
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump hosts Border Security Roundtable 1/11/19
>VP Pence/DHSSec Nielsen speak to US CBP 1/11/19
>TrumpTV "Weekly" Update (Lara) 1/11/19
>TrumpTweet: Oath of Office 1/11/19
>TrumpTweet: From the Southern Border 1/10/19
>Pres Trump on Hannity 1/10/19
>Pres Trump arrives @JBAndrews 1/10/19
>Pres Trump departs TX 1/10/19
>Pres Trump meets w/Border Patrol Agents @Border 1/10/19
>Pres Trump Round Table on Border Security 1/10/19
>Pres Trump arrives in McAllen TX 1/10/19
>Pres Trump departs JBAndrews 1/10/19
>Pres Trump speaks before departing WH 1/10/19
>SoS Pompeo speech in Cairo Egypt 1/10/19
>TrumpWave: Crisis of the Soul 1/9/19

OP pastebin:

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ceviche was the best thing mexicans ever figured out how to do desu
>accidentally spill lime on fish
>it doesn’t get stinky like normal
>Mexicans almost throw it away because it doesn’t stink enough
>one of them tries it and doesn’t shit blood afterward
>friends make fun of him for not shitting blood after lunch
>realizes he can probably sell it to gringos at least
>makes a million dollars
Trump will declare the wall a national monument forcing all future presidents to service staff and maintain it in perpetuity like any other national monument. Magapedes of the future will make pilgrimages to the wall, it’s going to be great
Even if we don’t win the culture war in the end they’re not going to be able to erase the wall easily
For this reason I like to think of trumps presidency (at the very least) like white people drawing a big fat veiny dick in the history book before we get btfoed

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Mueller will soon knock on this faggot's door, wanting to interview him. This is how sad the left has become.

do you leik my meme frens?
I fixed it

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>tfw Jewish genes

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>For this reason I like to think of trumps presidency (at the very least) like white people drawing a big fat veiny dick in the history book before we get btfoed
It wouldn't be the first time, nor would it be the most literal.

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The Media is shilling and shilling but I refuse to believe that these 800k federal workers are not majority democrats. Regardless of how they vote they're essentially Dem pawns to try and force the Republicans to cave (I don't think they will for at least another weak)

Will his Russian girlfriend be able to tell us who will be in the next Smash Bros update?!

Federal workers are like 95% Democrats, as is DC as a whole.

I - I guess we did dab on the midterms, didn't we?

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fucking based


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I really like that one!

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Boy this is a lot of snow in some places. I wonder how it will affect early week events.

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When is this Trumpnigger gonna build the wall? With enough migrants America will vote for crap that will affect the world as well like that fucking Hillary bitch. Make this shit happen you mutts.

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I could tell my parents were getting worked up over this CNN shitpiece talking about the shutdown
The persuasion move was to say do you think this asshole gives a fuck about the “working class”? These people have nothing but contempt for the American middle class, who do you think voted for trump

I don't believe white people will ever go extinct. Too intelligent and ruthless to allow it when things get desperate. Too many independent thinkers from the brainwashing. Even on current trends (which of course can be changed) there will be a point when the majority of whites left will realise that being called racist is not worse than death.

This whoIe Russia thing seems pretty weird. First of aII, the CoId war is over and the Soviet Union has coIIapsed. What is Ieft of Russia is a tiny fucking country with an economy smaIIer than ItaIy. WouId anyone ever accuse ItaIy of running the worId and getting Trump eIected? No.
Second, China is a way bigger power and is growing much faster. They have the money to actuaIIy do something Iike this. HeII, if Russia actuaIIy ran it, then it wouId most IikeIy be on the behaIf of China, with China paying for it aII and giving out the orders. Comparing Russia to China is Iike comparing Denmark to aII of the EU. If one of the two are behind something, it's not the fucking smaII one.
Third, if Russia is actuaIIy medIing in things as hidden geniuses, then they are probabIy supporting HiIIary and the democrats. Accusing themseIves of beig with their enemy, Trump, is the perfect cover to hide what they are reaIIy doing.

>(I don't think they will for at least another weak)
Another weak what you fucken brainlet?

We will survive and endure, but it remains to be seen if we will ever be sovereign again once we lose our majorities

No, but seriously, why doesn't he just release the FISA?

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Thanks, those are very interesting points.

because we'd essentially have to declare war on the UK

Basically it would collapse the governments of Ausfailia and the UK by revealing the complicity of their glownigger agencies. He's waiting for Brexit to finish so he can inflict maximum pain.

Because he has to kill all kiwiniggers first because you faggots are genetically incapable of making a decent milkshake
>it’s sugar syrup foam with ten pounds of air bubbles
Who the FUCK would eat a kiwi milkshake on purpose

Not sure. He's probably been (((advised))) by counsel to not release them.

Theresa May begged him not to release

I delivar fren

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>you now remember the last time white people were pushed this hard they went on a thousand year rampage raping and pillaging the world

>snowniggers FEAR the 90 degree winter

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Silence on RT... really makes you think.

deep state is threatening him with muh obstruction if he does

>tfw (((one))) drop rule bans entry to the ethnostate

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>listening to women

Im ok with this

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God i hope that jew prays for mercy like asking for a real shoah

much better
thank you for cropping the previous panorama

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>90 degree winter
Africa tier and not aryan or based.

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The democrats should have picked China as their scapegoat instead of Russia. Only boomers with their James Bond fanfiction believe that Russia is still the enemy.

Digits and after the FISA declassification we annex the UK and Australia, with Trump personally executing Elizabeth.

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That part isn't necessary. Its a command and an interjection all in one.

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>russian media not publishing western anti-russia propaganda

this means something

Yep, I remember the Cold War... *sips*

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I’ve been getting snow for a few hours now, I love it.

Woke up from my nappy with the wife watching some film about RBG on CNN. Just about had a heart attack thinking that she had died while I slept and I was missing the party. I'm a bad person.

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Will there be vegemite and tea being tossed into the sea?

because it's bad enough that we are probably going to either leave nafta or kick the UK out of nafta


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>attack on one nato country is an attack on all
>US is the only nato country with a functioning military
>US attacks britain, is forced by treaty to defend britain from the US
>US wages nuclear war against itself while Europe is completely unaffected

That is awesome.

Thanks fren
Made a Ginsburg one too

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>nitpicking a spelling mistake on Jow Forums

Back to plebbit

>id: Jose
I gotta go back

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>If we don't go to war with Russia then muh Battlefield 3 fantasy will never become a reality.

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>Just about had a heart attack thinking that she had died while I slept and I was missing the party. I'm a bad person.
she died last year user

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i am CONVINCED it came from an illiterate slave owner trying to show a slave where he came from on a globe/map

So all of rap music is cultural appropriation?

>Jow Forums's fanfiction is in the dossier
this never gets old. We managed to get fanfiction into the fucking dossier that started this whole fucking bullshit. What a smoking gun for it being completely made up

>then they are probabIy supporting HiIIary and the democrats.
They do! Who else but the (((democrats))) are better at causing chaos in America?

>Trump personally executing Elizabeth.
make that killing the british rothschild splinter family instead

I actually don't care at this point. My shit government deserves it.


German blood. Good stuff.

It’s joker ya goof

Thats funny, I was on a date with a russian girl and she said that Hillary clinton gave the russians 20% of usa uranium and the whole trump russia thing was to draw everyone’s attention to another direction, thats wierd!

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>we'd have to save the UK citizens
sounds good to me
>and rip the guts out of lizard ppl crime syndicates
yes yes sounds very good there go on
>and remove kebab from the UK
awesome good stuff there
so where's the downside to that, user?

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>There is a widespread belief that the original meaning of nigger, as defined in dictionaries, was "an ignorant person," and a related belief that current dictionary definitions describing its use as a hateful, racist epithet are a recent change. We do not know the source of those beliefs, but they are not accurate. The word was first included in a Merriam-Webster dictionary in 1864, at which time it was defined as a synonym of Negro, with a note indicating that it was used "in derision or depreciation." There has never been a definition like "an ignorant person" for this word in any subsequent dictionary published by this company. Nor do we know of such a definition in any earlier dictionary.

...did you mean NATO?

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fuck meant NATO my bad

Trumy is a dummy, desu

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You know, that's probably why Trump has been so unconcerned with Mueller. All those "here's how the peepee tapes got published" timeline infographics would be admissible in court if Mueller tried to charge him with anything. It would get the entire dossier thrown out and the charges dismissed for lack of foundational evidence.

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They're hoping to upload her consciousness into a mainframe, nullifying the need for future justices.

So painfully unfunny

>milkshake heresy
time to turn them into glass pronto

Shut up nigger

user, you need to rethink your life.

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I really don't even.

Yeah they do.

Not only is he smarter and richer than you, but he's the president and you're not.

so i just turned off the fox thing
i think the regulartory framework needs to be further deconstructed before i'm willing to contribute my intellectual knowledge to the improvement of anything.


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Yo want to hear something sad?

it's hard to obstruct justice for a crime that was never committed

How long do you think it'll last? I hope it's a full month at least

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>not fearing 90 degrees

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>when is Trump building wall
Already under construction.

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I'm honestly not sure why he doesn't release the FISA, unless he's currently got investigations going on into those things and it would disrupt them.

Are you allowed to get this haircut if you’re not in the military?

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the left is now the tinfoil hatters

Sources say she's already dead. Can you provide proof of life?

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Walls work
