If he's a jewish asset, why is there so much support for him here still with the /ptg/ threads etc? I browse Jow Forums /diy/ mostly so I'm not 100% sure about all this.
Why Support Now?
People call him a Jewish asset, a Saudi asset, a Russian puppet and in some circles and Chinese plant
He’s the boogeyman
/ptg/ is a kike containment board, but i support him for pissing off more leftists than every other politician in american history combined.
I guess that makes sense, I stopped coming here for awhile with all the spam threads and I don't like filtering out too many threads.
/ptg/ is a cult of npcs, even they don't know why they support him anymore, aside from the fact he's making le spicy tweets that trigger libtards, and because he's giving them a wall, I mean fence
Probably because you tried to troll there and got BTFO, now you needed your safe space, so you can thank OP while licking his nuts.
>calling anyone else a safe space
there are assets who want to strangle the statue of liberty to death then carve the meat from her bones, then there are assets who want to keep the sheep alive so they can take its wool every season
I just sit back and laugh really. Sometimes I participate while saging because there’s always something funny in those threads
Fair, just come on days big shit happens, spam threads stop for a few hours as shills and such freakout/rethink.