So I had to sit through a bunch of Hallmark movies with my mom and grandma over the holidays when I realized they're basically a window into the ideal white ethnostate. Most people just don't realize it.
>no niggers >no degeneracy >onscreen affection only goes as far as kissing, usually at end of movie >traditional values >Christian themes, sometimes overt like Christmas carols
Eli Perry
>he doesn’t appreciate his bus driver Nigger pls leave, this is a white man’s thread
Brayden Wright
Excuse me I have a car. In fact I had to park it almost a mile away because the roads all of a sudden got ridiculously slippery and I barely made it down the hill without doriftoing into an oncoming bus.
Lincoln Thompson
Honestly I know several middle aged women, and their husbands as well, who LOVE hallmark movies like an addiction or a replacement to something that's missing in their lives, but can't quite figure out why... At the most I have managed ironic racism around them like "heh, my grandma thinks/says....etc.." and they try to do me one better, but when I just flat out state facts, they clam up or say ' woah now hold your horses'
Kayden Mitchell
Hallmark generals and streams on /tv/ during the holidays were wholesome fun
Justin Thompson
the Hallmark men, though white, have professional jobs, or if they are trademen, are inheritors of the family fortune, or if they are "farmers" - run a vineyard and winery; they also own property and are handy around the house/farm/orchard/start-up/law firm/medical practice
they are also relatively christian and sensitive to women's feelings and need for personal growth
so, that's not really white nationalism, which often involves low-income types in trailer homes, race pride rallies with swatstikas, and physical altercations such as those which can be viewed on re-runs of Jerry Springer
>or a replacement to something that's missing in their lives That's exactly it. We just need to make them understand why they feel this way and how it came to this. We need something like the "remember what they took from you" meme, but for middle-aged white women.
>white nationalism, which often involves low-income types in trailer homes speak for yourself fagoot
Angel Davis
I think they might know that's what was taken from them, but are just in denial like "it is what it is" kind of attitude. Helll the couple I'm thinking of has two white single moms for daughters and 4 half-mex grandchildren.