How do you avoid paying taxes?

i'm fucking done with america; the wars for israel, and billions of dollars we spend for spics

i want no part of it anymore

for those of you with a paying job, how do you avoid paying taxes? do you just get paid under the table, simply stop filing, or use tax loopholes?

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How much do you make a year?
t. accountant

i don't work yet, but i likely will soon

>not earning enough money to pay an accountant to help you avoid paying any taxes at all

Attached: 1534617937988.jpg (782x580, 62K)

how much can trust ((accountants)))?

Its simple. Subcontract your services by using an LLC/Scorp. Not only do you pay 20% less taxes from the new Trump tax plan, but any money you get paid in cash with doesnt have to be reported. Also you can write off a lot of personal expenses as business expenses. My uncle does 1.2M revenue as a general contractor business owner and makes ~300K/yr but legally he only makes a 80K income because sometimes he gets paid in cash or writes building materials for his own house as building expenses. Government is even paying his kids entire college tuition. He probably pays

>how much can trust ((accountants)))?

Because you pay them money to save yourself more money. Why do you think there are so many accountants in the world?

Attached: sg.png (640x480, 231K)

Make less

Spend less

Live cheap

Well if you make under about 20k/yea varying by state then just max out your withholding and don't file taxes in April, IRS doesn't have time for you. If you make a substantial amount then still max out your withholdings but then invest in your "business" the amount you would owe. You'll have to file for an LLC to work as a shell corporation but thats about a yearly fee of 100 bucks. If IRS comes after that business have it file for bankruptcy after paying out a bonus to yourself.

Become an illegal immigrant in a sanctuary city

how does he get paid in cash?

this, basically what I was typing out but he gave a good example
here was my post

how do you declare your business as an llc/scorp? are there employee or revenue? number requirements. can i make a random self-employ business on the side and declare it is an llc?

unfortunately, but thank god, i'm not a 5 foot spic

don't make any money

learn to live off less and less

this just proves that rich people are parasites and the middle class is getting fucked

pretend u dead

Attached: big baby.jpg (351x351, 10K)

asians are the new middle class, who fucking cares about them.

at least rich people are still majority white

The one true solution that all governments should follow to become utopia: flat % tax on all services and products sold.
No deductions no gibs no nothing but this flat tax to cover military/police/firement/essential services(courthouses), disaster response, etc

The one true utopia.

actually most white people I know are lower class now

Be very, very careful with LLC. The "LLC" corporate veil is much easier to pierce in a legal proceedings sense. If you're serious, you're going to want to consider full incorporation.

can you also get employed as an LLC/SCorp instead of an individual?

itt: ways to end up like joe stack

literally who

Go offgrid. Get yourself a van and strap some solar panels on top.get a membership at a 247 gym for showering.they will laugh at you but you will save a lot of money

fucking nu/pol/

Trick is to always have two and never let them know about eachother.


i should make a thread on this feb 18. joe stack day. probably will get slid

>do you just get paid under the table
"cash in hand only"
>simply stop filing
yes but you also need to prevent other kinds of record-keeping involved with your work. if your boss is paying fair taxes and you're on the books ANYWHERE you're fucked.
>use tax loopholes?
not rich enough yet

The subcontractor trick is used by poorfags too when the
employment and tax laws are too retarded.