mental health

>tfw no greater catalonia

you wont have feodalism if you have a federation based on the EU. you just shift the center of power from france to belgium

Kosovo is Serbia

plus its useful when its against degenerates in congo/suriname/indonesia/SA

Well, you just have to cooperate with the first part of Macron's plan and ruin the second one.

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Anyone who doesn't want the North is a traitor and traitors get the rope first.

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If anything the world needs more countries. Not fewer.

this would take a lot of time since we are too numerous in each region. First the popultion needs to be decreased to a sustainable number. Also should the same be done with brasil? an independant wilderness for the tribes in the amazon?

Another traitorous piece of scum hiding behind that disgraceful flag trying to push for Albanians where in reality Kosovo is ruled by drug leaders and US private funds where 99 % of population want to escape from that area.First you bombed and destabilized the region supporting Islamic elements and now you spread your shit around some unification.Unifiy what? Albania Kosovo? They are both USA colonies and pawn puppet countries so they are already unified as they both serve their masters.And this state of Balkan will last as long as USA/Germany(EU) occupation lasts which is an ustable and forced state as Albanians only proffited during Serbian(Yugoslav) and communist(Enver Hoxhas) rule not by criminal USA elements in Kosovo today

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oh so you meant that the 54% were traitors
i thought you were saying that anyone that wants unification is a traitor

this would take a lot of time since we are too numerous in each region. First the popultion needs to be decreased to a sustainable number. Also should the same be done with brasil? an independant wilderness for the tribes in the amazon?

bring pic back

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reconquer suriname from that retard dictator nigger. He doesn't deserve our lands. On top of that, if we get it back, we can develop it, get rich of it, make it a 1st world nation for our personal vacation resorts and then wait till our surinamese and Antillianen go back themselves
that just got rid of a whole lot of niggers without harming one of them, with giving us a fuckton of land wealth and goodboy points
we can take the congo
but whoever the retard was that wanted Indonesia he can go there alone and wade through 250 million muzzies

fuck i typed i twice wtf is wrong with my connection?

Another traitorous piece of scum hiding behind that disgraceful flag trying to push for Albanians where in reality Kosovo is ruled by drug leaders and US private funds where 99 % of population want to escape from that area.First you bombed and destabilized the region supporting Islamic elements and now you spread your shit around some unification.Unifiy what? Albania Kosovo? They are both USA colonies and pawn puppet countries so they are already unified as they both serve their masters.And this state of Balkan will last as long as USA/Germany(EU) occupation lasts which is an ustable and forced state as Albanians only proffited during Serbian(Yugoslav) and communist(Enver Hoxhas) rule not by criminal USA elements in Kosovo today,which stole state owned factories and mines and industry and gave it to private possesion(Clintons,Bushes are in control of majority of Kosovo region)

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>personal vacation resort

I'm in favour of restoring the monarchy but this time with a proper feudalism. No constitution or states or provinces, let the cities decide their own destiny.
Let the crown deal with only important matters, like the Armed Forces, borders n shieet.

>he wants to go outside of our kingdom to spend his money
traitor much? I'd rather give my money to a poor nigger in reconquered suriname than a muzzie in turkey.

any legitimate heir or will you elect one and keep his dynasty?

my point was to use suriname as a huge wilderness were nobody will go and not waste the forest (roasties would not survive the climate). But if you want tourist resorts in some tropical island then i guess we have the dutch antilles.

Dom Luiz de Orléans e Bragança is the legitimate heir of the Throne.

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Fuck off, Spain.

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Louis d'orlean is also a claimant to the french throne is he?

No, the Orleanist heir in France is other guy. There's also the Bourbón descendant of Franco that claims the French Throne.

you guys are northern macedonia now but should join bulgaria

shit guys bolsonaro is gonna btfo the amazon

diaspora trying to fathom balkan politics is like jews trying to be virtuous
please stop trying

im persian

Fake news.

yeah i know the nickname's pepito

then doubly stop mate
also go back to iran

apparently not

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go back to your mother country- slavic Bulgarian, Northern Macedonian

pic related is the father of your fake nation

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brasil said fuck you to total when they asked to search the amazon for oil

probably so that Petrobras can do it instead.

they're gonna chop the whole place down and make it basedbean fields and cow farms eventually, i just hope they do it slow enough for technology to mitigate the problems of climate change that will come from it


s o y bean not basedbean stupid Jow Forums making s o y to based

i am home
i'm also not being a retard by thrusting myself in a world of politics that i have no familiarity with
also the shah of iran is rightful sovereign of all you iranian mongrels

perhaps. Whats funny is how these (((ecologists))) arent doing shit for the amazon when they could have taken some more efficient actions.
I dont know about climate change. I just regret the world of a few centuries ago where you had more wild spaces. At least the few travels you could make even if they were relatively small in distance where meaningful.

I agree dutchbro

example of action
>a random NGO puts some crowdfunding campain online for the amazon
>it gets a lot of money
>the ngo buys farmer's land for peanuts
>then reforest it
couple that with some boycotting or some more radical actions and they fall to their knees

i wonder why some cucked left wing countries don't lobby the brazillian government to reforest every tree cut down in the amazon. considering the leftist screeching you see on reddit about this, that's what you'd expect. I wonder why they don' t act.

it is a really big deal though. the amazon is a massive co2 sink

they are two explanations
>its slacktivism hence they wont do shit
>they never cared about the environment and only used this to contain right wing government

i honestly think that this forest is part of the country's national heritage and should be protected like a cathedral or a castle

also how doable is the plan mentionned above?

you would probably need international intervention

I’ve never met an Irish man up here who didn’t want unification, I’ve even met a few prods who wanted it.

Yeah, 92% out of 45% of the cencus that vote. You are rarted