Dont say get fit, i am already 8% bf
What would you do if you looked like this
Shave. You have a 7th grade weed dealer moustache.
Study hard in school so I could get a good job and buy sex
Shave. Get a decent haircut other than whatever the fuck that is. Smile more. Learn to carry s conversation.
What is a “decent haircut” ?
I am already studying hard but I don’t want to buy sex. I think that’s disgusting desu
I always go with a fade. Learn to style your hair. Generic af but not a combover wannabe. Like wtf is that?
Not gonna lie, but you look like a German paedophile through facial structure alone. I'm not entirely sure if a change in style will affect much.
after growing your hair out for a while you go to a barber that you can talk to, tell him you are looking for a new look. And that he should give you one, that doesnt make your already long face look even longer because that is what the undercut you are having right now is doing.
for sure shave, light haired beards only look good if they are dense, you are not yet there, squats and shaving will help. Getting fit doesnt mean, lower you BF (unless you are fat) it means build muscle, how much muscle do you have?
Get a good face cleaning habbit gooing like once a day in the morning or something and find the right product for you. i know you didnt have look with akne, but its ok you can have a nice face upper half already looks like the lady killer Cumberbatch.
What do you for a living, and how is your psychiological health? Any drugs?
Good idea thanks
I study social work and work part time in an industry. I take LSD every once in a while but other than that no drugs except some antidepressants.
Bone surgery
Can't afford it. I'm a student
Change hair (probs have it longer), shave, wear nice clothes, do something about my skin
You're cute AF, but WHY OH WHY this facial hair, you look like a 14 year old creep with that, wtf
Omygod! Your head is on sideways! Did you know that?
What part about me makes me cute?
Compare OP to pic related
Personally I'd dye your eyebrows a little darker. I know thats a bit high maintenance or whatever but it may help a lot. Also yes shave and skincare, you are not unattractive at all, just need a little more upkeep.
They're just pulling your leg - you don't look cute in a good way. Kinda autistic looking, and you remind me of the boys in my school when I was 14.
You don't hold your face well - your lips hang, start by controling that. Shave because you can't grow facial hair - once it grows in properly you should get a beard though; they really are sexy. My brother had a wispy teenager beard until 21 - yes, it sometimes takes that long (and he actually has really thick, beautiful hair on his head).
You're balding - apply coconut oil to your hair regularly and sort out your diet.
But most of all, get Jow Forums. You seen those butterface threads on /b/? You'll be the male equivalent of those girls. Can't change your facial asymmetry and ugliness, but you can always increase muscle mass.
Shave. Face cream. Buzzcut. Lift.
Shave those fucking pubes, exfoliate, lose the rat nest of hair, and moisturize, faggot. Growing a pair of testicles would help too.
Improve skin and haircut. Clean shave. Get tan. Smile.
Not sure if you have trouble growing hair, but you should go more hair or shave it bald. If bald, need thicker neck.
"Pic related" is nicer.
shave grow longer hair and smile
>8% bf
>the same as actually having muscles or being in shape
You are probably >15% bf and just skinny fat.
You can't get in shape with body exercises if you are skinny so you need to use some free weights.
Shave that stain from around your mouth.
Shave those pubes. Oh wait that's your beard!
shave the chickenshit facial hair and get your cheek acne fixed, go see a dermatologist
shave and comb your hair. also stop making the retarded babby expression.
also moisturize if ur gonna exfoliate
looks like part of your hair is trying to turn into a spider and escape your head