Even if the holocaust didn't happen how do you justify executing innocent women and children? Nazis are stupid

Even if the holocaust didn't happen how do you justify executing innocent women and children? Nazis are stupid.


Attached: 180124-holocaust-survivors-nazi-soldiers-01.jpg (618x410, 79K)

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in north korea ther are right now death camps. why dose the left never talk about this topic ?

Fake or based. What makes you think they were innocent?

There are no innocent people


The same way America did - to steal land. The Nazis went from North America to Germany now they're in Israel. Doing the same thing to different people.

"Deathj Camps"
Do you mean a place of internment where people die? If you do then "Death Camps" exist in every country on earth

No-one is innocent


Who says they were innocent shill?
And what makes them more innocent (or valuable) than the millions of animals slaughtered every day to feed us?
It’s for the survival of the superior race, so what’s the difference?

Attached: 3EEE7145-0B39-4EBF-B251-BB337C5A7A7B.jpg (107x125, 3K)

I don't think you can call yourself superior when you're clearly an ant

This. Except the nazis. They were innocent.

Yeah hitler did nothing wrong.
>found the Jew
Go Shill somewhere else shlomo..

Just because I pretend maximum moral correctness and coherence from white people doesn't mean I'm a jew or I'm not against jews.

The Nazis never killed anyone.

Found the incel

Go get punched by niggers some place else, loser

Why aren’t those children behind the barbed wire dead? It’s almost as if they weren’t gassed on arrival at all.

Attached: EAB05300-796D-497D-9DB9-4B679FB1E51D.jpg (550x407, 81K)

They look reasonably well fed and clothed for a group of enemies of the state in wartime. As a German faced with a food shortage would I feed them before I fed my own children
Obviously not.

Attached: 47275634-8C3B-4E39-9A1C-462275805046.jpg (182x268, 15K)

How do you know they weren't subsequently gassed after taking the picture?

No amount of infographs and memes is going to change history. Cry harder

communists are never innocent

It’s a disease
That kills dirty people who are locked up
In Kike Kamps
Who aren’t German
Who were being deported
When the Kikes waged war on Germany

Auschwitz was really big, so there were areas dedicated to normal prisoners and areas for the jews, where they got exterminated.
That's the explanation for the soccer team, pool, etc and it's really plausible.
I really want to believe the holocaust denial narrative but it needs better proofs.

the linked article is not about concentration camps, but the shooting of hundreds of men, women and children in a town in Ukraine in 1941.