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>3 million views
>only 26 thousand hearts
trump is finished

From that thumbnail, I thought he posted a Pinochet meme. Oh well.

They should have chosen another voice over actor, one like vid related.


retarded photo-op instead of getting shit done. If he actually grants the establishment the H1b1s they're looking for, I won't turn out to vote for him.


>retarded photo-op instead of getting shit done.
Are you one of those retards who go "Wow Trump sent a tweet he needs to stop spending all day tweeting!"?

>stock 'epic' music

how is this faggot still alive?

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half of that is angry libshits who follow him and have their phone set to auto notify them every time he tweets so they can threw a temper tantrum in the comments section over something almost completely unrelated. just like with every tweet.
normies don't give a shit and will maybe see a clip of it on the nightly normie local news.

wow this vid really stuck a hot poker up the ass of the shills lmao

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Ignorant ass.
This is what happens. We bring in foreigners to attend our uni's at dirt cheap costs. They live off welfare. They graduate. The tech companies hire the mediocre level graduates so they can save money.
THE BEST take their education and go home.
THE WORST stay and live off our welfare system.
Trump want to keep THE BEST.

This has to happen you uneducated dipshit.

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I'm one of those retards that is pissed off he didn't get this done when he controlled both chambers immediately after entering office. Immigration is bar none the sole reason he was elected, to treat it like an auxiliary issue is ridiculous. That's what he needs to win on, not fucking taxes.

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Every god damn time , pattern recognition is a curse

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Who is this (((guy))) and why is he the first comment on trump tweets so much? Something is fishy.

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You mean generic voice number 473?
Ironic it's a video of complaining about something being the same over and over again.
Better with something like this.youtube.com/watch?v=lWvJA6n6qSw&t=49s

>I'm one of those retards that is pissed off he didn't get this done when he controlled both chambers immediately after entering office.
Then you're also one of those retards who don't understand we needed more than just half
Holy fuck how are retards like you still functioning
>That's what he needs to win on, not fucking taxes.
lmao "Here's what Trump should do..."

Because he makes so many sick burns against Trump. That tweet right there is just beautiful. How will Trump ever recover?

it's bizarre that normies think that's a real SICK BURN!!! or even makes sense in the real world.

Holy fucking shit pepperoni nipple BTFO drumpf so badly how will trump ever recover from this rant

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Okay good I’m not the only one that noticed. I need the quick rundown on this guy

Why do I see the same people on every single trump tweet. Who the hell are these people?

What's hilarious is they all thought the President of Mexico was going to send us a check, they literally can't comprehend any other possible meaning for "Mexico will pay for it"

He's a dnc campaigner, and the last name should tell you the rest you need to know

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Twitter purposely altered the tweets you see from Trump. It used to be endless supporters but they changed it before the election to promote negativity against him.

>Being this new

Literally this

Struck a nerve huh?

America first!

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Is this b8?

they used the nuclear option plebbit, you stupid fucking cocksucker

You mean, a nosedown?

Baby cock sucking inbreds tend to live a long, full life of molesting every infant they see.

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fuckery by twitter

He should have thrown an ms13 member out of the helo onto Mexican soil

we need the cheap labor
they do the jobs americans won't


>tfw you will never have a PM that will care that much for their own country

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Twitter gives them priority for some reason. either bots or shills with VIP status

>Goyim—I mean Guys—I'm not ever voting for Trump, um, again. Oy vey, pretend I voted for him before.

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And the FBI also had a 2 year long investigation of The Kingsmen because they thought the song, Louie Louie was some sort of subversive coded message.
The FBI has been a meme for a very long time.

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>I'm one of those retards
You don't say?

who the fuck is bryan krasstein and why is he talking about russia ? how is that still a thing ?

Tfw gf still thinks diversity is okay.
I just want a murdoch chan

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Someone drank the migrant koolaid. Calm down you almost sound like a libtard.

Liberals can imagine all this shit Trump didn't do to justify calling him hitler yet takes everything he says literally. hrmmmm

t.pedokike apologist

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It's Twitter approved shills, it's not natural , it's being sorted to the top to try and condition people. It's social manipulation at play. Alot of people will naturally gravitate to the main stream opinion, so they rig the comments to try and condition someone unaware of the medias control

>first comment I saw
>Brian Krassenstein

>those npc comments

Hitler was right

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>they used the nuclear option
No Mitch wouldn't do it.

Whats fishy about replying to Trump then replying to your reply 20-30 times over the course of an hour 4-5 times a day?

>bryan krasstein
Some kike who has no job, apparently.

Half of border patrol is hispanic.

Eat shit meme kike

Ever since Stalin got tired of answering to the power behind the throne and started killing off the kikes who started Communism, the Edomites have been vehemently anti-Russia. They can't stand that their Great Experiment is now capitalist and Christian, and will do anything to destroy Russia.

>lmao "Here's what Trump should do..."

Yes, he should do when he promised. A novel idea for sure.

>Then you're also one of those retards who don't understand we needed more than just half

>2 years go by with GOP controlling it all
>They do fucking nothing
>Trump even lies at his rallies saying 'the wall is being built'
>Idiots believed this too
>All of a sudden Trump / McConnell NEED the wall
>All of a sudden they care so much

It's all a farce. Drivel to get dummies buying the idea that 'Trump is fighting for us'. So even when it all inevitably amounts to nothing they will be saying 'he tried his best!'

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I want him dead

based conservative hard working catholic hispanic*

how the fuck are still talking about russia ? i know the likes and retweets are fake but who the fuck... i don't even know what to say it's so fucking stupid at this point

>immigration is more important than the everyday running of the country
>telling Mexicans to fuck off is more important than money
Lol faggot, you're full of shit. You didn't vote for Trump in 2016, so we have everything to gain by you not voting.

Oh he has a job. It's the most important job an kike inbred can do.

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comment discarded

How do these leftist kike type their comments so quickly

>Okay good I’m not the only one that noticed. I need the quick rundown on this guy

They are fucking fraudsters.

>The Krassensteins began hawking dubious investment advice—way back in 2003—on a pair of internet forums, selling ads to online money-making operations that included a number of apparent scams, including some run by people later convicted on charges ranging from fraud to capital murder.

>According to prosecutors, the services the Krassensteins promoted on their websites duped thousands of “investors” into funding Ponzi scheme-type scams and even resulted in some downloading a virus that emptied their accounts on an anonymous online-payment platform used by the Krassensteins themselves

Those fuckers are dodgy and weird.

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Holy shit Brian krassencuck is shilling hard

How much do you get paid to post this? Do you get paid by the post or by how many replies? Asking for a friend.

>nuclear option
The rules only authorized that for judicial nominations, retard. Mitch is a cuck.

They're paki made bots.

The only alternative is to not let them come at all. That's ideal us but will never happen. We can't keep paying for their educations and allowing THE BEST to leave our country and let their home countries get all the benefits.
>reeee you sound like a lib
Go fuck yourself. Everyone is not black and white.

What I think is weirder is all the lefties saying “but it’s a fence and Mexico won’t lay for it” as if they’d prefer an actual wall paid for by Mexico

It shows their lack of principal they just don’t want it because DRUMPF

We need to do something about hin

What the fuck did I say?

no job no life, or he's just running diversion for his pizzagate crimes

>pattern recognition is a curse
How could anybody not notice his comments are always the top comments on any trump post?
I would say algorithms favor the negative tweets. And while I'm sure that's true, it's always this same guy, so they must also be specifically sticking his to the top.

>Trump talks big again
>Won't do fucking shit
MAGAniggers will defend this

>all the replies are shills attacking him with the latest talking point headline of the day and Q non-sense
They've made it way too obvious that Q is manufactured bullshit.

>Half of border patrol is hispanic

Regular joe hardworking hispanics tend to be conservative with a religious upbringing.

They fucking destest the libs.

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It's a bot AI not a person.

Krassenstein doing the rabbi work over there, good thing is they dont even try to hide anymore. the more they do, the more people will realize the jew infiltration in every goverment.

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I miss taco bell.


>Magapede has no argument
>Magapede cannot handle the truth

what a shock

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It’s a never ending nightmare Brazil bro. Just feel lucky you only have to deal with crazy mulatto drug dealers. We have Jews mucking up everything all day everyday.

Unfortunately hanging fags, kikes, and blacks is now frowned upon

***Everything not eveyone.

Oh look Krassenkike at the top yet again.

Those two Soros shills are human NPC's. Seriously, their purpose in life is to go on Trump's twitter and leave comments.
Same with that Asian "doctor" who hopes to solve a heart disease one day. All he does is post anti trump shit aswell.

Attached: 25. Krassenkike is triggered. All the leftists are when Soros is mentioned...I wonder why....jpg (618x438, 91K)

in relation to that, we fucking called it three years ago that the corps of engineers would be fucking building it. now its sudden news and people are flabbergasted that a branch of the military might make a wall, like they literally do every day in sandnigger countries.

Don't bother/ptg/ is clinically retarded

The H1B1 issue is one Trump is completely wrong on. It's supposed to be America first not India.

Worst episode of Air-Wolf ever.

Soros literally keeps them out of prison for that fraud they pulled in exchange for being anti trump shills.

Nice propaganda you shill

Call and email the Whitehouse. I did yesterday.

Yeah the kike killing nerve.
Same one that creates feelings of disgust when seeing things like vomit or necrosis.

>Russia meme

Oh wow dems are losing this fight ain't they