What is the ideal woman for 4/pol/?
some mentally ill cosplayer id assume also twitter should be tumblr and instagram and twitter should be the same thing in the middle
traps aren't gay
>Does what told to
>Keeps mouth shut most of time
>Doesnt whores around
This sounds so simple and common but try and find one
lol no but way to put yourself as a fucking homo lmao
Sissy shota cockslut
Big dick futa with massive knockers
2D > 3d
>blond hair
>blue eyes
>nice and sweet
>is Christian
>wears dresses with soft colors
>a real person that actually loves you for who you are not like the whores who leave in a week after they take your money
>extremely racist
>not wanting a partner in crime that enjoys the same mischief you do and raising the next generation of semi-autistic hellspawn
You have questionable taste fren.
this but unironically
t. cute sissy trans trap futa user
checked that dude is a confirmed fudge packer
Ideal male: Teddy Roosevelt (alternatively: Nyannan Cosplay)
Ideal female: pic related
Literally me god damn it
Emily Youcis.
Still waiting for feet pics. Such a bae.
>traps aren't gay
Dark times for boomers.
She was perfect user
>>extremely racist
This is so important for me. If a woman judges you for racism then you can never ever trust her for even five seconds.