>T-T-Trump will build the wall
>that will stop immigration

Attached: ZOGnald Trump.jpg (1048x1706, 595K)

damn, I knew i should've voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election

>tfw need 3 saw blades, 2 batteries and a generator to cut through that in 5 hours

Attached: 1547344582142.png (191x263, 4K)

It's not working Moshe, request a transfer to Redit duty

>turns out tools designed to cut steel are indeed able to cut steel

Why are Australians such morons?

>literal kitkat fence
Oh my fuck

Attached: 2aca2f05e3aae3fe9010a711b015913e2c3926e52523b72034a0d3974047e2d9.gif (500x455, 479K)

any tool that can cut that in under a minute can be heard from a mile away

Attached: 1544141181795.png (1321x1209, 599K)

Attached: 1544141190468.png (759x795, 618K)