Its almost like since this Jewish coal burning slut stopped making shittube videos that all the spam and discords raids...

Its almost like since this Jewish coal burning slut stopped making shittube videos that all the spam and discords raids on pol has stopped.
And fuck you mods for letting her do it.
And fuck all you people you support this degenerate piece of white trash.
REEEEEEE she has done more for the....yeah no, fuck you too.

Attached: eThots.jpg (1200x1649, 382K)

Weak bait. She has done more than you. Kill yourself shill.

>She has done more nigger dick sucking than you
well, no shit.
thanks for playing captain obvious

pretty good cosplay desu

I wonder how many pajeets she fucked.

I miss her regular videos. She was one of my favorites MTFs.

Attached: lauren southern nazbol 5.jpg (1080x1350, 111K)

Ask India. I am sure they would know the exact figure (unsurprisingly).

What I wouldn't give for her to use my mouth as a toilet

>lauren coalburner posting in 2019
Get with the times faggot