Kraut/pol/+afd general


>Meme Collections

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

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Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative.
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Get a job.
Spread flyers and stickers.
Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.

>Counter culture
>Laut Gedacht

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>AfD TV (german)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>A f D W A V E

Attached: Image_Germania_(painting).jpg (640x972, 129K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The Latvian is the epitome of male submission and failure.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is short and exposes him as an inferior creature on the first sight. His bloated, hairy form makes his presence known as a subhuman without him even needing to point himself out. He has a weak build, as a result of his high levels of fucking his close relatives and reliance on söy products. This gives him the appearance of weakness and pettiness. He is then covered by his pinkish skin. This pink skin reminds us of his subhuman nature, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the depressing weather of the baltics and interbreeding with pre-sapientic humanoids and his lifestock, made to breed like rats and smells fucking terrible. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The pink skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires to sharpen sticks.

The Latfag's demeanor is one of a confused small dog. He is arrogant, annoying, and can be aggressive if allowed to exhibit this behavior. His behavior brings forth disgust into the more civilized and noble races of men (Slavs, Celts, Germanics, Niggers etc).

The summit of expression of his pathetic nature on his body is his penis. The Latfag's penis can only be called one formally. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the Latfag the laughing stock of every locker room from China to Japan. This small, insignificant proto-clitoris is unable to fulfill the desire of any woman, forcing the hairy, small-statured Latfag to seek young prey. Its short length ensures that when it does so, the damage to the young victim will be minimal, as the short weak arms and barely functioning genitalia fail to cause any serious damage.

In total, the Latfag expresses himself through boasting and being assroasted by superior races, and can never even begin to compare through its impotent rage.

All this is the reason why the Latfag is a subhuman.

Attached: 1546597675480.png (285x135, 4K)


>being so butthurt that you blog about your bleeding polyps on a mongol throat singing forum

Attached: 1541715893786.jpg (960x711, 43K)

Franzi remember.
Long hair=Good
Short hair=Not good

Franzi post your sweet juicy cunt please, I need to fap.

franzi please talk stupid to me

Attached: sdfzsg123213.png (625x949, 613K)

Anything interesting happened today?



hat der recht?

Tay got doxxed


Attached: tays_future.png (2070x108, 49K)

Tay is Franziska Schreiber

Anything politics related?

>Tay ist Franziska Schreiber

Attached: 1533504001743.gif (639x720, 439K)

> die Grüne are still the 2nd biggest party
Reminder that the rest of German shitholes will be turned into as glorious places to live as Köln is

Attached: agafdadsfD.png (800x1066, 980K)

People who look like this shouldn't be too picky

wer ist Tay?

Attached: sgszgsdgsdF.png (1306x524, 829K)

Well, she went from bisexual to lesbian... so I guess that is somehow working.

Attached: git_gud.gif (500x300, 497K)

>Please clap!
Wir haben echt das IQ Niveau von Simbabwe erreicht.

Franzi where are you?

Attached: Tay.png (2000x1124, 1.03M)

Attached: pepev.jpg (399x388, 24K)

Super cute

Attached: Franziska-Schreiber-Franziska-Schreiber.jpg (1024x1001, 109K)

You look like a german mutt but I would still destory your cunt.

Attached: Tay2.png (1046x684, 581K)

she posted also pro Israel propaganda on FB, compare to that here

Attached: dog_bday.jpg (558x558, 44K)

right one looks like a qt trany

Attached: 1483315655042.jpg (1200x900, 103K)

Attached: Tay3.png (1050x699, 720K)

Come out and play Tay.

Attached: Tay4.png (1050x700, 506K)

Cute, longer hair looks sooo much better on her as oposed to short.

Tay hat sich grade zu tode gelacht

> small tits
nice, another piece of the puzzle of her complexes, probably the obvious asian admixture is a reason she is as racist as we are.

*she is NOT as racist as we are, BUT anti-german

>this thread is even worse than the last one

F Kraut/pol/

Attached: 1545051503830.gif (645x645, 223K)

would you be happy if we all "become" lesbian ancaps and sign up for JIDF?

Attached: JUST_AfD_2.jpg (960x720, 93K)

Der IQ hier war noch nie besonders hoch.

Kinda but that's not the point

Wasn't Tay's name Annette Langehenke? Or is that wrong?

Noch bekloppter geht aber kaum noch desu

well there are some (((coincidences))) that link Tay to Franzi Schreiber

Attached: 1448270043942.jpg (440x282, 26K)

he is trying to derail, obvious reframing/derail of the situation.
> typical jewish dmg control
You have been found out shills.

Attached: 1470747112829.jpg (625x471, 93K)


Attached: sdgsgzsfgzsfgfz.png (1335x633, 1023K)

who is this?

Attached: 1547269404365.jpg (1024x654, 93K)

Geht vorbei. Das hier ist nur ne Phase.

handler of the AfD
> codename Ambros

Attached: JUST_AfD_6.jpg (960x809, 112K)

actualy there are open wounds looking less messy and more attractive than trans vags

Warum ist der Thread so degeneriert? Literally a shithole of like eight autists that know each other by name and talk about their personal stuff. Ein selbstreferenzielles System von Idioten, die sich für klüger halten als sie sind. Move to reddit or facebook to talk about your personal stuff.

Attached: 1546341011841.gif (306x205, 2.97M)

>This fucking thread
Im litteraly in tears

Ahh I know him, CVer oder sowas, oder?

dont hurt yourself franzi, your stupidity already hurts enough baby

>here he is 20 years later
Fucking up this bad, its:
this is him now, feel old yet?

Ah guy who is soon going to tell tall tales of how Kerstin...uhm Tay...uhm Franzi desperately wanted to fuck him and how he rejected her because she's crazy and damaged goods.

Your gif tells the whole story

Attached: 1508430106568.png (390x388, 256K)

ja, aus ösi afaik

> degenerated
coz it's something with AfD
> self-referential
every finite system is necessarily self-referential throw away your liberal arts logic book(let) and learn proper mathematical logic :^)
> each other by name
We know each other by sexual desires, so we can maximize pleasure
> think of themselves smarter than they are
no, we are aware of being losers and dumb. Jow Forums is a low IQ board after all.
> reddit or facebook
what's that?

Attached: better_version_of_kerstin.jpg (1500x1001, 411K)

Attached: sdgsgzsfgzsfgfz.png (1336x634, 746K)

> lithanon behind proxy
you are still young, don't waste your time here

and this thread is exactly why Tay will one of the many who will destroy the archives. she really is pissed off and wants the archives gone.

who is the girl that is being posted and what does this have to do with the thread

They think it's me, ignore them

So why use names in the firstplace? I mean this is an imageboard, its about posting without a profile in the first place.

Attached: 1544387324293.jpg (320x320, 19K)

The girl is a traitor to the afd with a super-retarded opportunistic (((libertarian))) worldview combined with a degenerated sexuality (lesbian) and a ruined childhood (she ran away with 14 to drink)

just like

IF you are good you can impersonate namefags and get both of you banned, because mods/jannies do not like it either

Ösi CVer are the worst, nichtschlagend und zurückgeblieben
Des Bergjews Straf´ sey die ewige Republik

not to forget how this dude fantasizes about watching kerstin gangbanged by a bunch of noggers.

Good to know!

>you can use names so that you and other people eventually can't use names
>we a-aren't self referential, l-learn math!

Attached: 1547107713359.png (128x125, 14K)

who is this anonymous btw? he posts in every damn thread!

proxies... you take so much effort on me incel, enjoying the attention

??? read less Carl Schmitt, Hegel, Heidegger et. al first it fucks your brain and second you do not understand it properly either way, become a peasant or something

It's a saturday evening.
No habbening.
What do you expect?

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Wer ist dieser AIDS, dass ihm keiner eine Chance geben soll

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2018-12-04 um 16.27.03.png (802x430, 447K)

Every day

Attached: 1547324103315.png (896x987, 179K)

Attached: fdgsdhzfhzdb.png (1288x1352, 1.13M)

fuck off, you only dislike our current system because youre a poor loser and dream of a better life in a different system

So why use names in the firstplace?
>IF you are good you can impersonate namefags and get both of you banned, because mods/jannies do not like it either
not answering the question at all, get called out on it
>b-but u are stupid I can name THREE philosophers you should stop read

Attached: 1546515662233.jpg (631x306, 39K)

Stop it already

Latvincel apparently turned into a chad. huh strange world


now who might have done that?

Attached: 1533431932632.gif (470x480, 487K)

lauer liebers

>nal stuf
fucking true you are on to something

This is not only silly shilling but also of a bad quality. And not funny enough for LARP.
In any case,I recommend to rework.

He's just pissed because she isn't hot.

the sicko is triggered. does kraut/pol/ realizes who spammed the threads over the last months?

I'm sure you all look like top models

i imagined her to be pretty hot, because stupid girls are often quite good looking but they get stale fast. the perfect combination is hard to find. hope he will get over it or embrace Franzi for what she is

Attached: 71L-HxWz-sL.jpg (880x1360, 229K)

Actualy she is cute, the short hair sucks, but she is adorable when she has long hair.

your kids will be beautiful brother. tay will save the white race whether she wants or not

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8/10 maymay

Attached: kek.png (393x391, 216K)

Evenings ... who got nuked again?

is our tay in the pic related? i do not know half the people

He lives in Latvia so I think he has it easier than we have.

it's the spammer who likes me apparently and wants us bigots to learn hebrew

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I mean if I would be 10 years older... She is kind of pretty

Attached: Broad chin waifu.jpg (2500x1407, 1.25M)

Yes. :)


Damn namechanging gonfuses me ... still better than Pavlik I'd say.

Attached: wtf_is_this_Rassenschande.png (329x346, 218K)

heyy did not see you fora while in kraut/pol/

Whats that?I thought i was an idiot and you will never talk to me again?