Hey anons. So I’m basically a recluse that doesn’t leave my house at all, has no friends because of it, literally just draws all day and is about one tablet pen away from a mental breakdown and I’d like to know just... how can I get out of this cycle? I don’t think I’m devastatingly ugly, but I can’t help but feel constantly insecure because I’m what you’d call ‘plus sized’. Not fat enough to be lost in a blubbery mess, but not small enough to be considered thin. (Pic related is me)
I find anxiety in everything I do and I just don’t want to live like this anymore. Any advice on getting a life is appreciated. Love you guys, you’ve always been a bunch of chill bro dudes.
Hey anons. So I’m basically a recluse that doesn’t leave my house at all, has no friends because of it...
you’re definitely not ugly, user, not to a lot of people at least kek
maybe do something new and exciting with your hair or maybe change up your look and just jump into the party scene
you’ll be aight
Are you a girl? Do you have a timestamp?
First thing you gotta do is leave the house. I don't care what you do just do it. Even if you don't want to, do it anyways. If you like drawing then go draw in a park or a cafe or something. Just as long as there are people around. After a while of being around the people you can start talking to some of them. Say you go to a cafe 3 times a week and start to recognise the people who work there and they recognize you. If they are not too busy you can show them one of your drawings. Maybe even show them a bunch of your drawings. Make sure you introduce yourself and get there name. Now you can make some small talk with them when they come in. Ask how they are doing or something. If you get along well you may even become friends. Even if you don't become friends with them then you will have at least improved your social skills making it easier to talk to the next person.
Do you want a bunch of thirsty virgins telling you shit to boost your self esteem? If the privileged little white girl is anxious, then she should do drugs like everyone else.
Got it, thank you user. I hadn’t really looked at it from that perspective, making friends just from familiarity. I hadn’t thought of that and I’ll definitely give it a try. Once again, thank you. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. If you have anything on building up self esteem I’d love to hear it :)
I’m actually a pasty taco :(
But yeah I’ll add that to the bucket list, thanks pal
You're fine user. Average as far as things go. Hit the gym talk to people there or at some artist fair or something and human interaction will be yours.
1) Go outside
2) There's no way you don't have any internet friends that you can someday meet up with
3) Go outside
I’m gonna hit the gym so hard I get arrested for an unarmed assault, Godspeed user.
I’m a teafag with exclusively leaf fag/freedom fag friends, I probably wouldn’t have enough money to see them any time soon, so that’s the main grit of my problem on that :(
And as for going outside- it’s Britain, everyone probably has PTSD of the Black Plague with how hard they avoid people.
Going outside doesn't necessarily mean interacting with people. The point of it is to just not sit in the same room 24/7.
Go to your public library, maybe read a book on drawing or whatever, maybe just leech off WiFi, possibly talk to people that don’t look like they’re busting their asses off on work.
Also go to the gym so you’ll be healthier.
In both cases, you don’t have to talk to anyone, just gtfo of your room.
Honestly this. Working at the library is one of the few things that still has me going out.
Also you look underage. I’d fix that before posting here again.
I’m 23 :( Do I seriously look that young? Yikes I’ll put on make up next time. But also I’ll keep that in mind, thank you!
Got it thank you anons! :) Well I’m done here, I’m gonna skidaddle.
Must be the 'mones
>putting month before day
Anyway how old are you op? You look young 18+ here
You look like a boy in a wig. Are you trans?
Also where i live the attractive girls actually go for runs outside instead of going to gym. No joke running makes women look way more attractive then gym workout just makes you really thick. Good Luck OP.
You're hot I'd pump you full of cum
This user is gonna abduct you while you run outside, do not run outside alone.
I bet she'd be down with it thougj
Can confirm, have made friends working as a barista
These responses are gold.
I find that the little victories, day-to-day, really helped to boost my perception of self worth.
It can be something as simple as planning to go to the tech store to grab a new HDMI cable, and then actually doing it.
It might seem trivial, but coming through on things I planned to do, no matter how small, really helped me.
Eventually I was able to move towards long-term planning and really important goal setting.
I want a car, so I'm working towards getting one; some days at work can be very hard, but I know what I'm working towards, and that kind of feels rewarding in and of itself.
I'm finally starting to feel like I have some control over my life, and it's exciting.
Well, most of us men have to be alone for most of our lives, and I fear that I too have become a bit of a recluse. Seeing as you are a woman, it kind of surprises me to see a reclusive woman since most women I know (and I know quite a lot, despite being a bit of a recluse) are pretty social, no matter what they look like. Well then in my case I just stick to working on my career, which is becoming a pilot for pic related, and I lift along with watch anime and play vidya along with collecting 1/200 scale airplane models along with getting schoolwork done and reading as much as I can from Nietzsche, my aviation textbooks, the bible, comics like Mortadelo y Filemon, manga like FMA and Berserk, Don Quijote, the Divine Comedy, mythologies like the Arabian Nights, Greek works, the Mahabharata, etc. And of course I love to travel to other countries like my ancestral lands in Spain or to faraway places like Australia and Japan. You just have to do what you love and seek better things like knowledge, strength, and bettering yourself. thats how us men do it. For you, I would just recommend working on yourself, and learning skills that would impress a man. also go outside too it helps
Judging from the pics you probably aren't that fat. This is what I would call fat. You have a nice face and pretty hair
If you go to the gym, I recommend starting with a personal trainer to get comfortable in the place and comfortable exercising. They will help push you so you can find your limits too.
Do people here not realize that OP is literally a boy in a wig? That's not a real woman.
Get on a dating site(POF,Tinder,etc)
Give your number to a guy who asks for it
Bam you'll be leaving the house and have someone who is willing to expand your horizon and probably even wants to be your Boyfriend
>dating sites
Yeah inflate her fucking ego, fuck tinder and anyone who uses that, then don't be surprised when OP comes back and complains she can't find a man to settle with.
you wanna be my gf?
First of all, you’re fat.
Own it and do something about it.
Get Jow Forums
Cute face. Would creampie
You're fine OP, just follow your heart, be patient, but also be explorative and try new things. You'll find somehow you love who also loves you, I promise that.
You should go jogging or visiting a gym at least two times a week to work on your physical appearance. Although you don't look fat, it's still necessary to boost your confidence and also makes you feel fit. You mentioned that you like drawing. It's really easy to make friends with people that share the same interests. For example look for a drawing club or something similar. Lastly, don't listen to the people advising you to use drugs.
>Just b yurself
By far the absolute worst Jow Forums you can give
I mean... who else are you going to be...?
Nah in reality that's fine advice for girls. It's not so much for guys since deep down what a woman wants is the guy to behave in a way that portrays he doesn't trust her and doesn't care to talk about himself.
Just be the happiest and fullest version of you. Sometimes that means optimization, sometimes it means feeling secure in yourself and not fretting over what others perceive of you or how you perceive yourself, sometimes it means curbing the parts of yourself you refuse to accept as being part of you.
Honestly I get you're point, but I'm reluctant to agree that the advice is bad.
OP clearly feeling insecure (as we all are to varying degrees) and my advice for her is to not wallow in it, and just be herself. Herself is fine desu, and also pretty cute, but in general insecurity isn't super dope, and wherever it stems from (lack of qtbf?) will be easier for her to figure out once she accepts that the feelings of anxiety are mostly balogna.
This board is full of desperate virgins so they dont care or notice
Cute face, you remind me of a UK thot I used to e-date. Same situation as yours, even looked the same as you. I guess social recluse girls all have the same kinda look to them, you feel me?
Anyway I'm appalled how shitty Jow Forums advices you in this thread. Go to gym, go to events, go "be social"? It's like these people are living on a different fucking planet.
The 1st advice from me is clean up your nutrition. I don't mean diet, I hate that word. I genuinely mean nutrition. Less carbs, no sugar, less salt, drink only water and plenty of it, more vegetables and less dairy. Your aim should me 1500 calories a day. Invest in a food scale and count calories. It's not hard.
Advice number 2 is don't oversleep. 6-7 hours of sleep is ENOUGH for anybody. I work full time, gym and sport 2 hours a day, write my second novel and I find 5-6 hours of sleep enough. There's a saying in my country, that long sleep is sister with death. Also a lot of sleep makes you look bloated and pasty.
Advice number 3 is clean your room. Even if you think it's clean now, revise and clean it again, this time better, and keep it clean all the time.
4th advice is drink enough water. I can't stress this enough. Aim for 2.5 liter of water a day, not counting water and liquids from other sources. I've seen people get literally cured from depression by revising their hydration habits.
This is all common sense shit that shouldn't interfere with your life in any way, yet make a tremendous difference once you stick to it. Good luck.
Can confirm. Slightly chubby, but not a landwhale, and cute face. Would inseminate.
This is a good post.
Start journaling too. Write about the things you like doing, even if you don't know want you want to be doing in the future, and write about things you would like to see happen in your life. Then, make a couple main goals based on this. They could be anything from, "make new friends," to "get a job I like," to, "get my art published," to, "learning [xyz] new skill," or whatever. Decide on how you want to make those things happen. Then, get a small notebook and each day, before you go to bed, make a to do list. The next day, do the things on your list. Even if they are small things, completing them will give you confidence and direction.
After a bit, see how your progress is coming. What is working? What is not working? What can you do differently? If something is holding you back, what can you do work your way around it? Etc..
To meet people, you can do so at random places with familiarity like user suggested, but you can also go to places where you share things in common with people. Maybe this is a local drawing meetup. Maybe it is an anime convention. Whatever. Go to wherever regularly, until you get to know the people there better, then ask the ones you like if they want to hang out sometime. Get their numbers and instigate hanging out with them. Go to a movie with them. Go play vidya with them. Go to the park. Whatever.
Also, get the fuck out of your house, as other user have said. Even if it's just drawing in a park, library, or cafe, as other user have said, just leaving your house routinely and re-entering the real world has stark impact for NEETs.
Hey guys, it’s OP :) I was checking adv to maybe ghost some other threads and saw mine spiked up again a little while ago so I’m back to clarify a few things.
I’m not trans or a boy, I’m just a little androgynous looking I guess? :( I didn’t want to wear any makeup for this because I feel like it’d be a little bit of a deceiving move to do that to you guys? I don’t like it when girls come here to fish for compliments so I tried to look as plain as I could but I guess it’s just a girl thing, I’m sorry anons :(
I really don’t like Tinder either way, its 80% dudes and gals looking to bone exclusively and I’m trying to form real connections, you know?
Just (you) or user as a collective?
Yeah! I guess we do. Kinda unkept, chubby and a little basic looking right? Haha, don’t worry I won’t deny it.
But also
>ah shit
Those are both things I hardly keep track of and honestly hadn’t thought about either. I don’t know my daily calorie count but I can assure you that usually I sleep 10-12 hours a day which now that I’m thinking about it, doesn’t seem healthy in the slightest. Okay, I’m gonna try applying these to my life right away. Thank you user, I hope you’re doing alright out there :)
God I really am that predictable.
But regardless, thank you as well. I appreciate the time you took to tell me this and I’ll definitely apply this to my life as well! I hadn’t thought about keeping a journal or setting up goals either, but I feel like if I read it back and realise it’s just a bunch of pages of “I played TF2 for five fours, ate a sandwich and passed out” I’ll instantly know I’m on the wrong path. Thank you, yet again!! :))
My dude, you're 100% trans. And that hair is clearly a wig. The size of your skull and face, you're not born female.
I’m born female, but believe what you want to I guess :( Nothing I can really do to stop you.
I don't know what he's talking about. There's nothing masculine about your face.
don’t give op more reasons to feel insecure user, she doesn’t look masculine at all
this is Jow Forums, we’re here to help not make things worse
I was a full blown neet for six years not leaving my house for longer than an hour at a time twice a week, I have been going to this hospital thing for fucked up people where I have to spend 9 hours every day plus the three hours of travel and I don't have access to a computer or my phone and I have to spend 4 hours in group therapy every day
Just going outside and being around people has helped me a lot but I'm so full of regret and resentment I want to fucking kill myself every moment of every day
It's fucking bizzare being happy one moment because you forgot how nice it feels to make another person laugh and the next moment you want to sleep for a week because you think about how you could have been doing shit like this instead of being miserable and alone
I was a NEET for around 10 years. I'm so used to it I don't feel any kind of sadness. But I do feel regret that I didn't start college sooner when I had the chance.
>devastatingly ugly
oh fuck off. you're not.
What's your ideal penis size? Would you be ok with 4 inches?
>I don’t think I’m devastatingly ugly
are you fucking illiterate user?
You’re very cute in my opinion. but modern society standards would see that otherwise as you can tell by the people here. if you just hold a standard and find love with someone who would be deemed “ugly” by society standards, you two would be very happy together, self consciousness dims away when you’re with someone you can relate to.
As for friends, you just have to put yourself out there in the right way. Maybe play video games, stuff like cs:go or Garry’s mod, social video games that it’s easy to get friends in. Social anxiety is a lot easier to tolerate in video games, and who cares if your friends are from video games or in real life. Who knows maybe you could find a relationship too.
> 6-7 hours of sleep is ENOUGH for anybody
Is this bait? It has to be, right?
as far as making friends go, it's very simple
-sign for a club that does some sort of activity you like, talk to the people there
-get a job, converse with your coworkers
-if you're in school, just talk to people in your classes
as for finding romance,
you are a below average looking girl, but you don't have the big-ugly; just flirt with guys in your league whether it be at the aforementioned places or honestly any public place
Would you like to be my gf?
why no job no school?
wat do u expect.
tinder pof?
any dating app.
get gym pass? bicycle.
Post a picture of your cock