I guess 5 million more poos are coming to replacement Americans
Lol polretards got cucked
This isn't working shills.
>Yup, got muh AR fur when I needz to overthrow that tierannilkhil gubmint. Imma jist waiten on the right moment for muh righteors indignation to light the fire under muh ass. It matters not that the country has not done right by me in keeping illegals out for over 50 years. That ain't tierannilkhil. Who cares the that gubmint has conspired to keep my wages suppresed while continuing to up the contributions to overseas shitholes, meaning my taxes keep going up. I could care less that there is no way to bring Democracy to adherent Muslims. Who cares how many trillion of muh hard earned pay has been burned in a fools errand to prop up Isreal. Nope. I got muh NASCAR, and muh AR and the natty ice is still cold. What's that you say? H1B visa? Fuked if I have ever heard about it, pass me the bottle of Oxy. Yup. One day that fukin gubmint is really gonna piss me off, and iza gunna rise up and tell em wass whut. One day....
You just don't fucking get it
We want skilled workers to immigrate
We don't want unskilled workers to rush the border
What is so hard for you to understand?
We aren't racist we just want the fucking country to improve by immigration, not turn to shit
You think nascar fags are on pol? You don't know who you're shillin' son
>We want skilled workers to immigrate
fuck off we are full
America is not the bastion of high thought you seem to think it is. You do need high IQ immigration to improve your gene stock long term, all modern nations seek to become smarter as a whole and brain drain is one of the ways. The best of india comes to the US, not the worst, from H1b visas
Otherwise you'll just coast at 104 average forever won't you?
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>We want skilled workers to immigrate