To whoever has listened to strange, scary dwave interviews saying processing will be done by "entities" in "alternate dimension": Brace yourselves. Satan and his demons will attack fullforce. May God have mercy on us. Things are accelerating it seems. Seek Jesus, the flood is upon us
>Jew on a stick Nigger you people say this every time something happens Don't you think people in Constantinople thought the flood was upon them when the Muslims blew open the walls and raped and enslaved everyone in the Hagia Sophia
Christopher Cook
Constantinople fell so that Orthodox would keep their faith and Pope not to corrupt all of Christianity.
Lucas Long
Probably this thing wikl be at the heart of the new internet. Imagine demons let loose in the interwebz. The agenda is progressing in a way that clear minded people will see that materialism is just a cover for something far more sinister. As described by scripture
Matthew Reyes
Look i'm going to be blunt. I was a low tier pleb who only had to pass some basic FBI background checks and there is shit out there in plain sight that was being thrown together that's beyond what we have currently. Military grade tech and computing is 30-50 years ahead and we get trickle down. Quantum computing is going to have very limited applications as it has none for the type of processing common to most end users.
Brandon Reyes
I'm trying to learn how to program on them and I haven't figured it out yet.
>Seek Jesus, the flood is upon us >worship a rabbi kek
Robert Martin
After closely following VR tech for decades, I can say with confidence that bleeding edge tech is shit. Consumer stuff blows experimental stuff out of the water. It takes years of polish to make something like epaper or lasers usable in any meaningful way. I expect it's the same with quantum tech.
Zachary Kelly
Quantum computing is for encryption hacking. If they plug ai into it though you will be working with demons. They literally don’t know why these things work.
Owen Myers
VR has no real applications outside model mockups. quantum computing has been around for awhile and the military was playing with 600mhz computers back in the 60's that had basic speech functionality
Jeremiah James
>Seek Jesus, the flood is upon us Fuck off christcuck. Your fictional god won't save you.
>scary dwave interviews saying processing will be done by "entities" in "alternate dimension" it's probably just a joke because QM is spooky to the layperson, literally all these things do is solve optimization problems very efficiently. you might as well claim your fucking microprocessor is possessed by satan, because that's what someone 200 years ago would claim
Jonathan Roberts
Why are you so scared?
Theist beliefs and dogma also refute themselves with simple logic.
Psalm 147:5 "Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit."
Colossians 1:16 "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him"
Theist claim that their god is omniscient but also claim that they are given free will.
This is not possible as an omniscient god would know all states past present and future and thus all information would exist in a closed system where all probable outcomes are predetermined through gods will alone.
It also refutes any possibility of an oppositional force such as satan as all creation is for god and of gods will. god and satan are one and the same.
Don't worry yourself over quantum states and entanglement if you truly believe.
Alexander Rodriguez
I'll just tame them and become a demon tamer like in my favorite video games
Infinite realities, one of your beliefs could take this into account.
Zachary Roberts
>Quantum computer >powered by electricity
0/10 not even subverted. "Quantum" is a buzzword that literally means nothing. It is used as a filler word when describing concepts that not even physicists understand.
>all these things do is solve optimization problems Aka, almost everything that a conscious human does at any given moment. I mean, quantum computing in its current form seems to be pretty lame, but don't sell the concept short.
Levi Murphy
>the military was playing with 600mhz computers back in the 60's that had basic speech functionality hahaha no
Cameron Ross
So QM computer thing is going to let me summon my Wow toon as a rl succubus?
Joshua Wood
Q predicted this Q.
Carter Ortiz
You retard that's not what the "Quantum" stands for.
Carson Walker
It's about quantum computing you imbecile not quantum mechanics.
Grayson Lopez
Jesus is Logos you stupid shitskin. KYS
Daniel Reed
Why should extra dimensional beings be regarded as demons? We would appear as demons in the second dimension. Imagine we drop a ball through into it. They would see a dot that gradually turns into a circle and back into a dot before disappearing. It would appear as witchcraft. It's all god's creation either way if you subscribe to the various doctrines as they all contain multiple clauses invoking ultimate authority.
>Why should I care about gay marriage >were all just people
The faster my computer chip the worse the world gets.
Colton Adams
By scripture or man a reckoning at hand either way.
Henry Perez
"Quantum" has no actual connotation or denotation, retards. You could argue that it means "quantity" but unfortunately such a thing has no place in reality. Quantity of what? It's all electrical. A conjugate of magnetism and dielectricity. The "particle accelerator" is nothing but electricity and magnets...really large super-cooled ones. A "Quantum" computer as far as I can tell does nothing more than calculate more "ons and offs" by use of another sort of pressure mediation.
My processor is a demon. Its just, contained. It's not sentient. An electronic servant.
James Peterson
One was witnessed the other is a dream
Jacob Clark
It means superposition. Instead of being a 1 or a 0 a Qbit is 01 11 00 01 simultaneously. It's useful for high end math and little else right now.
Sebastian Anderson
>My processor is a demon. My processor is intelligent sand.
Asher Hill
Demons are beings/objects that compute a finite conception infinitely. Completedness are not admissible for demons. Each demon can be represented by a single choice of metaphysic or preposition. Each ignoring Grace, but allowing for the illusion of supreme explanatory power.
Justin Wilson
quantum computing uses on and off but also uses a 3rd thing that is neither on or off. i'm not sure what they call the third thing
Aaron Nguyen
We are so fucked
Encrypted things BTFO Literally everyone on suicide watch. Don't want this fat fucking quantum computer cracking passwords and encryption keys in seconda. Fuck
So what about the principle of "Quantum superpositioning". If it meant what you say it means then wouldn't this be a redundant term? Like I said, "Quantum" literally has no actual meaning. It's a buzzword. "Quantum foam", "Quantum computer", Quantum this that and the other. Perhaps they should stop huffing Quantum glue and maybe we'll get some actual explanations.
I have been beyond our realm successfully a few times. Whatever I met was not ruminating on a concept. I became one with a mass of great tentacles reaching out from a behemoth traveling the currents of space time like some leviathan of legend. I observed the sacred heart in all it's splendor and released my will and ego and experienced the dissolution and death of the self. No explanations.
Justin Kelly
Funny I it seems ever time a new technology comes around Christians cry demon and nothing happens. They said the same about radios, tv, and the fist computers. Geez how do people still fall for this crap.
Luis Brown
You have replies explaining to you what exactly they mean by the computer shown in the article and yet you still act like a total retard. For what purpose?
Michael Taylor
>They said the same about radios, tv, and the fist computers They were right three times in a row.
I'm sure they have no clue either since none of their bullshit about "discrete quanta" have any real place in reality. Just like a quantum computer, which nobody seems to understand how it functions or the principles behind it other than "it calculates special maths.
Did anyone ever tell you that math doesn't actually explain reality? It can't, the universe doesn't work off of language. It doesn't plug numbers into a calculator. Humans are the ones that do that shit, and all it does is RECORD the result of what actually happens.
I don't know if you noticed but the world hasn't ended. Also no such things as demons maybe it's because I don't go looking for them like you jew volcano worshipers. Ever consider that you might worship a demon?
Jordan Martinez
Free will is just moving through the time dimension using choice
Knowing what is in front of you when you take a step forward doesn't mean it's impossible
Jonathan Gray
A computer alone doesn't imply multiple binary states on or off. A quantum computer (mister quotations) does.
Caleb Davis
20 qbits
Yeah ok.
Sebastian Ramirez
Now we have single moms castrating thier sons and not only that creating a wound that never heals for men to fuck. Na tv’s not evil bro.
Andrew Turner
The entire idea behind the workings of QBits is unpredictability you mong. In generation of randomness of certain things it may produce something familiar to us or it may not. Think about cryptography and how much it would do for the field. It would generate randomness that is truer than we already possess.
Henry Gomez
It's an infinite ruminating on all interpretations BASED on their original conception. They can be quite composed and gentlemanly. But they are cursed with their permanent Lack.
Jaxon Cox
>hey chaim we can make money if we call the new rig a quantum computer >but shlomo, it's not a quantum computer >chaim, I said we can make money! >oh, yeah, i'm sorry, you're right >*mutual handrubbing intensifies*
Carter Cruz
user you have to think about it from a normie perspective as well. They need catch all terms because the world of entanglement is such that the more you think you know about it the less you actually do.
Quantum math allows us to reach ballpark figures for extremely complex math in insane time frames. The applications can range from simulations to error correction to cryptography to meta materials. We are slowly clawing at more answers as to why things work and at the same time revealing ever more questions.
Jace Cox
Someone will use one to break the encryption used by banks all over the world and they’ll bring civilization to it’s knees. There is no code that cannot be broken by one of these QC.
Nathaniel King
We are being colonized by silicon lifeforms.
These silicon lifeforms are gateways to ((they))
((they)) use silicon lifeforms to interact with our minds and program us.
Saudi has given citizenship to ai. Fuck you oil niggers.
Carter Sanders
They call it, “both” on and off faggot.
Justin Price
you mean dildos, kike worshipper. YWHW isn't real faggot
Kevin Campbell
Jews have been choping up boys parts for ages and they didn't have tv. Yet I'm sure your fine with circumcision even though it's just as demonic
Jayden Howard
That pasta is just for people dragging demons into the picture. If you want to take scripture literally you can paint it as a predetermined universe since omniscience can lead to funny little paradoxes like that. The infinite universe rebuttal was apt.
Jack Foster
>$159,999 lol holy shit I wonder if it can play Crysis. I am kinda interested in their new line of laptops though now that they are back. Wonder why they refused to call it the Thinkpad.
Andrew Perez
The entire idea behind the workings of QBits is unpredictability you mong. So there is no explanation? >In generation of randomness of certain things it may produce something familiar to us or it may not. Lol. A machine that does nothing. >Think about cryptography and how much it would do for the field. It would generate randomness that is truer than we already possess. >the grand unified theory is lol random! Quantum mechanics is materialism with a touch of psychosis and insanity
what powers the fucking computer? what powers CERN? If your answer doesn't have "electricity" and "magnets" in it then you're a fucking moron who doesn't know what he's talking about.
“Q” is a quantum computer anons...there...I said it...I let it out of the bag. God help me...they’ll be after me now. I did it for you my fellow anons! I did it for you!
Samuel Rogers
Fuck you kike, Christ or bust.
Austin Smith
You assume too much. Mutilation is not ok. Laughing at it is not ok. Real Christians know we have been duped by guess who.
Xavier Moore
Fuck you tranny, burn in hell.
Kayden Peterson
Nathan Kelly
I recommend you read, “Spooky Action at a Distance” and then get back to me user. I don’t feel like teaching you the prerequisites necessary to converse with me about this topic. I’m simply not that patient of an user.
Austin Cook
You are not prepared.
Oliver Hughes
>Something that doesn't exist is generated and now exists >Lol. A machine that does nothing. >So there is no explanation? You can continuously dismiss the good amount of explanation given in this thread or perhaps even do your own research because you certainly haven't debunked anything with your smug facade of a personality.
Or perhaps we have hit a hard cap in your iq at the start of this thread...
Ayden Rodriguez
Correction, was. Lol amiright?
Elijah Wright
>“both” on and off faggot. thats a long name. they should call it something different and less offensive
Jayden Peterson
Give me a time and place so I will be.
Caleb Ross
Hermaphroditism was taken.
Mason Barnes
Not after he was baptized by John :^)
Josiah Young
If you are educated read the Bible it’s a nice collection of philosophies that are undeniably beneficial to yourself and mankind even if y0u don’t believe.
Juan Scott
He died a Jew bornagain christian.
Leo Brown
Jeezus was a fictional character invented by the Romans and placed back in time for the purpose of quelling the rebellion in Judea. The Flavius family played a key roll in this most successful deception in human history. The character of Jeezus was based on the life of Titus Flavius. Jeezus never was a real person who walked this earth. It’s all a lie. Oxford University scholars agree with me on this anons.
Camden Jenkins
"spooky action at a distance" was never explain which is specifically why it has the term it does. The dielectric field is your fucking "spooky action at a distance". Furthermore you're gonna have to reify "space" and "time" as things that have properties otherwise you're basically talking about nothing but imaginary concepts.
no explanations, only broken records with no primer. Speaking of primers, since QM GR and Special GR all are fundamentally based on an understanding of what "light" is and what it does, wouldn't it be really fucking hilarious if light was neither a particle nor a wave? But surely you can differentiate "light" from "illumination" correct?