Why aren't millennials buying houses and saving for retirement?

Why aren't millennials buying houses and saving for retirement?

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it's called student loan debt. gee 35-50K in debt with insane interest rates that make paying it off incredibly difficult. oh and jobs that only pay 30K and want a 4 year degree and 5 years experience. Can't save for retirement when you can barely survive on the money you make while trying to pay off student loans that just continue to balloon up.
>fucking lazy millennials eating 89 cent avocados on toast from bread that's 3 dollars a loaf. it's why you bums will never own a home
good luck to the boomers though many of whom are planning on downsizing their home as a way of getting retirement funds or generating more cash to pay for eventual nursing home, etc. too bad so sad as the next housing crash fueled by the fact only a small percentage of the next generation can even buy a home with student loan debt, low wages and super inflated housing prices means most boomers are going to be absolutely fucked when the housing market collapses again and destroys their home equity and retirement funds when the stock market crashes along with it

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vidya and funko pops.

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now post a 3 story mcmansion in the burbs 30 minutes outside of these cities.

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Isn't it nuts to want to live in CA, and especially in Silicon Valley areas .... ?

That's where the jobs are

What kinda jobs?

IT? In that case: You have Texas as well and a bunch of other areas to have well paid IT jobs.

Houses are overpriced and my retirement is a shotgun blast to the face which I've already purchased.

that house doesn't even look overpriced, it's huge with a huge yard. looks like the home alone house

Baby Boomers would rather burn the house down than sell it for less than what they think its worth.

You should buy the Mariner.

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Those prices are stupid as fuck. I'm renting right now near the outer banks. I have land inherited from my grandfather and I'm slowing building my own house. Septic system and well have been put in and the foundation is done. When I save a bit more I will pay to have the whole house framed/enclosed or sealed whatever youd like to call it. I will also pay to get the roof put on. I will do the rest myself. Doing hardy board siding, interior electrical, flooring, sheet rocking, all kitchen and bathroom cabinets, basically everything except framing the house up. Fuck buying someone elses trash house. Building 3200 square ft 2 story house and will have it all done for around 250k

>tfw my parents own a second house
>they keep spending their retirement fund on stupid shit and aren't even retirement age yet, have very little left
>I live in the second house to "take care of it" until they sell it
>they won't sell it now because it's their "nest egg"
>Zillow estimate of the property is about $130,000 but Zillow doesn't know that the foundation leaks, animals have torn up the insulation in the roof, the chimney is clogged with bird corpses, the deck is falling off, the garage isn't to code and floods every time it rains, and the yard is being overrun with an invasive species
>they actually think they'll get more than $100,000 for this place
I'm not paying for their retirement home. They can work until they die.

they're broke

Jesus Christ, those prices.
Work in IT, get huge salary, and for what? So you can live in a cardboard doghouse with huge debt on your shoulders?
Makes me question who is a real poorfag here: me, living in the middle of the satan's frozen asshole but in the house I own, or some homeless dude working his ass off in silicon valley.

This, all the smart members of this generation need to do is save up and live frugal until the boomers start to die off en masse and the housing prices tank along with them. The boomer generation is the biggest contributor to the absolutely ruinous state of the millennial generation and that last thing I intend to do is to fork over my hard-earned cash to line their pockets.

Building a house isn’t exactly common knowledge bro. Millennials and Gen Z know how to play vidya games and stick foreign objects up their ass while high on syrup.

wow those are cheap
get on my level senpai

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Lol 600k for a nigger infested hell hole.

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lmao at the streetview

I simply don't care about the future and find it bizarre that others do

They can easily supplement their knowledge:


Fuck off, faggot. Maybe you should try acting like an adult and evaluate whether it's better to make $38k/year in a town where a house costs $90k + $1.5k/year in taxes, or make $90k/year in a city where a house costs $700k + an extra $20k/year in state and local taxes.

no one wants to drive an hour into town for work.

What's the point of buying that shitty property probably surrounded by cuck neighbors. You can buy your own island for one tenth of the price of one of those shitty houses. You get enough land to plant some crops, water is at your doorstep, just boil or filter it and it's drinkable, there are probably free fish swimming by, electricity you can get from PV modules or diesel generators to power your computers form which you work some freelancing bullshit or something to get some money for tools and other necessities.

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>get high paying job in tech sector
>live in cheap apartment
>keep expenses low by not buying stupid shit
>max out all retirement accounts
>invest all savings in low cost index funds
Feels good knowing how to manage wealth

Millennal here. I pay 750 rent for a single wide. I work as a field tech for a local IT company with a work truck. I had to wait 10 months to get a job that actually fit what I needed. I want to buy some property in the outskirts of the city and buy a 60k manufactured home. Idc how the 4 walls are tied down, I just want my own and it to be clean. They arnt hard to fix and if worse comes to worse, you can rebuild it from the frame up easily.

Then don't live in the middle of the dessert in fucking Utah when your job is in Nevada, retard. Commute times are higher in urban areas than in suburban and rural areas you dumb fucking faggot.

I do faggot. Almost 4 hour round trip from my McMansion to the shitstain known as Houston.

~35k debt out of college, gf (now wife) and I paid it off in 3 1/2 years. She was a grad student making 30k, my first job paid 25k. About 6 years after I graduated now and I made 68k last year and she is making about 50k. Bought a house last year for ~300k and we have over 100k in savings/retirement. We're both 30. I hate all the bitching from millennials...

Same I live 40 minutes away from Houston

Where do you live that homes cost 90k and you can make 40k a year? Asking for a friend.

>Live in rural area
>Work in industrial park on the edge of the closest city
>Commute 9 miles
>Takes 12 minutes

>Live in the middle of a city
>Work also in the middle of the city
>Commute of 2 miles
>Takes 30 minutes because of stoplights and traffic
>Pay for parking because space is limited inside the city
>Or you can ride the bus with the niggers and drug addicts and get vomit and piss on your shoes and possibly pants

jesus christmas it aint worth it unless I can get to work in

WHERE in America are there houses for 90k that someone didn't die and decay in, not including trailer homes?


Pretty much any state that doesn't have a coast, as long as you aren't living right downtown. Avoid 2500 sq/ft houses and you'll have no trouble.


Get out of Commiefornia.

The Midwest, excluding Colorado.

I drive from ftw to Dallas for 80k a year. Only have to be in the office 3 days a week. Worth it.

Compton is almost 80% hispanic now since they kicked the blacks out.

gee golly I wish I would have enjoyed my youth a little more now that I'm old and broke.

Boomers ruining the economy.

The MEDIAN income of Menlo Park is $82,609. Any engineer in Menlo Park is making $200,000+ and that's low-balling.

As long as we have fuckups like Trump running the country, the younger generations are pretty much screwed.

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You don't know shit, nord. Almost every other city / region is a meme compared to Silicon Valley in terms of software work. It's the major leagues over there.

That's not even the worst I've seen around here. Don't forget all of these buildings have $500 - $1000 a month condo fees that don't include parking

congrats on being illiterate. This is the part of the conversation where you bring in muh petrodollar.

a case can me be made for Seattle and Austin.

If you go work for a major, you can get 250k Total comp in SEA/BLVU 3-4 out of college. If you work for MSFT, e.g. you can live out of town, and commute in, ezpz

In my area (Jacksonville), boomers went on this "buy real estate and make cash quick" and bought most of the available property, and what was left was priced out of normal peoples buying range and into the millions for just plots of land to sell to developers. These same people made unnecessary renovations to charge more for "modern living". Now a 3bed 2 bath cost 1450 a month for a shitty Lego house in a subdivision where every 5th house is the same as yours. There is no option to buy either. Litteraly miles of just rental properties owned by people who live out of state and litteraly charge by what they see from their computer in whatever state that actually live in.

Mayb just looking in the wrong places?? Not that hard to find same prices for exponentially better houses

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Because boomers think their rotted out homes are worth 50% more than they really are. Then just to add extra insult they always keep the mineral rights, always.

You've been jewed into thinking you need to work for a company like google and live in constant excess. Life isn't about making (((them))) as much money as possible. Any IT job in the midwest will pay you more than enough money to live a good life off of. A decent 1300 sq/ft house is more than enough to live in. Stop leasing BMWs and renting out downtown loft condos so you can slave 60 hours a week and spend your weekends getting black-out drunk with your coworkers while you ruin any hopes of building a family.

that yard is fucking tiny as hell


A sense a little projection. Kek

What do you do bro? I’m south of ft worth and commute to Arlington twice a week.

Most of TN.

Especially middle tn right now. Shit is exploding right now with tons of jobs coming in. Good jobs and cheap land. Any purchase made in the next few years is a 100% guaranteed profit in about 7 years when Amazon's big new place goes up here.

Too bad all the yankees from NJ and NY are flowing into the area in the millions and are driving up prices.

This place will be voting solid blue in about 10-15 years

No one makes you go the college and if your dumb enought to let your high school convince you with their "numbers" then you deserveto be poor and die, 6 years in HVAC and im making 90k a year, my school costs were 4k for all the training i needed, i feel like only morons who want to make millions got to college but what they forget is that only so many people will reach that level, hell trying to make 60k in a college required job is difficult to nail down because of all the foreign competition, which because of the libtard ideals actually will make it hard for people to actually land a job in the first place but when you try the same thing in their country you will never get a promotion because other countries hate foreigners and will always support their own while in the usa white americans arent supported by their own country anymore.

>Why aren't millennials buying houses and saving for retirement?
because they think that they deserve to live in a specific area for status, but don't do any of the work that would enable it. They have unrealistic expectations of their value to society.

College is a waste of time unless you're in STEM. Your journalism degree aint worth shit

Damn are latinos purging blacks in Cali?

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Its super cheap to not live in a city

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How do you value someone? Like how do we do that.

IT work.

why don't amerifats just build high rise apartment buildings / nice versions of commie blocks?

Not luxury bullshit. Just regular high rises which normal people can afford.

>be a Boomer
>get government to prop up unsustainable housing prices
>"It's my retirement!"
>get government to subsidize the explosive growth of higher education costs
>"Everyone should get a degree!"
>Bad trade deals export good factory jobs
"We need lower prices to buy a mountain of useless junk you'll inherit"
>Open the borders and let subhumans take the jobs that are still here
>"Those poor little wetbacks have dreams, ya'know"
>"Boy, when I was your age I could afford rent and tuition and a family on a single income. Of course my generation inherited the best economy the world ever knew and then we fucked it all up, but it's not our fault! You kids just don't know how good you have it these days"

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Go into the navy or airforce as engineer or IT. See almost no action if any and get paid to get an education and experience. Come out after 4-6 years with benefits, free school, experience, no debt, and a start on the job you want to do. Buy a house and land somewhere not overly expensive. Be fine with not having all the newest jew shit. Start a family the right way.

That’s cool. I used to be in IT, but I actually hate computers. I’m into marketing and entrepreneurship. I got a lot of app ideas if you want to talk more.

oh fuck its real

thats what a 5 bedroom mansion goes for where i fucking live!!!!!

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The ultimate welfare child.

because we're broke you stupid fucking prick

Yeah maybe. You on discord or something

houses are simply too big for a single person to control, it's easy to live in one whether you pay or not.

as for retirement, my plan is to jump off a bridge when I become useless.

it's menlo park. what did you expect? everything within 50 miles of SF is over 1,000,000

>TFW when you get a 2000sqft with a detached garage on 3 acres. 200ft from a river, only an easement drive separating it.
In the country but on a paved road.
15 minute drive to 500k metro city center.
45 minute drive to a different 1 million metro city center
built in 1980
t. michigan
stay mad coast cucks

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Because many won't be having kids, well paying jobs are still being occupied by people who won't retire, and inflation and spending power diminish what retirement funds aim to cover the cost of, so whats the point of incurring stupid amounts of debt? So you can live the comfy life for less than half a decade before you die?