Its almost like since this Jewish coal burning slut stopped making shittube videos that all the spam and discords raids on pol has stopped.
And fuck you mods for letting her do it.
And fuck all you people you support this degenerate piece of white trash.
REEEEEEE she has done more for the....yeah no, fuck you too.
Its almost like since this Jewish coal burning slut stopped making shittube videos that all the spam and discords raids...
Weak bait. She has done more than you. Kill yourself shill.
>She has done more nigger dick sucking than you
well, no shit.
thanks for playing captain obvious
pretty good cosplay desu
I wonder how many pajeets she fucked.
I miss her regular videos. She was one of my favorites MTFs.
Ask India. I am sure they would know the exact figure (unsurprisingly).
What I wouldn't give for her to use my mouth as a toilet
>lauren coalburner posting in 2019
Get with the times faggot
A 4-6months ago this would reach post limit
don't worry when she comes back pol will be flood with this shit again
Lauren, while working for jewish owned rebel media, commanded a salary of 450k.
The entire budget of the Irish nationalist party was 250k.
Stop supporting ecelebs.
No she hasnt. She is a net negative to any serious movement.
>hey goys let's organise to take down this chick who makes videos redpilling normies
She wasn’t making 405K. That’s retarded.
her Jewish grandparents fled the Nazis in Denmark
Fuck you larp virgin fag, name one original idea this internet whore has had? All of her mediums and statements are regurgitated kike controlled opposition. Kill yourself leaf
You misspelled controlled opposition bog
reminder that she is part of the CSIS and she has the duty to subvert and pacify the american right-wing
Her Jewish grandad who fled the Nazi's in Denmark.
Her real last name is Simonsen which is danish jew
Google ~ simonsen danish jew. LOL
you cant make this shit up
What is with this dude’s look? A cheap red power tie with distressed jeans? Wtf
>What is with this dude’s look?
I fuck white girls look
Lauren's a woman. She had bad experience with a muslim lover, so she hates muzzies. If she biumped into a manly muzzy, she would be his good wife.
Women are emotional.
This is her grandfather as a younger man. Guess his occupation?
simonsen is a common last name in denmark
Twenty five threads about tulsi gabbard today. Sixty threads a day about how walls don’t work.
And you think the shilling has slowed down? Please tell me what drugs you’re on.
Her dad abandoned his name and took the name of his step father because Southern is less jewy
Can you imagine abandoning your dad's name for a complete stranger?