Name a better brother bond

Pro-tip: YOU CAN'T

Attached: US and Canada.png (800x600, 157K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Australia and America

Attached: aus bro.jpg (359x600, 96K)

Attached: brettygoodteam.png (1020x888, 562K)

I wish. Both founding fathers were based but now only America admires theirs.

alcohol and

fuck off
your cut dick looks like it was dipped in acid

Attached: 300px-Inflammation_of_the_glans_penis_and_the_preputial_mucosa[1].jpg (300x225, 11K)

Canada has a founding father? You mean the King of England or something?

Attached: JOHN A MACDONALD.jpg (1000x1272, 389K)

Why didn't they listen?

Scarnon cunt