Why are we being told that "Labor shortage" is bad?
It is bad for kikes and business owners, but for ordinary men it's awesome! Labor shortage means higher wages, more job opportunities, you're less likely to be fired because it's hard to replace you!
Don't mean to go off topic but based on everything I know about human anatomy those two aren't accomplishing a damn thing.
Henry Reyes
This. After the Black Death in Europe living quality actually went up for the remaining peasants
Joseph Perez
I see you've never been to Japan
Ayden Foster
this is why Trump wants to stop illegal immigration
Jose Collins
Yes but ordinary men don't control the media or politicians and too many stupid people believe whatever they say.
Cameron Stewart
Labor shortage is bad if too many positions remain empty. Things like clean water stop flowing to the home. I seen a thread about the water treatment places having 80% of their workers age 50 or higher. How would it matter if a job offers 90k salary but nobody is qualified for the job.
Elijah Allen
business owners that profit from cheap labor vs. business owners that profit from the value of labor
guess which one has more power over media, the government, etc
Blake Lee
god i wish i was japanese
Grayson Brooks
Jobs will always move to where the cost of wages are lowest contra quality, if you decrease the amount of workers in a country, it will simply move to a region overseas (SEA) where there's plenty of adequately skilled workers. it's the cost of jewish globalism