How to cope with being ignored, ghosted, and not being good enough

anons i dont get it. i asked a guy if he wanted to hang out with me and he said yes. 2 days ago i asked him wehre he wanted to go and he hasn't texted back in almost 2 days.

i can't stand this ghosting stuff. why do people do it? why not just say that you're not interested romantically.

this has happened so many times. it makes me feel like quiting dating all together. i can't enjoy life constantly worrying about if im going to find 'the one'. it just ruins everything. i want to go back to being carefree.

i guess its possible he just is busy and hasn't responded because of that.

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OP again

lets be real though there's no such thing as people being too busy to text. its absolute bullshit.if someone doesn't respond they ignored it.

Now you know how men feel. Girls do this all the time.

Yep. Boohoo. Try getting ghosted by dozens of people. You would kys you lil weak bitch.

Where are you meeting these men? Tinder?

>i can't stand this ghosting stuff. why do people do it? why not just say that you're not interested romantically.
Tell me about it user: ghosting is the worst. Id rather suffer a fusillade of abuse than just nothing.
Its not so bad if its at the start of a relationship but when you get ghosted after a few months its just baffling and horrible.
>this has happened so many times. it makes me feel like quiting dating all together. i can't enjoy life constantly worrying about if im going to find 'the one'. it just ruins everything. i want to go back to being carefree.
ooeh, youre not an ex whore are you? Remember, youve got a ticking clock in your belly and every few years it ticks down another baby.
Idk how old you are but all the best men are gonna be well gone by the time youre 27.

You sound like a teenager incel.

no im the opposite. how is being rejcted and ghosted multiple times insinuate im a whore it should imply the opposite.

it depends on how you define 'best men'. im not looking for the best men. im willing to settle for a guy whith a minimum wage job who is 27 and lives iwth his mom as long as he just loves me. i dont have high standards. he could be short and skinny i dont care. i just need to have something in common with him

This is standard situation. He isnt into you and doesnt want to have sex nor relationship with you. Move on.

You are like pic related, but he already has his own card and doesnt want yours :-D

And you sound impatient, desperate and codependant or clingy. You gotta dial these down in order to not scare bois away.

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List your pros and cons. What kind of gf would you be? Why should a guy want you?

thats nice senpai. I guess youre right, a millionaire chad is gonna settle for a 32 year old washed up cunt who has had 200 dicks over a 21 year old who has had 3 boyfriends. Yeah, that makes sense.
I cant believe people even argue this point anymore. If I were some incel surely id want girls to be more slutty not less.
>how is being rejcted and ghosted multiple times insinuate im a whore it should imply the opposite.
I didnt get it from that I got it from
which says, to me, a girl who "just wants to have fun" etc.
Still, if youre a good girl then good on you and stick by that. If youre meeting on tinder you might be getting ghosted for not putting out. Tinder, and to a lesser extent all other online dating, is about meeting up as soon as possible and deciding whether or not to fuck.
idk where you can meet blokes who want to have a proper gf. If I knew then id hang out there.

You are literally spewing every meme of teenager virgin incels of Jow Forums.

ok senpai nice discussion
sure proved me wrong

The average age for getting married is around 30. You obviously are a teenager, since you think by 27 everyone is married and with kids.

>You obviously are a teenager, since you think by 27 everyone is married and with kids.
Where'd I say I thought that?
>The average age for getting married is around 30.
and the average marriage ends in divorce.
I said that the best men marry younger girls and you cant dispute this. Younger women are more attractive with better prospects for kids. Are you seriously gonna disagree?
If you want a better marriage which is less likely to end in divorce then marrying younger is more likely to result in that. Marriage satisfaction and stability is directly correlated with previous partners and age. This isnt a necessary hard and fast rule its just a likelyhood.

Do you have a source for this? Because the exact opposite is true. Marrying young greatly increases the chances of divorce.

Ghosting is the lazy way out for people who can't say no, you already know what that means.
First of all, you have to go through a lot of dirt and rock to hit gold, and dating is no different, these sour experiences improve you as a person for one and are a condolence prize in a "huh, I guess it's good it happened now and not later in a relationship" sort of way.
Second of all, while you should definitely keep trying you should try and not worry about finding 'the one', don't center your life around the act of searching for 'the one', go about your life and do it as a side project, upgrade it into your main focus if it's going well and in a serious direction.

yeah its called 10 seconds of google.
The worst ages are late 20s because its women marrying for the sake of from societal pressure. The best ages are 18-22.
The bigger correlation is previous partners which is obviously linked to age.

Attached: divorceage2014.png (600x336, 12K)

dont ask a guy out
let guys ask you out

you are annoyed because now you are filling the role of a man, as you can see its frustrating
dont drink the men and women are all the same koolaid, we have different roles to fill let men be men and you behave like woman

What is the source for that graph and what is it supposed to represent?

Here’s a different one.

Attached: 981B17E4-506B-4545-B430-52F65B03A1CE.png (893x650, 12K)

>married at ages 15-19 has the highest divorce stats

Looks like 30-34 and 45-49 are the best ages?

Makes sense. Obviously getting married young runs a much higher chance of divorce. You'd need to be a brainlet incel to think otherwise.

no no by carefree i meant happy and only worrying about studying or when the next episode of my favorite show came out or something.

im not a whore at all but I dont blame you for thinking so im guessing you're assuming im some stacey. i have actually very little experience in teh dating world. i've only had 3 boyfriends in my life . i wasn't popular in highschool with guys and im not now im like a theater geek type and you guys are stereotyping me as some stuck up stacey i hate staceys and chads too i was bullied by them. dont mix me with them ugh

how do i get them to ask me out

i suppose i should just dress up more or what

i am a tomboy type and i sincerely hate dressing up and wearing makeup and heels. i live alone in the ghetto and i dont want to be approached by scary thugs i just want to be approached by normal innocent guys

what does the picture mean?

how do i stop being desperate when i am already 27 years old. i feel like i should just give up honestly. over 25 is already too late to get married there is too much competition and i am nowhere near pretty enough even with all the money i spend

not only that but my personality is too shy i will never be a people person

well i like video games and all that otaku stuff. im quiet and not a bossy overbearing type.

i've never been overweight and im on the shorter side. i dont think i have bad skin either.

i spend a lot of money on my hair so i think it looks decent.

i still worry that its 'too late' somehow for me. i can't explain why. i am not a whore though i have only had sex with two men in my life and im kind of old

no not tinder

>over 25 is already too late to get married

no it’s not. in fact women who get married after 30 have much lower rates of divorce. did you not see this?

Are you black?

But then again I’m not in high school.

Also people can only ghost you if you meet them

Meeting people online is pathetic.
Get some IRL hobbies.

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People are shitty. I've had a girl tell me she wants to hang out for over 2 months straight but constantly go back and forth between ghosting me and acting like she was interested. The one time I finally got her on the phone I openly told her straight up that I can handle being rejected and that if she wasn't interested she should just tell me.

But no, she insisted she wanted to hang out and see how it went. Here we are another month later and still haven't hung out.

I'm back to not thinking about dating and maybe something will just fall into place.

Wrong bro. You can get ghosted by people you met IRL. It happens all the time.

Because it's the way of saying not interested without actually saying it and people generally like to avoid such things because difficult and hurtful.
Think about it in other social contexts.
If you find someone trying to hold a conversation with you boring do you flatly tell them you are boring please shut up and go away? Maybe if you are a asshole but probably not, you've probably thought of more subtle and polite ways of saying that without saying that.

>tfw dream job
>ghosted after interview
feels fucking terrible man


If you are beat of a tennis club and you meet a person there and they stop turning up to the tennis club that is not ghosting.

You are retarded, honestly.


Also If you meet someone through your work they can;t not turn up because they don't want to fuck you.

Ghosting ONLY happens online and the people who use it are all fucking gormless faggots

I am being ghosted on and off by my efriends.

what do

get real friends, efriends are like ecelebrities

efriends are easy and i look ugly

>but when you get ghosted after a few months its just baffling and horrible.
Damn right.
Imagine 2 years, a good friendship and then suddenly ignored and blocked, no explanation.